Tuesday, April 14, 2009


It was my husband's birthday yesterday (he turned 38) and we weren't sure what we were going to do for dinner because of the situation that I posted about yesterday. Since the kids and I were totally fine to "go out" meaning no trace of anything..nada, we decided to go to dinner at his favorite Mexican restaurant. This is not a "fast food" Mexican place, it is totally authentic!! The food is yummy, and my kids love it there too! I didn't even have time to make him a cake, so he just went without one. Thank goodness he doesn't mind about stuff like that! I wanted to do more for him (like have a party), but with the crazy last few days we've had, everything pretty much got put on hold! Well, I can plan for a big "40" in a couple of years, right?

Veronica, Eli, & Daniel
Miranda & Isaiah
Daniel & Me. I look annoyed because my husband had the camera like five inches from our face at first..LOL.
Gabe & Miranda
Don't these nachos look slammin'? Both of my girls ordered their own!
Fajitas baby! I also had a plate of the rice & beans!
My husbands plate! LOL, it tasted better than it looks!
My oldest son and Daniel always order the cheese enchiladas except Daniel gets his "a la cart" without the beans and rice!
Then, you have Eli, who always orders just a plain hamburger!!! LOL!
There is drama behind this picture! Isaiah didn't know where to set our to go boxes down, and by this time, the kids were barely cooperating when I wanted to take their picture!


Susie said...

It looks like he had a GREAT birthday:-) That's awesome!

tiki_lady said...

well, happy belated birthday to your hubs! Your dinners ordered looks exactly like the menues that would arrive at our table too!

Stacy said...

Hope he had a great birthday! The food doesl look yummy! We ate Mexican last night:)

Beth in NC said...

Looks yummy to me! Happy Birthday to your man!

Anonymous said...

We LOVE Mexican food around here...boy does that look good in the pictures!

Happy Birthday to your hubby! My hubby will be 38 next month....yikes!!

Stephanie said...

i'm so behind on blogging...I"ll have to go and read the previous entry after I post on this one :) Glad you guys had a good time and Happy Birthday to your hubby!

He & Me + 3 said...

I love mexican food...We go downtown for authentic mexican food. I love it.
Happy birthday to your hubby.

Sharon said...

Heyyyy I just read the previous post, you poor things. But sounds like you got it controlled. :)

Happy Birthdayyyyyy to Hubbyyyyy :)

The pictures of food were awesome looking, you had my mouth druelling! Yummyyyy
Have a beautiful day my friend :)

Anonymous said...

Ok Alicia, first off, that is just WRONG to put pictures of all that YUMMY food in here! Those nachos look AWESOME!!! LOL

Secondly, I added my finished docket to my last post if you're interested in seeing the "finished" version! :)


really.truly said...

Authentic Mexican food it wonderful!! I actually ate rice/refried bean burrito for breakfast this morning!! The food you all ate....yum!!

Glad you were able to "get out" for his b-day!

Shoebee said...

The food looks so good. Glad to see that you all got out and had a good time

Miti said...

Hope your Hubby had a nice birthday. You can never go wrong with Mexican. The food looks so yummy! Too bad they didn't serenade him with one of those BIG sombreros. I'm sure you would have taken a pic of that!

jen@odbt said...

Happy Birthday to your husband! Can I say that I'm now drooling over all those delicious looking plates? I am craving nachos. Yum!

Anonymous said...

A Beautiful Family, Gods Blessings

Sara said...

Happy Birthday to the hubs! That food looks SOOOOOOOOO good!

mama's smitten said...

So funny my kids always go for the hamburgers or chicken strips too!. Looks like a yummy place! Happy Birthday Gabe!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

aww happy birthday Gabe!

I love the pic of Veronica with the bunny ears..my kids do that all the time!! I have so many pics that could have been great shots...without the famous ears :P

Darcie said...

Happy birthday to the husband, and glad you were at least able to enjoy a dinner out. I miss the real Mexican food we had when we lived in San Antonio. YUMMY!!!

Julie said...

Ah man! I was catching up on my blog reading before fixing lunch. How am I going to be satisfied with a sandwich after seeing that?!?! That looks SOOOOOO good!

Happy Birthday!

momstheword said...

Happy birthday hubby. Looks like you all had a a great time! Love the boys' hair cuts!

Anonymous said...

Now I really want some mexican food for dinner!! Looks yummy! Happy birthday to your hubby!

Good luck with the Lice, that is nooooooo fun at all!

JMBMOMMY said...

Great now I am hungry :) Wow, that food looks yum!

Aubrey said...

Happy Birthday to your Wonderful Husband!
That food looks DELISH! My mouth is a waterin' now! I had to laugh because there is always that one kid who will get a burger and fries! LOL

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Happy birthday to the hubby! I love, love, love Mexican food! We are spoiled living in California, huh?

Love the pics...your boys looks so handsome dressed up!

Melissa said...

Happy birthday to your hubby!

The boys look so nice all dressed up!!!! Someone's been shopping at The Children's Place, I see! ;o)

So glad to hear that you and the kids are all clear to go and that those nasty little visitors you had are all gone!!!!

Daphine said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet hubby!

Girl, the food looked DELICIOUS!!!
I just had dinner and could eat all over again just by looking at this food! Hmmmmm...I guess I'll have me some Bluebell icecream instead! LOL!

Muthering Heights said...

That food looks SOOOO delicious! I wish we had an authentic Mexican restaurant here!

Denise said...

I hope your hubby enjoyed his birthday. The food looks delicious.

Unknown said...

Your kids are SO beautiful. I could seriously stare at their little faces for a long time : ). I just love your family. As much as it is possible to love another family thru blogging : ). You are always a blessing. I will be keeping you (and your visiting creatures) in my prayers!

cat said...

Oh gosh those Nachos look stunning. I want some Nachos now! Your kids are so beautiful. Love and light from South Africa.

Laura said...

I always order Fajitas whenever we go to a Mexican restaurant! My favorite dish! Hope your husband had a great birthday!

Oh, did your oldest son cut his hair???

Anonymous said...

So glad you got to go out my dear - you will have to let me know where that place is! Me and Josh think it should be our next date night! :)

Nicole Marie said...

Aww I feel like such a bad friend...HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY GABE!
P.S. I heart mexican food!!!!!

Lorie said...

That makes me really hungry for good authentic mexican food.