Monday, April 20, 2009


I am linking up with my friend Mom's The Word to participate in her Monday meme, "Making Your Home Sing Monday." It's a day where we share what we are doing to bless our families in our home!! If you would like to be blessed, encouraged, or would even like to share how you are making your home sing, click here!

My kids are starting school again today after being on "Spring Break" all last week. It's "back to the grind" so to speak, and back to our normal routine. My husband gets home by 2 o'clock (isn't that a blessing), so, I will make sure the kids get their schoolwork done before he gets home. This way, they won't be distracted, and they'll be able to do whatever they want the rest of the day. Also, my husband and I decided to go back to the Sports Center (since the weather is so awesome right now) with the kids and start exercising again. My family will be blessed by being back on schedule and feeling great!!


Denise said...

Sounds great sweetie.

Lisa said...

exercise is great, have lots of fun. The kids have all started soccer so we will be out in the fresh air more often. I also like it when Tito comes home early too : )

Stacy said...

Being on a schedule is great! Wow that is nice that your hubby gets off at 2!

He & Me + 3 said...

Yes, we love schedules! They work so well for kids. They like routine.

amanda said...

what a great idea. but i am so jealous your husband gets home by two!! i don't know what i'd do with my husband home four hours earlier! you are so blessed and praise god that you realize that blessing!! :0)

tiki_lady said...

me too, i am excercising!

really.truly said...

He's home by 2pm....that is wonderful! Didn't the week fly by?? The idea of the sports center sounds great, we've been playing sports in the basement. I had to sneak away for a break-they wear me out :)!!
Have a great day Alicia!

Susie said...

We are back into our routine too! Vacations are great but there is something about a routine...

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Sometimes it can be so hard to get back in the groove after Spring Break. But routine is always good. Hope you guys have a great day!

Anonymous said...

It is hard to get back in the swing of things after a break. It seems like we don't get anything done in the summer when school is out because we are all just off the regular routine..but it is nice!! You are a sweet mom!!

momstheword said...

Wow. Your hubby gets home early! But I bet he starts early too, huh. Sometimes I am never to sure if my hubby is going to get off on time or not (ahhhh, the life of a pastor, lol!).

That's something I love about Mondays, getting back on schedule, ya know?

Thanks for joining us today my dear!

Erin said...

Exercising with the kids is good for us all...have fun. Superman has been exercising with Valiant every morning (at 6:00 AM!)...I don't do now I lost my exercise buddy! (P.S. I love life settling into a keeps me calm inside...)

Anonymous said...

Hope you all had a great time on Spring Break! Schedules I love them but I also hate them LOL....
I bet it is so nice to have hubby home by 2:00, I would love that!
I received my stuff from Sara and I am in ♥ with it!! I put it in my NMM with a picture of what she did for me! Thanks again!
Have a wonderful Monday!

JMBMOMMY said...

2:00!!! That is amazingly wonderful.

mama's smitten said...

2:00! I'm envious! We went back to school today. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but I bet It will get to us by Wed!. The weather is too nice to be indoors!Oh unless you have air conditioning!!

Aubrey said...

It feels SO good to be back on schedule!
How awesome that you all take the time to get active together!

Mrs. Davison said...

How nice, to make exercise a damily event. What a great example you will be setting. And, yes, you are blessed to have your husband home by 2. I love when my husband has early days. We all enjoy it! Very Nice!!

Darcie said...

I so agree! I love to have a schedule and kids love it too(even if they don't know it).

Muthering Heights said...

There is nothing like a good schedule to make everyone feel better! :)

You home school, correct? Do you have any recommendations for resources for preschoolers? :)

Tanya said...

That's awesome, I love it when there is a routine in place, I've been struggling with that since the baby started teething and can't keep to any schedule.

McCrakensx4 said...

Sounds like fun...wish I was done with school at 2pm! Thanks for the warm bday wishes!

The Farmer Files said...

Mmmm...schedules are delicious!

Daphine said...

Yep, if we have no schedules especially during school time of the year...we have no peace. Therefore, there's always a schedule at our home during school year.