I get frustrated when I hear my kids complain or have an attitude about something. I'm quick to give them examples of being grateful or how things could be worst for them. What I fail to realize is that they could possibly be mirroring MY actions! Even just the slightest gesture can speak volumes of how I'm feeling.
I realize how much of an influence I have over my children. When someone makes me angry or offends me, do I get angry back or do I pray for my heart to be right toward them? When my feelings get hurt, do I blame and point fingers, or do I go straight to Jesus for comfort and understanding?
My kids see and hear everything I do! If they see me turning to Him for every situation (big or small), they will too. If they see me feeding my flesh, so will they.
Before I make my home sing in any area, I need to check my heart with God first. Because if my heart is right, my actions and my words will reflect that.
"For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." Matthew 12:34b
That is a great reminder Alicia. I catch my kids doing some of the things I do. We have to watch ourselves first then they will follow.
That is beautiful and so true Alicia. I really need to remember that too...but some days it is so hard.
You're right Alicia. It is so convicting when I see Sarah mirror some of my actions. Ouch!
I totally know what you mean! I'm working on getting and keeping that joy of the Lord in my life, too!!!! Oh this seems to be a struggle for so many people. Why is that?! I wonder if that is one of the schemes of the devil and we just take it and run with it, kwim?
Have a great Monday!
After all, we are the best example for our children. Great reminder.
That is so true! I think if more people did that, the world would be a happier place:-)
Amen! Thank you for this reminder Alicia. Your words hit home!!
So true!
Awesome reminder.
so true Alicia! I need to be better about this too. Our kids watch and see everything we do. Actions speak louder than words. Thanks for the reminder!
Love ya!
Wonderful post Alicia! We do have so much influence over our children.
I am struggling with this very thing...I am hearing my children speak to each other in ways I don't understand. I've been paying special attention to how I speak to them and I don't think it is coming from me--they tell me stories about how other children are allowed to speak to siblings and parents in ways that aren't acceptable in our home. Having said that, I must do more than call them on it, I must be especially careful to model behaviors I do want them to pick up on...and then maybe spell it out to them, rather than just calling them on negative behaviors.
What an awesome post. So true. If my heart is right, my actions and my words will be right!
That's why we need to be so careful what we watch on t.v., what we read, what we hear or think because we're feeding our spirit! Do we want earthly food or heavenly food?
It is humbling to see your children model you sometimes. They are like sponges! Thank you for joining us today and for reminding us that we need to be careful!
Right there with ya....I heard one of my girls say something the other day, and it was like a slap in the face; because it was directly from me....it wasn't as much what she said as it was how she said it....we do have to be conscious and make every effort to be more like Jesus. We are huge examples for our children.
Gosh Alicia, thanks so much for sharing. It came at the perfect time. My husband made a comment to me about yelling at the kids all weekend. Funny , I thought I was disciplining? But obviously that is not the way it came across :(.
What a great reminder. I have to really watch myself when we are in the car. We don't allow our kids to say words like stupid or call people dumb or other words like that but when I am driving and I have to watch it because I am constantly saying stupid or dumb and they hear it and say you can say it why can't we....
Great post! I have really been feelin this! Really want my boys to see Jesus in me.
I posted something very similar this past week. You did a very nice job of tying it in with how we can make our homes sing.
Thank you. After the weekend I had, I really needed that.
So true my friend! I have noticed the same thing about my son. Thank you for the great reminder to check our words. Hope you have a great week!
Great post, Alicia, and a fabulous reminder!
Beautiful friend! And alllllllllllll so true!
Thank you for speaking Truth into my life and heart!
Thanks for the reminder Alicia. Being the mommy of an almost 3 yr old really puts you to the test. I hope I'm passing. Mason's with me all the time and I've got to remember to ALWAYS put my best foot forward and set a good example for him. Maybe I'll have to come back and read this post everyday. (He He)
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