Sunday, April 5, 2009


Our church had their 3rd Mother Daughter sleepover this past Friday, and was fun, fun, fun! I learned from going the last two times that we really don't need to bring a luggage full of stuff from home! So, other than a toothbrush, sleeping bag, and pillow, the clothes I wore there were also my pj's, and when I got up, those were the clothes I left in! LOL!

The girls had a full night planned, starting with a couple of ice breaker games. This was perfect for mom's who didn't really know anyone. One of the prayers that night was for relationships to be formed! So, I know that was a blessing for many! It was a good turnout...roughly 60 people!

After the games, nail polish, new hair styles, a game in the dark, and a movie, everyone got to bed around 2am'ish! We woke up to music blaring around 7:30, but also to the sweet aroma of hot cocoa, bagels, and muffins!! Mmm...mmm!

For privacy reasons, I didn't want to share pictures of any girls I didn't really know. I'm not sure how the mom's would feel with their daughters pictures on the internet.

This is just a portion of what was there! Junk food galore! And excuse the lighting, my camera sucks in dim rooms!
My daughter (in the middle) and her friends! THAT FACE!!! Her "gangsta" look! Ugh!
Photobucket! Have you heard of the game, "Sardine?" Two people hide and the rest of us have to find them. Once you do, you stay there till the last person finds everyone! The last person to find them has to hide the next time. The fun part of this game is that it's played in the dark! LOL, I had fun taking pictures when we were "hiding." LOL, this picture is of them partially under the pew!!!
Hiding under the stairs!
Of course, I have to add in my baby girl! That's glitter all over her face! LOL


Denise said...

Wow, that sounds so awesome.

Beth in NC said...

Awwwwwww, looks like so much fun!!!

Stacy said...

Love the table of junk food!Thats sound like something really fun to do.I might have to bring that up at our church:)

Mel said...


Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

What a cool idea! And it sounds like you had a great time...I miss sleepovers...right now, I'm usually just bunking in one of my kids' beds! Maybe if I added a movie and some junk food it wouldn't be so bad!

He & Me + 3 said...

What a fun time. That sounds like something we should do here. Yum to the food too.

McCrakensx4 said...

That sounds like so much fun! And that sardine games sounds like a hoot and all that junk food...yummy!

Laura said...

So nice to have found another Bay Area Blogger and look at those faces!

Together with the lovely ladies from 3 Bay B Chicks we created a Facebook group to start a San Francisco blogging network. As your blog is so amazing and creative we would love for you to join.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh how fun! Looks like you guys had a great time! And I love the pics of your girls. Precious!

Laura said...

Oh, how fun!!! Your church holds some exciting events!

Laura said...
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jen@odbt said...

Did anyone get any sleep? What a great idea...I can only imagine how loud it was with all those girls.

Lana said...

That sounds like so much fun! I have heard of that idea for a birthday party, but would love to host something like that at my church! Thanks! :) Lana

Anonymous said...

That sounds like the best time!!! I remember going to lock-ins at the church but there weren't any moms. That's ok because my mom wasn't fun. lol

Darcie said...

Looks like you all had an awesome time! I never have played sardines...must of been invented after my time. ;)

really.truly said...

Looks like so much fun! How fun that you could do that with your daughters!

Susie said...

How fun is that??

joanofalltrades said...

Sounds like you have a really fun church. This is such a good idea! I think your daughter will be made famous one day for that face. LOL!

Always a Southern Girl said...

What fun! Looks like everyone had a great time.

Lisa said...

looks like a wonderful time with the girls.

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun!! I also just had to inform you that my almost 11 year old son was sitting at the computer beside me when he saw your daughters picture with her friends....he replied...that one in the middle is!! Don't you just love don't tell your hubby...he didn't even like the makeup so he probably would HATE to know that a boy referred to his daughter as hot!!!! And I think the gangsta look is working for her!!

Jane In The Jungle said...

What a great idea!! I would love that!

Stephanie said...

That looked like so much fun!!!!!!I can't wait to do that kind of stuff with Allie.

Muthering Heights said...

That sounds like a BLAST!!! Seriously, your church has the best activities...I hope to do something like this with my girls someday!

Daphine said...

What an awesome thing to do! I wonder if I can talk my church into having one of these for our moms/daughters??! Loved this! Great pictures too!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

Sounds like a BLAST!

Alicia W. said...

Kids keep us young with all the fun things we can plan for them! What a great date night!!

R and R Stacy said...

Aww sweet! I love playing hide n seek with kids. They made me laugh. Our little one hieds and laughs when I saw "Where are you?". It's too cute!
Glad you had a great night with the girls.

Sara said...

Sounds like fun! Did you get any sleep?