Saturday, April 11, 2009


My son finished this painting the other day. I never know what he's working on till he's done and gets to take it home. We're so blessed by his teacher, Heather! She told me one day that Eli should continue to take art even when he's older because he has potential to go further. Who knows, he may support us one day..LOL!


If you would like to see his other painting that I posted, you can click here.


Denise said...

He is so talented, that is beautiful.

Rilda said...

Oh, My what talent he has!! I agree with his teacher. Awesome!! Thanks for sharing his master piece. Have a blessed and powerful Easter. Lovingly, rilda *U*

Beth in NC said...

Wow! Alicia, that is REALLY good! You should post this on the side of your blog for others to admire. It is really nice! Definitely encourage him to continue in art. Seriously.

He & Me + 3 said...

That is awesome. I will take one please! He is a natural.

Stacy said...

I agree with his teacher! He does have some talent.

Julie said...

Oh my gosh! He is GOOD! That is wonderful!!

Amy B said...

Wow..That picture is beautiful. He is so talented. Keep sharing his art work..

Christin said...

That is amazing. Keep it up Eli!

tiki_lady said...

time to sell his work!! SERIOUSLY! just put it on ebay and see what it will bring.

Angela said...

Wow so young with such great talent!

Jennifer said...

Visiting from another blog. The painting is awesome. Wow!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Wow! That is a beautiful piece...seems advanced for his age for sure!

Anonymous said...

He is so talented!! That picture needs a frame around it! :)

really.truly said...

Wait, how old is he?? That is amazing. Seriously, he is super talented. Like, jaw dropping talented.

Just beautiful! I should get his autograph now;)

Lisa said...

That is beautiful what talent, I can't draw worth a hoot....I often think too maybe one day one of our kids will take care of

Melissa said...

WOW! That's amazing! I would be proud too Momma!

Laura Lee said...

How wonderful a gift!! Imagine how God may use this in Eli's life to affect the world!!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

Wow Alicia that is really really good. What a blessing to have such a talented young man. Great job ELi! Love love love it.

Darcie said...

Oh my word that is a beautiful piece of work, as was the other one you linked to. He does an amazing job, and has a natural talent. Wow!!

Stephanie said...

WOW!!!!!! That's amazing!!!!!!

Lorie said...

Beautiful....are you going to frame it?

McCrakensx4 said...

OH, someday soon, I will be able to say that I blogged with the mother of a famous artist! Great job Eli! I hope you are having all of his paintings framed and hang them!

Anonymous said...

You need to start buying some frames for these goodies!

Daphine said...

Uh...WOW! Are you kidding me? This kid definitely HAS talent. Hey, if he does become rich and famous one day, remind him that you and I are GREAT blogging buddies. He might be interested in supporting one of your friends too! lol!

Have a great week ahead ladybug!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

What a wonderful piece of art! Great job!

Laura said...

Your son is so extremely talented!!! Love seeing his works of art!! :)

Kelly said...

Get that kid some art classes!!!(for the already talented!) He is amazing!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

You weren't just a kidding?? Can I forward this post on to the jumpstart team as well?? WOW!!!

Pricousins said...

WOW! he really is talented!

Anonymous said...

That is amazing! Yes, you should definitely nurture his artistic talent, he has quite a gift!

Tonya Staab said...

Carissa sent me over and WOW he has some serious talent there. I really hope he does chose to continue with art. He has a gift.

Erin at JumpStart said...

Wow - this really is impressive... You have a very talented son! Maybe he can come work at JumpStart in a few years ;)

Crazee Juls said...


King J's Queen said...

God has clearly given him a wonderful, amazing talent!

-stephanie- said...

Wow, another great painting. Your family has talent!

Helene said...

Alicia!!! My goodness, your kids have such talent!! You could probably sell their paintings on E-Bay and have enough money for their college fun AND your retirement fund in such a short time!!!

Hajar Zamzam Ismail said...

You are blessed to have such an artistic child. :)