Saturday, April 18, 2009


Another gadget! My oldest son got his birthday gift a little early this year! He's been wanting the IPod Touch for about a month, so we decided he could get it now. He's been saving his money and he told my husband the other day that he had $106 to go toward it. That is basically half of what it costs, so, we told him, "Okay!" But, we surprised him by getting him the next model up which holds twice as much information on it. It's so cool because it is exactly like an IPhone minus the phone! It's literally like a mini lap top! Oh..and get this, my MAC needed to upgrade in order for his IPod to sync with it so I thought I had to buy new software (which is another $100), but I thought, "Hmm...I wonder if it will work on our other computer which runs Windows XP?" Sure enough it did. I just uploaded ITunes on that puter and it was good to go. My son was practically jumping up and down!

Isaiah with his new toy, the Ipod Touch 16GB!


Denise said...

Awesome gift.

Stacy said...

Wow he has great parents:)

Sweet Serendipity said...

Wow, what a lucky guy! We're mac lover here too.

Kelli W said...

What a great early birthday present!!

Debra Kaye said...

That is so awesome, Alicia. I know my son just loves his Itunes Ipon thingy...haha Music is such a great way for them to worship!

Blessings to you today!

Kristin said...

Wow! What a lucky duck!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh woW! You're like the coolest mom ever! Will you be my mom :o) J/k my friend!

Take care!
Hope you have a great day!

Mel said...

First of all hooray for your son who saved the money!!! And that is an awesome gift it looks so neat!!

Anonymous said...

My daughter has the Ipod 8GB and she loves it...we got it for her for Christmas....good investment!!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

He looks like one happy kid! That is great that he saved up so much money himself...

Happy early birthday to Isaiah!

really.truly said...

That is so cool! We love our music :)!! Happy B-day to your boy....soon to be a man!! Isnt' it crazy?!

tiki_lady said...

so glad he got his phone. My daughter has one but she doesn't like hers she is looking to trade hers in. I may take hers but I am not great with touchy feely things, you know I'm not so much of a touchy feely person. LOL

Sweet Blessings said...

Happy Birthday! I'm glad it all worked out for him! Yes, it's been a while and we've been busy:) There are some pics on the slide under today's post of the baby:) We have been blessed:)

He & Me + 3 said...

My actress is so jealous:)

Anonymous said...

Love how your whole family is so techy and so Apple ;)

Anonymous said...

My son thinks we should just buy him one with him saving anything for it. Maybe I will make him read this post and he will see that I am not the meanest mom in the world. Other parents make thier kids save up money too!

McCrakensx4 said...

What an awesome bday gift!

Daphine said...

Wow! What a lucky boy! Morgan would be sooooooooooooo JEALOUS!!!

Jane In The Jungle said...

Boys and gadgets.....does it ever end, LOL!!

Sara said...

Wow, that's cool that you got that for him. My boys are going to get a hot pink one when they say they want an ipod (my old one and I will be upgrading) HA HA HA...

Darcie said...

Wow...he is one lucky boy! So do you think he will share with mom and dad? :)

Always a Southern Girl said...

My hubby and I were just talking about how the kids have all this technology at their finger tips. We just had legos and barbies. Ha!

Have a great day.

Stephanie said...

Wow....what a great gift!!!! Lucky boy :)

mama's smitten said...

How exciting for him!:)

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

I am soo jealous! My 4GB Ipod is soo old school and it still looks brand new so as Dave Ramsey would need to upgrade ;) Although...if your son would let me borrow his, I would be exstatic!!! =)

jlc said...

Hahah!! I am ADDICTED to my iPhone so don't expect to see him for a whileeeee. ;)

What a great gift! Your fam is beautiful!

Laura said...

Oh, boy! My husband bought one probably a month or so ago. And he loves it!!! Some days I can't get him off of it. I bought a box of poptarts the other day and inside the box we won a $10 giftcard to Itunes! My husband used that thing up immediately!!! LOL. Your son will love his. What a great gift!

Susie said...

That's really cool that he was able to save that much! I would have kicked in the rest and upgraded too! You rock as parents!!