Friday, July 10, 2009


I started "Friday Photo Flashback" because I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Don't forget to sign in to Mr. Linky so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!

January 1986

I about fell off my chair when I saw this picture! My friend from high school tagged this picture of me on my Facebook awhile back! Might as well put it to good use, right? You see the gal standing up in the middle wearing the blue dress? This was her Sweet 16 party and her parents rented a hall. There was food, DJ, and dancing! I still remember this night! It was so fun!

That's me on the far right with the pink satin skirt!! Remember that look? I had a black satiny shirt on, one of those long necklaces that was in style, black nylons, and black pumps! Yah, I thought I had it going on!! LOL! And no, that was not my boyfriend behind me. It looks like it because he's standing right there! My friend on my right is the girl in my last weeks post!

Five of these people are on my Facebook, and it's really awesome to be able to stay in touch with them! Also, it's weird to think that a little over two years from this date, I met my future husband!!!



Muthering Heights said...

What a FUN photo! And hey, satiny fabrics and long necklaces are back in!!

Krisha said...

I missed the last two Friday's!

That's a great group photo.

Banteringblonde said...

i LOVE when people find old photos .... so funny!

Lorrie said...

Umm...don't make fun of the gradnight outfit was similar but ha! And what a great picture..and the fact that you have some many of them on awesome!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the hair styles! And your friend's sassy wide belt! That's awesome you still keep in touch with so many people - isn't Facebook wonderful?? Have a great Friday! :)

Days of Whine & Noses said...

OMG! That looks like it could've been at my high school! That is TOTALLY 80's!

Daphine said...

LOL! Yep, I remember a few pictures of myself and being in a group AND me thinking that I had it going on too. Girl, how the style REALLY changes, huh?

I've missed you! Hope you've had a good week!

Denise said...

Such fun memories.

BrnEyedGal said...

So cute....LOVE all the fashions from the 80's...hee hee.

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

This is a great idea! I would join in but don't have a scanner yet :( It's weird but over here in Scotland a lot of that style is back in fashion, what goes around comes around!
Love the photo!
Collette xxx

momstheword said...

Look at you all satiny and color coordinated! I remember the long necklaces. Isn't fashion fun to look back on?

How fun they you guys are all on facebook together. Now if you can just get them blogging, lol!

Chris said...

fun picture! its really cool to look at old photos, isnt it? and facebook has brought up a lot of them!

my friend passed away almost 4 years ago because of breast cancer :(

Penelope said...

How do I participate in Flash Back Fridays? Can I post any flash back picture? Of anyone or thing, or specifically of myself? Thanks!

Angela said...

Oh ya,,I remember wearing something like that and thinkin..'oh ya,,I got it'..LOL

Alicia W. said...

Snazzy looking group! Great flashback photo Alicia. :o)

really.truly said...

We could have shared had all the same "looks" that I had. Or, I guess we went through all the same fashion trends ;) I remember those long necklaces well..and the long sweaters....long skirts. What was it with all the oversized clothes? So funny. Very Madonna at the time.

Great picture Alicia!

Lisa said...

What a nice memory with friends. I know what you mean when you were describing your outfit oh my how the styles have changed.
Great flashback.

jen@odbt said...

Totally remember that look. Wow - nice flashback.

Kathy C. said...

You rock the 80's look girl! LOL woo-hoo! ;)

Momisodes said...

Oh that is too funny. I definitely remember that look!
I haven't seen those knotted necklaces in a while!

He & Me + 3 said...

Oh my word....that is great! Love it! Oldie but goodie.

Tara said...

Have you posted a picture of the guy behind you before? He looks familiar. You fit in very well with everbody unlike me....LOL

PS DId you add me to the linky list earlier? Somebody did and I didn't realize it until I had already linked up myself. You can remove me from either 7 or 16, I think.

Stephanie said...

Now that's the style :) Love that!

Kelli W said...

That is so funny! You all look so 80's stylish!!

Laura said...

Alicia, I love your photos! About 11 more months and I was born, hahaha. Crazy, huh?

Darcie said...

So every Friday...I try to pick you out of the picture...this one stumped me. But as soon as you told us which one was you...I could see it was you.

You were all looking so sytlish!

Have a great weekend!

Carin said...

oh the clothes back then. And the hair we used to have. Remember flourescent shirts! Great memories!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

I'm loving the clothes...such a flashback for me too!

Liz Mays said...

You weren't the only one with the satin look happening!

Susie said...

Great picture! I loved the 80's and the memories:-)

Lauren said...

hahaha ... that is AWESOME!!! Love the look! You should bring it back! :)

Serendipityissweet said...

Lol, what a fabulous pic! And great memories.
Sorry for my late entry this week. It's been busy around here and I've had trouble finding time to get to my scanner.
Thanks for hosting!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh what a great picture! Love the clothes...they bring back many memories!

Anonymous said...

Girl I remember this look so well. I use to think it was the best thing! You look great!! Yeah I would have thought that guy was your boyfriend. You know you haven't changed much, so pretty!!

Unknown said...

Love the white stockings!! all the fashion back then! PCC had it bad for the white stockings. jeje
when i came to Spain I was pegged American by my white stockings. LOL

Thanks for giving us Friday Photo Flash back!! said...

I too love looking back at fun pics from the past What a fun carnival!

Erin said...

Ah, yes, the satiny fabrics...didn't you feel so chic? I do remember the look. How fun that you found the photo on Facebook...the world is getting smaller, isn't it? Have a terrific weekend.

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

So much satin so little time!!! LOL!

Those are some great pics!!! ;)

4 Lettre Words said...

That is so awesome...and the reason I'm not on facebook! :o)

P.S. I gave you an award in my Friday post. I know. I know. Awards are kind-of a pain. No expectations with me, tho! :o)

~*Michelle*~ said...

Now that is great! I love seeing photos like this. :)

Mommy24cs said...

LOL, I rocked the same look back in the day :o) Isn't it funny to see pics of what we wore and considered stylish haha.

Grace said...

That is so cute! :)
Hmm... I wish I can join this meme, but I don't have old pictures with me here in USA, I left them all in the Philippines.

The Farmer Files said...

LOVE the hair. Everyone's hair. LOL. Just some years behind you...but in the 80s I remember being a punk rocker one halloween!

Kimberly said...

I see photos like this and think that I wish I'd saved my clothes. You just can't find them like that anymore! ;)

jenn said...

What a fun idea! I may have to do this sometime. I love looking back at my old photos.

And what a great picture you found. Love it.

Jen said...

Hahaha!! The knotted pearl necklaces... I almost forgot all about that trend. Hilarious!

I'll have to participate in this meme one day. So fun!

Unknown said...

So hilarious Alicia : )