Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Since the ripe age of two, my youngest daughter has been betrothed to my friends son, Jeremiah. We've "talked about it" so much that they refer to each other as "husband" and "wife." It's so funny really, because when they do see each other, he's more interested in playing with my boys! The other day, I told her that she has to marry a man that really likes us or else she won't be able to come visit me all the time.

Yes, I know, I'm a manipulator.

Anyway, she responds with, "But, you like him!"

"Like who???"


Ohhhh!! I should have known! And yes, he does like me, his mom and I are great friends, and his dad is a pastor...so it's all good!

Here they are last year, 4th of July! Oh, so cute! They both look like they do not want to take a picture together! Haha!

Now, they're looking pretty comfy only a few months later at the Harvest Festival! Is this a glimpse into the future? We'll see!



Liz Mays said...

That would really be cute if they DID end up together. :)

Neisha said...

How cute is that? You never know, they just might end up together, and you'll have all these cute pictures. : ) They are adorable.

Susie said...

So cute! Wouldn't it be a hoot if they actually ended up together?

He & Me + 3 said...

Oh my word...they are just too precious! I love those pictures. Great ones to have for later when they attend the prom together:)

Erin said...

Too cute! Seriously, too cute!

Stephanie said...

That is precious!!!!!

Reading through that post I realized how I am soooo not ready for that with Allie!

Mommy24cs said...

Aww, they are so cute together :o)

Lauren said...

oh my goodness! That is so so so cute!!! haha that would be hilarious if they did end up together! Think of the story they could tell! :)

really.truly said...

That is SO cute. I bet they will end up together ;) LOL.

Alicia W. said...

They are darling! At least you know that he comes from a great family. :o)

jen@odbt said...

Very cute! I hope my kids and their friends grow up together like your daughter & J - it's so nice to see these friendships. No crushes yet...I don't know if I could handle that. LOL!

Stacy said...

Awww that is so cute!

Kelli W said...

Ohmygoodness! They look SUPER cute together! Great pictures of both of them...I love Veronica's dress!

Darcie said...

Awwww...how sweet is that!

Laura said...

I had one of those friends, too. We said we were going to marry each other when we were 5. We grew up as bestfriends until I was almost 18. I miss his friendship, but he has changed.. so it's for the better! :)

That 2nd picture is too cute!

Anonymous said...

You will have to use that last one on their wedding announcement :)

Sara said...

I love her face in the first one! It's like she knows the reason her mom is taking the picture... :0)

Anonymous said...

They are too precious!!

Jennifer said...

I have betrothed my son to my friends daughter already! Whenever my girlfriend and I get together, we always call them "The Betrothed"! - and there is no problem picking your children's future spouses... I already am! I'm claiming my son's wife in the name of Jesus! LOL!

Deserie Marie said...

Hahahaha. oh my the last picture is epic... to bad my lil brother is a brat. lol jk :)
well im still stuck on the last pic lol.. they look like they are gunna get married.. she's all in a wedding gown n him in his batman suit. lol still a suit non the less. lol
very cute.

Cascia Talbert said...

They are adorable! You never know it could happen.

Deserie Marie said...

Awwwwwwwww.........i love them both so much. I wouldn't have a better choice in a daughter-in-law.

Jeremiah's mommy....

Kathy C. said...

Oh Alicia, that is so precious. :) My best friend and I dreamt for years about the wedding we would have between her daughter and my son...however, my son is now marrying somene else, lol. BUT, you never know. :)

Anonymous said...

They make a beautiful couple. Bet the grandkids would be gorgeous too!

momstheword said...

Aren't they adorable! So cute!

Beth in NC said...

So cute and so sweet!

Helene said...

That is SO cute....her first little crush!! Wouldn't it be something if they really did end up getting married to each other? You could show those pics in the slideshow at their wedding!!

Don't worry about being manipulative....I'm always telling my sons that they have to marry girls that I approve of because there is no way I'm gonna let them marry some girl who will whisk them halfway across the country from me!!!

Melissa said...

too cute!!! there's a couple in our church that were like that when they were little. Always knew they were going to get married, even as little kids, and they DID! So cute!

Muthering Heights said...

That is seriously the cutest thing I've ever seen!! If they do get married, you HAVE to blow that photo up and display it at the reception...

Denise said...

So very sweet.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh how cute! You'll have to keep an eye on them ;)

Krisha said...

awe...so cute!

LifeAtTheCircus.com said...

so sweet... our good friend's son is my 3 yr old's best friend and she told me she wants to marry him b/c he is her best friend forever and ever.

Debbie said...

What dolls they are!

Casey's trio said...

How funny...wonder what the future holds for those two!!

McCrakensx4 said...

Too cute! If you ask my boys, they will say that they are gonna marry the girls from He & Me + 3!! We have been friends for so long, and it doesn't matter that we haven't seen them in a year and a half!

amanda said...

they're adorable!! :0) i always try to hook one of my girls up with my friend's son too. :0) i haven't picked one though yet. it's just any of them. we'll have to wait til they all get a bit older.

love the skateboarding! how brave of YOU to let him do it. :0)

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

So cute! Love those pictures and the story to go with it!

The Farmer Files said...

LOL and I thought I was bad with the DILs!!!

Daphine said...

LOL! Very cute!

Lisa said...

Oh.... I love it. You know I pray for my kids spouses already and I don't even know who they will be but I am trusting the Lord will send me some great son in laws and daughter in laws.
cute pics Alicia and I can't think of a better family to marry into,...lol

Lorie said...

I have betrothed my children out as well....if only it were that easy, wouldn't it be great if we got to choose our inlaws? Of course I guess that could come back to bite you as well.

louann said...

Oh my goodness!! Super, super cute!! Teehee!