How many of you ever get a "break?" And I don't mean one less child, or even two, but a chance to be by yourself? It doesn't have to be anywhere specific, but just the fact that you are ALONE! And it doesn't count when everyone is asleep (although that is nice too).
Does your husband, a grandparent, aunt, or good friend take your kids anywhere so you can have alone time? Are you able to meet a girlfriend or two for dinner, go to a bookstore, or even a coffee shop if you feel the need?
I'm blessed to have all of the above. I don't do it that often because I truly am content being at home with my kids. But, if I ever have that "I need a break" feeling, my husband completely understands.
I think that part of making your home sing is being able to be refreshed! I don't feel it's selfish to have those quiet moments to yourself. My husband used to ask me why I stayed up so late. Well, that is the time that I can actually be alone without any distractions or interruptions.
As moms, we do need that break once in awhile. Even if you don't have a girlfriend to hook up with, you can do anything by yourself! I find that being in a bookstore is sooo relaxing too! But, my whole point is that it's okay to have that downtime and not feel guilty about it.
Now, if I'm just plain ole' grumpy mom, then that means my heart needs to be checked, and I need to be in the Word to get me back on track! But, if I feel like I'm needing some "quiet time," then either I will do something alone (could even be just an errand), or my husband will take the kids somewhere.
After a couple of hours I find myself missing all of them, and I can't wait to get home! There's nothing better than me walking in the house and having them run up to me like I've been gone for months! In the end, I'm refreshed, I've missed them, they've missed me...it's all good!
this is so nice.. i have not done this ever..
I know exactly what you mean, I am telling my hubs "Happy Wife, Happy Life" and I get my fair share of breaks for sure!!! ;) Of course so does he...now the key for us is to find some alone time too!! ;) My parents take the boys for a much needed break!
Hope you had a great 4th...Sorry I have been absent. Still on Vaca!
Hey Alycia, stopping by to finally update my button for you. I know, I know it's been like forever since you did your last update, I guess maybe I was really waiting to see how long this one would last, ha-ha, just joking with ya. (don't go pullin any shanks on me now)
It really is important that we get breaks. Mom is the heartbeat of the family. If we want a healthy family, we have to take care of ourselves and mental health is definitely one of the way to do that!
I think breaks are great too. Even just a couple hours walking around Target alone is refreshing! I think I desired breaks more when my boys were younger. As they get older, they play by themselves more....which also gives me a little resfrehment time ;)
Those small breaks are so nice! I usually just got to Target and look...lol!
I completely agree...a little alone time helps us moms regroup, and like you said, just get refreshed and ready to be a good mommy again.
I enjoy my much needed breaks too! You deserve it with all your beautiful chaps you run after. :o)
Alicia that is a fabulous post and oh so true...I think we often forget that there is a group of folks who never get that brief chance of refreshing and renewal and it is not a group that I thought about even though i am now in that until my pastor spoke on it the other Sunday about reaching out to that group. That group is the single parent group.
I know exactly what you mean! We all need to get away every once in a while. I think it makes us better mothers.
I really enjoy getting a little break every once in a while too! Lately it has been because I haven't been feeling well...and really need to rest! But I also love a little girl time with my friends too!
Great advice Alicia! Really great advice!
Hi Alicia,
I like getting up early before everyone else for this exact reason…quiet time alone. I love them all dearly and am wonderfully content being here all the time with them, but I DO like my mornings!
this is so true! When we had the twins, I remember hiding in the bathroom for just 5 minutes so I could have some time to myself! haha
I have met a few moms who rarely or never leave their kids (even with the dad) as they don't want to upset them.
However, I think it's good for the kids and good for the mom. I remember my kids crying at the door when I left them with their dad to run errands.
But they learned that they could be with daddy (or someone else) and be fine.
Thanks for joining in today!
Alicia, those are wise words...a refreshed Momma is a happier Momma. :) I don't have a little one at home anymore, but I know the importance of this...and a Mom should never feel guilty for needing that time alone or to laugh with friends and be able to finish a whole sentance at once! :)
Very wise words! I can feel it coming on when I need some time to myself. It's not 'quality' time with the kiddos anymore. That's when I know I need some me time. Grown up, do whatever time. I like this post. Good job!
I think that it's so important to take time to relax and just have some time for you. I believe this makes us a much better mother (you need that time, especially with 5 kids at home)!!
Good advice from one mom of 5 to another!!
Totally agree, Alicia!
I SO agree! My husband knew this about me early on, as I have always needed time alone! He is great about it, and is actually very much the same. :o)
P.S. I'm giving away a JumpStart.com membership is you are interested. It is GREAT for kids aged 3-10!
What a great post! A little "me time" goes a long way and is usually just the pick-me-up I need!
Never happens unless you count the grocery store :)
I need mommy breaks! And when the hubbs likes to stay home with our son so I can do errands, I love it - but like you, I also miss them! *sigh*
Luckily, I've had the opportunity to hang out with friends now and again, since my dad lives in the same city, and my husband doesn't mind my going to the movies with girlfriends once our baby is asleep. But if I didn't have that, I would be going stir crazy!
Totally agree....Just blog hopping and enjoyed reading yours....I love making new blog friends and love looking at all the different blog designs.
VERY true! Sometimes, my husband will take the kids and I will just go take a bath...something small just to have a little time to think and rest! :)
Getting that break is so important. I don't have friends and family close by to take my daughter that often, but my husband is always willing to watch her when I need some time :)
Having a large family can be very stressful as you well know, and I find myself getting cranky quite often. When that happens I usually shut myself up in my craft room for a couple hours when I need to "get away". My kids know that when the door is closed unless you have a dire emergency ie: blood or broken bones do not disturb me :o)
Thanks for stopping by my site! Please feel free to come back anytime, I'll leave the light on for you!
Hi there just found your blog via 5 moms and a blog! This is a great subject and I enjoy my kids but do need "me time" to recharge my batteries. What I need most of all is quiet time with our Lord but I just don't get that very often.
Love your blog so cute.
Collette xxx
Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks going to Target all by myself is a break and refreshes me. I don't take trips without my kids, but a few hours by myself every once in a while is amazing!
I love going to bookstores and browsing all the great books and maybe having a cup of coffee. Although I get much more alone time now than I used, I still need it once in awhile. It helps me to regroup and refresh myself a little so I can go back to being wife, mom, and now, grandma.
You know, I feel most refreshed when I am alone. I love girl time, and everything else, but it is when I am alone I allow myself to really relax. It is the only time I am not looking at the clock.
That alone time is bliss!
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