Friday, July 17, 2009


I started "Friday Photo Flashback" because I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Don't forget to sign in to Mr. Linky so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!

On the back of this picture, it is dated January 6, 1967!

A couple of weeks ago I shared my grandparents on my moms side of the family. Well, here are my grandparents on my father's side! In the Philippines, you refer to them as Lolo and Lola. I have vague memories of them because I was little when they would come and visit us in California.

I remember my "Lolo" being very mellow, just like my dad. I think my Lola was the same way. She passed right before my parents got divorced in 1979, and I still remember when my dad got that phone call. I remember him crying! So sad!

My Lolo and one of my Uncles were both Colonel's in the Philippine Army. I don't know why my dad did not serve with them. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy.

This picture was actually used for their Christmas Card. I'm pretty sure her dress was a traditional, formal dress of the Philippines. Look at the fan in the background! It looks so retro! And gotta love the plastic on the couch!



Krisha said...

What a beautiful picture!

BTW...where's Mr. linky?

Here's my post

Liz Mays said...

Yes, that whole generation loves their plastic furniture covers! I love how they're dressed!

Anonymous said...

I also love the plastic on the know really if you think about it it's not such a bad idea!! I say this as my children sit in the living room!!

Denise said...

Such a nice looking couple.

Stephanie said...

That is such an awesome picture!!!!!

Sarah A. Galang, Ph.D. said...

wow, I like the picture. How I wish I also have a picture of my lola, my lolo died when I was still 4years old. I had been trying to look for some pictures few years back and I 've found one, so it's my first time to join here.

Laura said...

Awww, how neat! I love the plastic on the couch, LOL. Too funny!!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I love her dress, and yes, the fan looks totally retro!

Mommy24cs said...

They look so sweet! I didn't really know my grandparents on my mother's side since they lived in Japan. I just remember them from pictures :o(

Mocha Momma said...

You are brave to clip puppies nails. Maybe I'll learn some day.

This picture was a flashback for me. The first thing I thought was, "They're Filipino".

I was in the navy and lived in the PI for 3 years. Of course I was on a base in Subic Bay.

The best thing was, I became a christian there and was baptized there in the South China Sea. Great memories. Sweet people.

More later,

Jennifer said...

The butterfly sleeves! I love them! And doesn't every filipino household have plastic covering the 'nice' furniture?... just wondering. ;-) LOL!

Erin said...

LOL! The plastic on the couch cracks me up. The fans today can only hope to be as cool as the fan in the was the real deal. Your grandma looks so elegant, even down to the fan in her hand. Your grandpa looks like a nice man...notice the twinkle in his eye. What a great picture...

The Farmer Files said...

Love her hair, his socks, and the TV!!!

momstheword said...

They both look so sweet! I love her hair and the dress.

My brother and his wife used to keep the plastic on their couch. I always thought it was funny to go visit them in the hot summertime, lol!

I too am curious about the linky, since my meme is coming up. Is the other one not working?

tiki_lady said...

my mom still has a fan like that! in fact she has lots of retro things just sitting in her basement or in the attic! Sometimes, I wish I had plastic for my furniture.

Laine said...

Such a precious picture :)

I love her dress :)

Anonymous said...

I personally like the "television set" in the background!! I think we may have had one similar when I was growing up!! Your Lola has such a lovely 'laughing' expression - like she had a great sense of humor! Thanks for sharing!

Beth in NC said...

That is such a precious picture! I love her dress, and it looks like they slid the couch over to that spot for the picture. I mean, why would the TV be BEHIND the couch?

Beautiful grandparents Alicia. ;o)

Pam said...

That's such a sweet picture. I love her dress.

Daphine said...

It really is a great picture! Girl, I didn't even notice the plastic on the couch until you mentioned it. I thought tha was only a "black" thing back in the day. lol!

He & Me + 3 said...

That picture is just stunning. I love it!

Stephanie said...

I just have to say I'm so proud of myself...I actually sat down this morning and visited all the flashbacks...I'll have to keep up with them throughout the day as people add but I always feel bad that I don't visit everyone so I had to make today different :)

Hope you're having a great Friday!

Susie said...

Wow! That is an awesome old picture:-) I love the plastic!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't is funny that that look is back in style!!? Great photo :)

Kelli W said...

What a great picture! I love the plastic on the reminds me of my great grandmother's house! She always had a plastic cover on her couch too!

jen@odbt said...

Classy couple - reminds me of my Lolo and Lola's house, plastic and all.

Monica said...

What a neat picture to have!!!

Serendipityissweet said...

What an amazing photo. You have a treasure trove! That plastic, lol...classic!

really.truly said...

That is an awesome picture!! I love how the fan matches the sofa. My grandparent's were plastic people too!! Plastic?? So funny to think about..LOL.

Lorrie said...

Looking sharp! I wish they brought plastic on couches back...I'd cover my family room head to toe.
Really beautiful people!

Denise said...

Great picture!!! My grandparents had plastic on their couches when I was little too & plastic runners over the carpet.

Chris said...

beautiful! :D its great that you have such photos... a real treasure!

Sara said...

So pretty! I love the plastic on the couch too. That is great!

Lauren said...

That is such an awesome photo!! WOW - I love it ... so neat that you have that!:) Thanks for sharing and happy Friday!!!

Darcie said...

Your Lolo and Lola look so grand, yet so gentle. I LOVE this to treasure for sure.

Chris said...

before i forget, i have something for you at Awards Galore

Muthering Heights said...

That's such a nice photo of them...and yes, I laughed at the plastic couch!

I'm sorry I couldn't join in this week...I couldn't scan a photo since I'm stuck at the hospital!

melaniet42 said...

What a great picture to share! This is my first time checking out your blog and participating in your Friday Photo Flasback - it's great!!

Unknown said...

Wish we could go to the Philippines.
My husband´s Lola is still living. It would be so good to see her.

What a lovely picture! Such history.

Denise said...

Alicia, my son Mason is 10.5 yrs older than Maggie. They are #2 & #4 out of 6 kids.

momstheword said...

Thank you, don't know what I was thinking, lol!

Nina said...

It is so fun going back and looking at old pictures. I must say the plastic on the couch is classic. I remember my grandma having plastic on her couch. LOL....

Mamí♥Picture said...

What a AWESOME flashback photo!
They look so formal and the background its great, so 60s. I love it! BTW My grama has a fan like that on her garage(it still works).
Happy Friday!!!

McCrakensx4 said...

What a nice picture.

Jane Anne said...

That is a precious photo. What a treasure! I do love the plastic on the couch!!! WOW, that's so funny that people did that.

Michelle said...

What a lovely old photo and story! I am going to have to remember that you are doing this so I can play along next week!

Sarah said...

What a wonderful photo!

Delighted to meet you! Just found your site via CSAHM. I just started this blogging adventure a few months ago, but continue to be amazed at the joy, encouragement, and faith that I find.

Keep writing, the world is reading.

Hugs from this missionary mommy,
Sarah Dawn

Colette S said...

It is so good to have photos like this of a different era that holds so dear memories. Just look at her beautiful smile. Oh the years , how they rush by so quickly.

Stacy said...

Now that is a picture from the past!!!

Your Lola looks so beautiful!!! I am so glad we don't keep the plastic on

Momisodes said...

Aw, what a treasure! I love this photo. The fan looks very similar to one my grandmother still has :)

Kimberly said...

Those matching red socks are stellar! :) And her hair, just love it. Oh, and I hear plastic covers are coming back in style. ;-}

Helene said...

What a gorgeous picture!!! The plastic covers on the couches made me grandparents used to do the same thing to their furniture!!

I'm gonna have to dig out some pics for next week!!

Honey Mommy said...

What a fun photo! I love the feel of the photo, and the dress is beautiful.