You all know that expression, "Down to the wire." Well, that's us, in regards to our summer break!! It's is almost officially OVA'!!!!!!! Am I looking forward to that? Of course NOT!!
But, we will have to suck it up, and move ahead just like everyone else.
Our new school year will also have new rules, and I plan on enforcing them. I let too much slide last year, and I definitely reaped what I sowed. I know that all kids ultimately like to have a plan and/or schedule, and I believe our home will be running smoothly if I stick to them!
I've already come up with a few that are pretty much no brainers, but in the past, I let those rules fall to the wayside!
Therefore, as far as video games, and or computer (leisure) time, they will not be able to use them until all schoolwork is finished. They will be responsible for certain chores, and we will also stick with our devotion in the mornings. There will also be consequences if they do not follow through with things on their end as well.
So, this week, I'm getting every last detail taken care of, so come next Tuesday, we will be good to go!