Thursday, January 7, 2010


I'm participating in a year long challenge, created by Carin at Forever In Blue Jeans. The goal is to be in one picture a week, for 52 weeks. Since us moms are always behind the camera, this gives us a chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family. So, click here if you want to join in on the fun!

Yes, I know, this is very close up, but it's all I have in the last couple of weeks! Actually, I do have one that I was in from last Sunday, but because I didn't like the way "I" looked, I'm not posting it. :)

So, here ya have. Just me and my youngest, getting ready to head out! I think the only resolution I will make for this year is to be more creative with the pictures I am in.


Mamí♥Picture said...

Great Picture Girl!!!
and I loved your resolution, jejeje
mine its kinda the same... I am learning to apply textures on my photos and I am liking it!!!
Also I am doing the digital scraping and so far I am liking that too...jejeje
Have a Lovely♥Thursday!!

Susie said...

Gosh, she looks like you so much! Great picture:-)

Stacy said...

Another great picture!

I have so much blogging to do!!! Hopefully I can get some done tonight:)

Stephanie said...

I like your resolution too :) but still a cute pic of you and your little one!

Lauren said...

too cute! That sounds like a fun resolution!! ; )

Kelli W said...

Cute picture! You could start letting one of the kiddos take a picture of might be neat to see you from their perspective!

Anonymous said...

I think it's great. It's hard to come up with fun ideas to do sometimes with these pictures. But then you get a chance to take a picture with a couple melons that you just can't pass it up! lol That was the most creative I got anyway!

jen@odbt said...

Great smiles. I think that is a great resolution and I like the idea someone suggested of getting the kids to take pictures of you.

He & Me + 3 said...

You all are always doing so many fun things...just remember to get in those pictures silly:) YOu are beautiful and your daughter is the cutest ever!

Robyn said...

Great picture and love her toothless smile!

mama's smitten said...

Im impressed how long you have been doing this meme! I have thought about it but don't think I can commit . Loving your smiles !

Marice said...

i have lots of photos with the same angle as this one :) u both look great on this! hugs!

Sharon said...

Beautiful! I never can make those come out where you point the camera at yourself.

Darcie said...

Great to see your smiling face my dear...up close or far away. I just love this meme!

Rita Loca said...

Nice photo and lovely smiles! You are braver than I!

Liz Mays said...

Very cute! I love her missing tooth!

Erin said...

Love her "lost a tooth" smile! I think it doesn't have to be perfect to be a perfect picture...

Anonymous said...

Cute picture!

The imPerfect Housewife said...

Is that a little toothless smile I see on your daughter??? So precious - and you look adorable, too! ♥

Chubskulit Rose said...

Whoa, your daughter's eyebrows looks connected together.

Sharing our New Year's celebration

Alicia The Snowflake said...

OH what a great picture! She's such a cutie and this pic shows just where she got it from ;)

Take care my friend!

Aubrey said...

I like Kelli's idea! I would love to see pix of you taken by your kids!!

Great picture!

Carin said...

Alicia it's a great picture, you two are too cute! I always enjoy seeing mom/daughter pictures.

Veronica Lee said...

You both look alike!! Very cute!!

really.truly said...

Alicia!!! Oh girl, this is such a busy season for us...I feel like I'm rarely able to get online anymore.

Great to see your lovely and smiling face.

Kimberly said...

It's a great photo! Why not try out your timer and see what kind of interesting photos you come up with?

Mommy24cs said...

Awww so cute! She's your mini-me! =) said...

I thought of you last week when I realized there were no pics of me on Christmas. Good job keeping up with pics of yourself every week!

Pam said...

She looks so much like you! It's like having a little mini me. : )

Debra Kaye said...


She is adorable...just like her Mama!

Blessings to you, sweet sis!

Muthering Heights said...

That's a good resolution...but your photos are all cute! :)

Kim said...

Still like the picture of you a your girl. You are doing it that is all the matters!

McCrakensx4 said...

Cute her toothless grin!

Mo said...

MINI ME! Kinda scarey actually :)Ya'll are cute.