Thursday, January 21, 2010


I started "Friday Photo Flashback" because I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Don't forget to sign in to MckLinky so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!


This is another edition of, "What was my mom thinking?"

I had to be about 3 years old, and I STILL remember that this was my preschool picture. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this not the day to dress your child in their cutest outfit? And, if you had a girl, you'd put her hair in a pretty bow, clip, or headband? I know that's what I would do.

My mom MUST have been running late that morning, and had to put together an outfit for me in less than 15 seconds. I can't imagine that she would purposely let me out that morning looking like this, especially if it was PICTURE DAY!! But, could she have at least run a comb through my hair first, or try to make me look like a girl?

Mom, I'm sure you're reading this.

Can you tell me, why??????



Happy said...

You look totally adorable! I was raised by my dad and I can recall a couple of school pictures where I wasn't so pleased with his choice of outfits for me!

Chris said...

totally cute! :D

Casey's trio said... gotta love the 70's :) And moms in a rush-HA!

Ebie said...

Hi Alicia, you made me smile with your narratives! You look so cute, and though your mom was in a rush, the colors are coordinated!

P.S.McKlinky is not working.

Kim said...

Alicia that is so cute! Even though it might not be your favorite picture the story behind it is great. Have a great weekend!

Muthering Heights said...

LOL, I'm guessing we'll never see your little lady in an outfit like that then, eh?

Veronica Lee said...

LOL, you looked sooooo cute, Alicia!!

Denise said...

You were very cute.

Kimberly@PrettyPinkMomma said...

You were such a little cutie! Besides, maybe what you were wearing was what all the cool kids were wearing, lol!

Jennifer said...

Bwaaaaaahahahahahahaaahahaha, HooOOOooHhhHoooOoooHhhOooo! Oh my gosh, Alicia, I love you and I love your mom! This is my favorite flashback picture of you! Hands down! The backstory just makes it even more precious!!! :-)

Sarah A. Galang, Ph.D. said...

yah, you are cute Alicia, your story tells...

His Unfailing Love

Kat said...


You are always so funny. Even if you do have a point here. My mom always did make a huge fuss about pictures and dressing up and bows and all.

I have to agree with you here that she would not have sent me to pictures or the first day of school without some hair bling happening.

Happy Friday!


Susie said...

We all have those pictures that we would just slap our parents for, don't we? Your isn't that bad. I think you are still very cute:-)

Debbie Petras said...

Alicia, I still think you are very cute! How funny and I wonder what your mom will say.

Wait until I get to the photos I have from the 1960s. That was a really bad phase for me as how I dressed and looked. Talk about the awkward years; lol. Coming soon!

Thanks for starting this meme. I'm having such with it.


The imPerfect Housewife said...

I think it's ADORABLE! And let's be honest, if we had a dime for every time we thought, 'What was my mom thinking' - we'd own the internet, not just blog on it!! ha ha SOO cute and yes, I had that same haircut one time when I was about that age. ♥

Sunshinelene said...

This is a very cute picture of you.

I just posted my first entry for FPF and i hope not to miss any Fridays in the future.


Kelli W said...

I think you look so cute! And I think we all look back and pictures and wonder what our mom's were thinking....I know I do:)

Beth in NC said...

LOL!!! Alicia. My Mom did this to me when I was in 3rd grade. She cut my hair short and I looked like a boy. She never put bows in my hair or bought me girlie clothes. You've seen my daughter -- she is a prissy girlie girl.

That is why I STILL hate short hair on me. lol

Liz Mays said...

What's wrong here? I think you're cute!

Robyn said...

Didn't we all get dressed like that in the 70's?.......LOL
I think it's a cute picture!

I will get mine on here soon.

Darcie said...

So trying not to laugh, but since everyone else is I will just have to say...LOL!

You are seriously too precious though...I bet your momma looks at that picture and thinks.."She is SO adorable!"

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I have many a pictures I want to ask my mom the same questions :)

Michelle said...

LOL! You should see some of my old school photo's.

But you still look totally cute. :)

Carin said...

Oh you are way to hard on yourself. You look so cute. Sure no bows, but still so stinkin' cute! Great 70's look from the clothes to the playground equipment.

jen@odbt said...

I think it is so cute and makes for a good story now.

Mommy, I'm Home said...

That's such a sweet picture -- even if you are wearing my high school colors, which I never really understood as "matching"...

Mayhem and Moxie said...

This is utterly hilarious. I am so glad that you mentioned something about you looking like a boy. As your friend, I would never have said such a thing, but the thought definitely occurred to me.

Loved this!!

Linda said...

Alicia you were a cute little girl...(:>)

My girls wore pants when they were little a lot more than they wore I think that's just how it was back then.

Thanks for lettting me link up today...and thanks for visitng my blog.

Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

He & Me + 3 said...

YOu are adorable and I have so many pictures of myself that I just look at and question my mother too. Cute

Erin said... were an adorable little boy!

Kimberly said...

LOL! At least your clothes matched, somewhat. :)

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hahaha, you still look though!

I am too late for this but still catching up. We went to Maryland today.

Please check out the Music in Me when you have time.

Momisodes said...

Aw, you look adorable.

But perhaps it's an asian thing. My mom made me look like a boy in all of my pics before the age of 10!

Daphine said...

lol! I love it!!!! You have soooooooooooo many pictures when you were younger. I sure wish I had a surplus of me when I was growing up! It's so much fun looking back on where we came from, huh?

Have a great weekend friend!

EJ said...

Your Mom must have had a very important meeting that day hehehe.

We just got back from Baltimore so I am late with my Helmet Head

McCrakensx4 said...

2 words sweetie...70's BABY!! Gotta love it! I am sure they were great memories for your mom!

Mamí♥Picture said...

aww iLove it...♥

Yami said...

Hihi. your so cute here. :)

Cathy said...

Oh my goodness! You are too cute! I love it. :)

Chris said...

just to let you know...

here is an updated pic of us from our reunion