My boys love to go out to eat with their dad. Their favorite place to go guessed it, Pho! If they ate there everyday, they would be happy!
My son Daniel LOVES TO EAT! And I'm not kidding, that kid can throw down!! He can eat like an adult. Thank goodness he's so active or we'd be in big trouble.
One day it was just him and daddy at their favorite Pho restaurant.
And I guess on this day, he was "starving" and the food couldn't come any faster.
My son Daniel LOVES TO EAT! And I'm not kidding, that kid can throw down!! He can eat like an adult. Thank goodness he's so active or we'd be in big trouble.
One day it was just him and daddy at their favorite Pho restaurant.
And I guess on this day, he was "starving" and the food couldn't come any faster.
Can he look any more impatient?
"Why is everyone else eating??"
Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday
I love his cute face!!!
LOL He does have a I-AM-HUNGRY look.... I love the soup. My friend made it for me from scratch before and it was so time consuming. wishing you a happy 2010. And, I have my first giveaway for 2010. : )
He looks so cute!! Growing boys are ALWAYS hungry, it seems. :)
What a cute post!!!
LOL what was he like as a baby? I think this is what my middle son will be like when he is Daniel's age! No one could understand how my middle son nursed every 2 to 3 hours until he was at least a year. But now everyone gets it because that kid eats ALL OF THE TIME and he is 2 1/2. He ate his own kids meal at Chili's when he was just 1 year old.
Such a cutie!!!!
Oh how cute, he really does look like he is soooo ready to eat, lol! Boys and their stomachs......
I have numerous pictures like that first one of my boys... I know that look well!!
I love the look on his face! My hubs loves Pho, I totally should send him and the boys to go eat some together. I am not a huge fan of Pho but I bet my oldest son would love it :)
I've never heard of Pho but based on your son's face I can tell its good LOL
Happy WW!
Ha, ha!! He looks hungry:-)
Oh my he's adorable!
I love getting to spend one on one time with the kids especially since we have multiple children. It is awesome to see how they are alone because it is so different :)
great pictures. adorable expression in the first one. when you're hungry, you're hungry. i look like that when we are out for pizza and it takes too long. i'm also impatient, though. thanks for sharing and take care.
Awww, he's so adorable. He does look a little impatient! LOL! My 9 year old can already eat more than me... I can't even imagine when the boys are teens! ;)
Love those impatient faces......LOL
how cute! That's the worst part of eating out ... having to sit there and smell the yummy food and watch other people eat while your tummy rumbles with hunger! I hate waiting too!!
That is great. I have one adventurous eater. The other two not so much. Kind of limits where we go out.
I've never heard of Pho, but I've heard of "Faux"! ha ha I don't if we have those in St. Louis. It sounds delicious though as long as they don't serve faux food! Your son's quite the handsome man!!! ♥
I get that same look waiting for my food too :)
You really did capture it perfectly!
Too cute! I think I am going to be in trouble one day...trying to feed three teenage boys! My oldest already eats more than I do when we sit down for dinner:)
Oy... what a gorgeous family...
I have a kid that can throw it down too... scary how much he could eat at the tender age of 5... now hes almost 16, and I see what all the groceries were doing!!! Growing a man!
He's a cutie. I wish my kids loved to eat. They are picky!
Very cute little guy!
LOL! I know how he feels! :)
What a cutie pie!..."Where's our food????" LOL
I don't know what Pho is, help a sista' out. :)
I get impatient too. LOL He is a cutie.
It is so hard to wait for your food, isn't it? I think it's great they get that special dad/son time together!
Great pictures!!
He seriously does not look happy to be sitting there without food, but he sure is a cutie!
LOL... I have those days, too!
I know that feeling, happens to me a lot LOL.
I've been missing for a little bit but now I'm back catching up with everyone. Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family!!
He has that, what's taking so long look... cute!
Love the impatient pic. Kid are so honest with their facial expressions!
Wonderful captures of your handsome boy displaying his impatience.
Hugs and blessings,
My Wordful Wednesday
He is cute!! My Josh loves to eat too!
What a cutie! :)
Seriously, don't come between a hungry boy and his food! LOL
(So funny that we both posted about children eating today!)
Awwww, he's adorable, waiting in anticipation for his food to arrive!!! Cole has been a bottomless pit lately too...I feel a growth spurt coming on!!
so handsome!!
LOLOL, I can just hear him sighing...
Oh my gosh! He is soooo handsome!
That look says it all!
Too funny...sounds like my Colin!
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