Monday, December 29, 2008


Here's to another week of things that I absolutely did NOT do!
  • I did not dare go to Target on Christmas Eve morning just to buy one more present. But, to my surprise, there was hardly anyone there! Praise the Lord!
  • I did not have intentions (again) to bake tons of different cookies this year, and I absolutely did just that! (Do you get the joke here)?
  • I did not send my Christmas cards out on Christmas Eve either! I would not wait to order them a few days before. I have way more organizing skills than that!
  • I did not almost tell my kids what their "big" surprise gift was this year. Nope, not me! I totally do not have a big mouth about those kinds of things!
  • I am not glad that my sister and her family won't be back in two weeks, so I can wait to buy their gifts after the sales!
  • I totally DID NOT have blog withdrawals when my server went down for two days. I did not think about all the posts I missed reading, plus the posts I could have written. I know I am not into blogging that much!
MCKmama is not doing a NMM today, so there is no linky. But, if you want to participate next week, click here for her blog!



Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Hmm an I did not list! I think I like it. I may have to make one lol.
Too funny.

Laura said...

Too funny! At least you mailed out your cards! ;) Later is better than never, right?

I know, when my hubby is home I don't get anything accomplished and I dont know the reason why either! So strange. But it happens every.single.weeked! You can imagine 3 wks of him being home what my house looks like! :|

Have a great day!!

momstheword said...

We were out shopping on Christmas Eve too...ugh!

BTW did you read on MckMama's blog that Stellan is on his way to the hospital again because of the breathing problems and his heart beating to fast? This is the second time in a week, I believe. Praying for that little guy.

Aubrey said...

Oh...I am SO not buying sale gifts for my family either! We always celebrate when they travel here mid-January.
Funny list!

Tony C said...

Good stuff. I linked to your blog from the Jesus Christ link. I enjoy your writing style.

You have a beautiful family.

God bless and Happy New Years.

Anonymous said...

Happy NMM!! Great list. I did NOT bake any cookies this year. I did NOT mail any cards at all. Have a great New Year!

Stacy said...

I would not have had withdrawls either!

tiki_lady said...

rofl, hahahaha I love it!

He & Me + 3 said...

I was at Target on Christmas Eve too and ours was a mad house. Crazy I tell you. What is wrong with all those late shopping people? LOl

Melissa said...

I've been having blog withdrawals as well! But that's because I was busy reading a new book instead of spending time on the computer!

Great list of "nots".

McCrakensx4 said...

Great list! And the whole shopping on Christmas Eve, ya I didn't do that either! Have a great week!
~Stacey :)

Lisa said...

I just love the updated pictures of the kids, they are sooooo.... cute. I had on only one NMM, I went out Christmas Eve the weather was bad and I was pulling Joel through the parking lot and did not realize his pants( that were too big) were around his ankles.... I should have blogged that one but I just didn't feel like it.

hello said...

Hey Girl! To funny about the cookies.... I did break and bakes this year, lol!
I am back to blogging again... just a little FYI if you want to check out my blog.
So are you still planning to visit here this summer??

Muthering Heights said...

Wow, I can't believe you braved Target on Christmas Eve!!!!

Momisodes said...

Oh you know what no one was at Target on Christmas eve? They were all there the day after Christmas!! It was such a madhouse, but I didn't go :)

I applaud you making it through 2 whole days without a server. I would have

Everyday Mom Designs said...

Love your list!

Anonymous said...

That made me giggle! And I did not miss you when you were AWOL for a couple of days.....except I totally did!

Susie said...

Another great list:-)

Sara said...

I got more cards this year after Christmas than I have ever gotten. So, I don't think you are the only one. At least you got them mailed..

Florida Girl said...

Love your list! I'd forgotten that today was Not-me Monday. Bummer!

Denise said...

lol, no you did not!!

Daphine said...

You are hilarious girl! Great list!

Florida Girl said...

Just wondering something: HOW DO YOU GET SO MANY FOLLOWERS? Can I steal some of yours? lol

Alicia The Snowflake said...

No, you didn't do all those things...I did! Well, except the part about Christmas cards. I never did get those done!

Take care my friend!

April said...

Good Morning,

I'm visiting from Daphine's blog! I really enjoyed reading your list! Please feel free to drop by anytime...I love meeting new people! Happy New Year!!!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I enjoy blogging so much, I try to *think* of things to blog about, just so I can blog! ha ha!