Monday, December 15, 2008

"Not Me! Monday"

Here goes another week of things I absolutely did not do!!

I totally did not stuff my face with spinach dip and eat it with both sourdough bread AND crackers! I am so not a carbaholic!

I did not save all our empty water bottles for my mom to recycle (because she didn't ask) but then decided to keep it for ourselves since, hey..should we "not" benefit from our own recyclables??

I did not take tons of pictures of the Christmas tree, in different angles, and different lights just so I can post a half decent one on my blog! I'm not that anal!

I was so not cracking up during worship at our Women's Christmas Coffee because my friend (who is not a Pastors wife) and I kept adding on to a joke that only we thought was not funny! I would so not do that!!!

I was totally not loud and competitive at a game I was playing at my friends women's bible study/Christmas party!! I have way more self control than that!!

To read more Not Me's, or to join on the fun, click here!



Anonymous said...

I'm not a carbaholic either. Your spinach dip would have had me going too!

Anonymous said...

I'm NOT a carbaholic either. Great list.

He & Me + 3 said...

I so love those kind of jokes. My cousin Eyeglasses and endzones and I can go on for hours with just one thing. Don't even get us started, because it makes those that are listening upset. LOL

Lisa said...

I am glad I am not the only one that did not stuff my face this

Stacy said...

I think alot of people are not stuffing theirs faces lately! It's the holidays!!!

McCrakensx4 said...

Carbs, lov'em! I could live on bread & crackers alone, but throw in spinach dip...Yummy! And the whole joke thing, been there done that!

Stephanie said...

So not a carbaholic either!!!! That's the best food group to be honest!

Happy Monday!

Unknown said...

I am not a carbaholic either. Spinach dip sounds yummy. Can't wait to see the pictures of your tree.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Gotta love those carbs! I was not talking either during the Christmas concert for my son's band practice. I totally did not feel chastised when the band director said something to the children ;o)

Takin' time to smell the flowers! said...

Thanks for leaving a comment:) I've had the same thing happen in church, one too many times I might add. My mom and I were laughing so hard one time, we, I shamefully confess, decided to act like we were crying because of some deep rooted "spiritual" matter. Shameful I tell you. We were laughing so hard tears were coming out...

Erica said...

I'm not about to have leftover pizza & breadsticks for my lunch! Truly I think it's great that you can have such a great time in a Church related event! Have a wonderful Monday!

Aubrey said...

Ewwww....carbs?!?! *wink, wink*

Mrs. Chief said...

Just speak for yourself on that carbohalic one...I have NOT a clue about that at all....

Alicia W. said...

You are so funny about the different angel's of your tree, lol.. Been there.. Done that!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great list!!! I totally can relate to the last one ;)

Denise said...

No, not you. lol

Melissa said...

I take a ton of pictures as well, just looking for the "perfect" one for my blog! So, your not the only anal one out there! LOL!

Amy Wyatt said...

Maybe I've just missed it due to all the commotion and illness at my house, but if you emailed me your address I can't find it. I would like to mail your CD you won to you so could you please email it to me? I'm so sorry if you have already sent it. I have hundreds of emails to go through and I couldn't find it if it was already sent.
Amy Wyatt

Debra Kaye said...


Too funny girl! Love that spinach dip!!

Happy Monday to you!

Annie said...

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I love spinach! YUM!!!!!!!

Susie said...

You are a becan of self-control:-)

Anna said...

spinach dip! yummy! i didnt take a zillion pictures of our christmas tree at a zillion angles on a dozen different settings either :) thanks for visiting my blog!

Sara said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Spinach Dip, and that makes me want to make some, but I am stuck in my house right now, cause there is snow all over my driveway and I can't get out! Too bad I'm NOT about to stuff my face full of chocolate peppermint bark that I just made... :0)

Muthering Heights said...

I'm not a carbaholic either...LOL!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

I love spinach dip!! I made piles of dip this weekend for our party and I most certainly did not make sure I had an extra pan just for us for after the party!!

tiki_lady said...

I love it!! you and I could totally hang togetha!
like the loud and competitive and eating the spinache dip, oh not me! and it is even worse if the two mentioned above happened at the same church event!! LOL