Wednesday, December 17, 2008



To view more WW, click here to visit 5 Minutes For Mom, or for Wordful Wednesday, click here.



Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gosh....this is awesome. Great share.

My Wordful Wednesday is posted, it's also filled with photos. And, I'd like to announce that I have a special blog giveaway that I'm doing ---just click on the announcement that you find on my sidebar to join in on the drawing!!! See you there!!!

Lisa said...

awesome flashback pics, I love it.... oh how the kids have grown. One year, since my kids do not look much like me, I sent out a Christmas card of my 4 kids and Tito's brother's little girl and some friends I had not seen in a while thought I had a fifth child. She does look like she could be one of ours, the pediatrician was really confused wondering why he never saw her for an

Stacy said...

Great pictures! I was trying to find some of mine from last year. But no luck!

Anonymous said...

Your family is so beautiful!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful family you have. And I love the color of the sunset in the last picture. Ahh, looks like paradise!

Debra Kaye said...


What a beautiful family! Just beautiful, my friend.

Happy Wednesday!

Liza on Maui said...

This is a wonderful WW post! I was just looking our our previous Christmas photos and thought ... wow time flies fast, I am glad these photos are "capturing the times of our lives" (or some of it;).

Thanks for the visit. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Susie said...

Year after year...what a beautiful family:-)

Claremont First Ward said...

Look how much everyone has grown! I love the additions in the last one! :)

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

My how they grow up so fast! You have a beautiful family!

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Wow! I'm impressed! Everyone's included, looking nice and {gasp!} even looking AT the camera!!! How *do* you do it?!? The world wants to know!

hello said...

Wow Alicia I can not believe how much all of your kids have grown just in the last year, let alone the last two years!! Great pics!! You still planning a trip to Va Beach this summer!!??

God's Girl said...

You sure have a beautiful family! May God bless all of you in a special way this Christmas.

momstheword said...

Beautiful pictures! I love looking back and seeing how my kids have grown.

Melissa said...

awww! They've grown up so much!

You've inspired me to do a Christmas Flashback of Kendra..... :o)

Anonymous said...

You have a very beautiful family and I wish you a very blessed Christmas.

The Farmer Files said...

My favorite is the one with all SEVEN of you!

Daphine said...

Happy Wednesday!

Girl, your family is just beautiful! I love these!

Anonymous said...

Your children are beautiful. Great photos.

Anonymous said...

Oh I remember all those bows you bought for Veronica!! Do you still use them or buy them? Great pics!

Laura said...

Doesnt make you sad? To see all your babies growing up so fast!?

Julie said...

What great pics! Beautiful family!

Aubrey said...

What a lovely family you have! I love looking back thru the years. So great!

Sara said...

Your kids are adorable! How fun to look back!

Erica said...

That is so neat! You have some good pictures and I love seeing the difference from year to year! I would love to see it back another 5 years ya know in case you have nothing else to do ;)!

Tiffers said...

I love flashback pictures! Who gave kids the right to grow so quickly? Nostalgia. Happy WW!

angie said...

Great family photos! Thanks for sharing them!

Mandy said...

Such beautiful children! :)

He & Me + 3 said...


I love all three of the pictures. Your kids are so cute. I love the bows in the hair in the first picture. super cute!

Denise said...

You have such a lovely family dear.

Shelly at Aperture of My Eye said...

I love the family pics over the years. Look how they all have grown! Great pics.

MomOf4 said...

I love watching them grow up in these photos! Very neat!

Shynea @ Penny Pinching Diva said...

You have a beautiful family. I love looking back at old pictures of my family. Pictures from "back in the day." :)

Kimberly said...

Wow! That just goes to show how fast kids truly grow! :)

Kimberly said...

Oh, I wanted to say thanks for the kind comments you left on my blog. :) (I didn't see an email address on your blog or I would have emailed instead.) :)

Belinda said...

How fun to watch how your family has grown!

JMBMOMMY said...

So crazy how fast they grow!! Great pics!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

What wonderful pics!! Its amazing watching them grow and change from year to year!!

McCrakensx4 said...

What great memories! I love looking back through old family photos and they always seem to be either at Christmas or Easter! Happy Wednesday to you my friend :)

Anonymous said...

I just love your family! Your pictures are beautiful!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

cute!! I've been wanting to do some flashbacks but all my pics of Beth and Grace are on film so I need to do some scanning.