Sunday, December 21, 2008


What do you give a five and a six year old when they're upset because they can't go back to church in the evening? Yes, I's AWESOME that they L.O.V.E. going as opposed to being forced to go! It's just that it is so stinkin' cold outside, I don't want them running back and forth from the cafe to the gym in the freezing, rainy weather. And it's not like we leave right after service either. We're there for at least another two hours afterward just hangin' out! So, I told my hubby just to go back with the older kids and I'll stay home with the little ones. Plus, I have a little headache, and I just want to relax. Anyway, so back to my question. What would you give? Well, this is what I did, and it made them happy campers!! Talk about instant transformation!

Hot cocoa..MmmMmm!It's all about the glazed!
"Now this is what I'm talkin' 'bout!"



Denise said...

Looks beyond yummy to me.

Mrs. Chief said...

Can I come live with you>>>

Shell in your Pocket said...

Hot chocolate and krisy kreme donuts..a dream come true!
-sandy toes

Anonymous said...

hehehe ... I love the mouthful shot!! :)


Alicia The Snowflake said...

Too cute! Sounds good to me! It would make me happy ;o)

Take care my friend!

Laura said...

Oohhhh, yummmy. It's actually cold out tonight.. I want some hot cocoa, too!! :)

Daphine said...

LOL! Yep, this was definitely a quick fix alright! You're such a nice mommy!

The Farmer Files said...

I just rediscovered hot chocolate a few weeks back when it got into the low (I am afraid to tell you) 70s one morning, and the trades were blowing. It must have cost the air temp 10 degrees....and I thought...hmmm...I have to have this more often! Such a comfort drink...makes me all nostalgic for my childhood!

He & Me + 3 said...

Yummy yum!

McCrakensx4 said...

Sounds like a fun time to me!

Kelly said...

Krispy Kreme rocks. Can you be my mom?! :o)

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

man I wish I didn't get to go to church at your house!!! yummo