Saturday, April 4, 2009


I was so happy for our puppy Mocha because she was able to be reunited with her brothers last weekend! My friends daughter's birthday party was on Saturday and they have one of Mocha's brothers. Her sister in law has the other two and they were there also! It was so cute to see them lick each other and wrestle on the grass!

Aren't they soooo cute!!! Mocha is the 2nd to the left.
My son is holding Mocha! B-day girl is on the far left.
It's not a party till you play musical chairs!
Miranda & her friend Phylicia! I love this in B&W!


Denise said...

Such cute pictures, love the puppies.

Kimber said...

How cute and fun that the puppies got to play together. Beautiful shot of the girls.

Jennifer Bowen said...

Great puppies photos! Love the B&W photo of your daughter and her friend. Nice soft processing.

JMBMOMMY said...

Cute puppy!! And beautiful, beautiful girls!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

How fun...a birthday party and a family reunion...super fun. Mocha is so cute.

tiki_lady said...

great pictures and so much fun!!! I like playing musical chairs as adults! LOL, the last time we played was hillarious!!!

momstheword said...

Love the pictures of your kids, and the puppies are precious!

I remember musical chairs, always a fun game!

Stephanie said...

How neat that they're all in the family...they can grow up together :)

Love the last's beautiful!

Rune said...

I am a fan of your blog! Come over to our site and get a fan award:))


Beth in NC said...

Looks like such a great time! Sweet puppies! Awwwwww!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh the puppies are so cute! Looks like everyone had a great time, even Mocha!

Anonymous said...

a birthday and puppy party! it doesn't get better!

Anonymous said...

So cute...and the title of your post is so perfect for the pictures!!

Lana said...

Looks like you had a fun day! I don't think you can ever get too old to love the game of musical chairs!!

PS I love the B&W photo as well.

Laura said...

Cute pictures!! Everyone looks great!

McCrakensx4 said...

All those puppies (and kids) are ssoosososo CUTE!!! It ALMOST makes me want to get one!!! I said almost!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

So cute...puppy love!

really.truly said...

Alicia, that is just too cute!

joanofalltrades said...

Oh man....where's the infamous face?! I look forward to it in every pic. Good for Mocha.....beig reunited in puppy love.

Lisa said...

very cute a puppy reunion, dogs are people too.

Daphine said...

Awwwww!!!! These pictures are precious! Yes, lovin' the black and white one too!

Anonymous said...

Where was their outfits ?
Can't believe you said you enjoyed watching them "lick themselves" LOL

Love ya