Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I adore this picture of my husband and my oldest daughter! I'm glad I was able to capture the gentleness between them at that moment. This was at the Father Daughter Princess Ball we had at our church last year. I was able to snap this great shot because I was helping out that night. If you look on my sidebar you can see another picture of them with my youngest daughter. It was such a special night for all the girls and their daddy's! I'm looking forward to them going again this year!


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For more Wordful Wednesday, click here.


Sara Elizabeth said...

Super sweet photo. It is so special. She will grow up and treasure this photo forever. Happy WW!

My WW is @ :

Hootin Anni said...

How precious.

I'm celebrating a 40th birthday today...come see who is the big four oh!!

Have a great Wednesday.

Unknown said...

Love the photo and all that your husband does for your family!

You are such a precious family!
xoxo Jill

McCrakensx4 said...

What a fun and special night! They both look to nice dressed up so pretty! Great shot!

April said...

That is one gorgeous picture! Treasure every single moment...they grow up so fast!

Susie said...

So sweet!

Beth in NC said...

That is definitely a priceless picture!

Denise said...

That is so heart touching.

Stephanie said...

That's great and such a precious memory!

Julie said...

That is such a sweet pic!

He & Me + 3 said...

I got goose bumps. Just priceless!

Anonymous said...

Aw! So precious! Our hs group just had their father daughter ball also. The girls had some of the most beautiful pics. Great memories!

Shasta said...

What an amazing picture, so sweet!

Robyn said...

Super special and so sweet!

Amy said...

how sweet is that.

Lana said...

I can't wait for my DD to be able to enjoy precious moments like this with her dad! Those are moments your DD and your DH will cherish forever!

Anonymous said...

Now that is a sweet moment...I was such a daddy's sweet!

really.truly said...

Awww, that is sooo cute! Such a great moment to capture.

Debbie said...

How beautiful. That is one to treasure.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh what a precious picture & a special memory!

Happy Wednesday my friend!

Anonymous said...

Priceless photo! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

You captured it just perfectly! Beautiful, beautiful moment.

Melissa said...

That picture is so very sweet!

Definately one that needs to be in attendance at her wedding! :o)

Sara said...

That is one that I would hang on to forever, I have one of my Dad and I, much older, it was from my wedding, but I love those dancing photos.

Neisha said...

What a beautiful picture. She will always cherish this picture. And so will your husband. They grow up so fast.

Laura said...

I love the idea of a father and daughter ball!! You captured that moment beautifully.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

I started to tear up a bit looking at that photo. (I have a bit of baby girl fever right now...) So sweet!

Sweet Serendipity said...

That is sweet. Great photo!

Rob said...

Great pic.

momstheword said...

Oh, it looks like daddy is teacher her to dance! So sweet!

BTW, thank you for your sweet comments. I never really thought about how people might picture me....hehehe!

Femin Susan said...

Now that is a sweet moment... thanks for sharing....

Leslie said...

What a sweet picture. I love daddy/daughter pics!

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture and special memory that your daughter will be able cherish.

Darcie said...

What an absoultely amazing and touching to cherish forever!

JMBMOMMY said...

Wow, that photo is priceless! What sweet memories...

Brenda said...

Thats a wonderful picture!

Kelly said...

One of those "awe" some moments!!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

There really is nothing that makes me smile more than seeing daddy's with their daughters.

jen@odbt said...

So beautiful. I love watching my daughter and her dad - there's just something special there.

Natalie Marie Guarascio said...

What a beautiful dress. That dance is such a great idea. :)

Daphine said...

What a great picture! Your daughter will so appreciate having this one day!