Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Lisa at Family Life started this fun meme on Tuesday's called "Kids Got Talent." I wanted to participate in it because I think it's a great way to share the different gifts that God has blessed our children with!! So, if you would like to join in on the fun, just click here!

This was back in April 2006!

My oldest son, Isaiah, and his three of his friends were the Children's Church Worship Team! I remember that my son just started playing that year, and he already knew a couple of songs. What's amazing about this team is that Isaiah was only three months shy of turning 10, and the other boys were 11!

The man on the left is our Worship Pastor and he would help the boys with new songs. That's actually his son that he's standing next to. My son is the one in the middle playing the guitar! He looks so little here compared to now! The kids singing were the choir team for the band, and as you will see, they will get "talked to" by Miss Kelly! That's my daughter Miranda with the long black hair!

Here they are practicing one afternoon in the childrens worship room.


Pilar said...

Your kids DO have talent, lots of them!

Leah said...

What a precious gift from God and a gift that they've decided to give back. My boys are also involved in a praise band at church, it's been a blessing on us all.

Susie said...

They are so talented! Thanks for sharing that:-)

Lisa said...

Alicia that was fabulous, that is exciting to hear your children singing worship and playing guitar...just awesome.

I wish I knew how to hook up my mr. linky...I am goin to find out.

Denise said...

So awesome.

Jenjen @GottaLoveMom said...

What a blessing.. such talented kids just like their mom.
In your next visit, I have 2 gifts for you.
Have a great week!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh that was awesome! He does have talent my friend! I love seeing children worship God. No wonder Jesus said let the little children come. They are precious!

Stacy said...

God has blessed all of your children with special talents:)

Anonymous said...

I love it when churches encourage kids to use their talents in service to the Kingdom. I can't think of a better way to ensure that church will be a part of their lives when they get older!

Beautiful kids and talented, too!

really.truly said...

I agree...your kids have talent!! And each is so different, I love it.

McCrakensx4 said...

That is so awesome! They are awesome! I wish I knew how to play an instrument! Great job, both kids!

Alicia W. said...

You guys have some talented kids that's for sure!

Lorrie said...

Oh this is so sweet. I love the kids worshipping...always.
I'm starting to covet...I might have to join this meme!
oh and LOL about your comment on my post this morning!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

What a talented kid!

Sara said...

So cool, and so much TALENT!

Lisa said...

Everyday since Isaiah and all the others were born I have been in AWE of them.
Love him to death.
Love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

He really is talented...that was awesome. My almost 10 year old son wants to learn to play the guitar. I have so got to find someone to teach him!!!

Stephanie said...

You have such talented children! Awesome!!!!!

momstheword said...

What a sweet video! Watching these kids prepare to lead the church into worship. What an awesome privilege and responsibility!

I enjoy watching our teens lead worship when it is their week!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Wow! That is really cool! What a neat idea for a meme! Love to see kiddos playing instruments!

He & Me + 3 said...

That was so awesome. I would totally love for my kids to play an instrument. What a talent and to use it for the Lord too. What a blessing.

Darcie said...

It never ceases to amaze me of the talents of the youth.

Your son and all the kids were so talented. Great job.

Debbie said...

That is wonderful! I love the idea of this meme too.

Pam said...

Your kids are so talented. I love the fact that you are encouraging them to develop their talents too.

Beth in NC said...

That is precious!

Sawatzky family said...

That is so very sweet!
I agree that when kids worship and use their gifts for the Lord..there is nothing better or more inspiring to watch!
Thanks for sharing :)

Tanya said...

That's awesome! They sure do got talent.

Muthering Heights said...

You must just always be bursting with pride! :)

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Very talented indeed!


Be sure to drop by and enter to win!

R and R Stacy said...

AWESOME!!! Now that's talant!

Cascia Talbert said...

You have a very talented son. Thank you for sharing your video!

Daphine said...

Not able to view this on my lunch hour right now....will have to come back to tonight. Darn it!!!