We went out to lunch for Father's Day (sorry no pictures of the food this time, but I assure you it was delicious Mexican food), and before we left I wanted to take a nice picture of my husband with the kids.
Who would think that saying "cheese" would be such a huge challenge? "Cheese," then "click." Simple, right? You would think they would know the drill by now.
(Oh, and no editing or cropping on the photos...I'm too lazy today, so you can click on the picture to enlarge it)
Okay...look up please!
Veronica looking at Eli's FIRST balloon going up, up, and away!
My bad...wrong setting (but they're not looking anyway).
Miranda, stop texting, Eli, open your eyes, Veronica, fix your bangs, and Isaiah, get the balloon out of your face!
Eli, the sun isn't that bright! And Miranda, why are you bending down? Oh, Veronica, fix your bangs please.
Stop flexing, Veronica, and fix your bangs! And Eli, open your eyes just for a second!
Isaiah, please stand up straight, Miranda, stop laughing, Veronica, put your arm down, Danny, please smile just one more time, and Eli, stop squinting...PLEASE!
Isaiah, stand up straight, and Eli, fix your face next time.
Isaiah fix your face, Danny please smile and Gabe are you going to sneeze?
Ahh..forget it...I give up...
Is it just me, or do any of you go through this too?
Who would think that saying "cheese" would be such a huge challenge? "Cheese," then "click." Simple, right? You would think they would know the drill by now.
(Oh, and no editing or cropping on the photos...I'm too lazy today, so you can click on the picture to enlarge it)
Okay...look up please!
Is it just me, or do any of you go through this too?
lol, families are so awesome.
There is ALWAYS at least one person who kills the shot. Always. :)
LOL. Did you see my father's day shots? The oldest one (and he's not a child) was making it hard to get the shot. That's the beauty of digital...snap away and you're bound to get one decent photo. Love the montage.
lol. you mean it doesn't get better as they get older?!?! i'm doomed. lol.
That's so funny! I hate trying to take groups shots...I tried yesterday with my four kids and it was torture. Allie was trying to go all over the place and squiggle out of Lucas' lap...Caleb wouldn't look at me and when he did he wouldn't smile....Jacob just kept on saying cheese the entire time without a smile on his face and Lucas was looking at Allie. Ugh!
LOL ... too funny~
Too funny! I try to get group pics too, but they never turn out as good as you want them too! I'm usually lucky to get at least a little {arm, leg, tope of their head} of each of my boys in the picture!
Yes!! How hard is it for everyone to look in the same direction and smile? Apparently very, very hard.
I'm glad you captured all these moments on film. Frustrating for you, maybe but very entertaining for us.
Your family's adorable - but where's Mommmy?
Thanks for the well wishes - and yes, it'll be very busy with graduation, birthdays and then off we go for a week...and then my birthday!
There seems not enough time in a day or week or month or year ...but we just have to enjoy those smiling faces:)
YES! We did a family pic on Sunday with my tripod and you wouldn't believe how many times I had to re-set my auto timer. It was so horribly HOT outside too. Thankfully we got one good shot out of 100! :) I know exactly what you mean - Yours is GREAT! Love the balloons.
I think it is an urban myth that a successful group photo can be taken.
oh my word! I was laughing outloud on that one :) Isaiah, "fix your face" haha.
That's too funny. And yes we have the same problem!
Sounds funny!!!
That is to funny. I can totally relate. I don't think I've been able to get a good group shot in years.
Ah you made me laugh. I thought they were all fun in their own way. I've been catching up after the long weekend. Great posts to read. Wonderful father's day post to your husband what a guy. Great job and have a wonderful day!
Oh you said it so well and so true!
We go through this too! lol
Great looking family :)
Ha ha - YES!!! I go through the same thing. Exactly.
You still got a alot of cute shots. I feel your pain, I have 4 kids and they, sometimes, cringe when they see I want a picture with everyone in it. They know it's hard to get everyone looking "good" at the same time. Action shots are fun!
LOL... hahaha.. that was great! Too funny!
My family gets very tired of me taking multiple photos, but I would not have to if they would pay attention from the beginning. They think I am too bossy telling them to brush the hair from their eyes and not make annoying faces and…please, do not stand in front of that person…oh, now you are too far apart! Blah, blah, blah!
I think your photos improved as you took them but I see what you mean. Sometimes it can be very difficult to get a bunch of kids to cooperate for the camera. I hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day!
I know what you I have a hard enough time with just getting my 3 to look.
Oh girl i feel u on this! No one is ever looking at the camera at the same time! It is always something! LOL
We are forever having picture difficulties! As soon as I think everyone is ready, someone looks away at the last minute or Carson takes off. It's so frustrating sometimes!!
You would think it would be easy as there are only four of us for our annual Christmas photo (plus the dogs) but it becomes a nightmare and we usually disolve in laughter and don't get one good picture!
And it seems to get harder in my family, not easier. I thought they'd be easier to pose when they grew up. However, one of mine is more difficult!
LOL, yes...but I'm sure it's much more difficult with a larger family!
I loved seeing the progression of shots. Too cute! And thanks for always being so encouraging to me!
And here I thought I was the only one that had that problem. ;o) I have to say that those are some fun pictures and they gave you a great blog post in the end!
You are so funny! I think it is hard enough to get 3 to look at the camera and you have 6! Love the progression of the pics though!
hahaha - this was too funny! I feel your pain, though - it can be that way with my family too! :) Thanks for the sweet words about my photos today! :)
Ahahaha! Hilarious!
Heck ya...I only post the good ones, so everyone thinks it was so easy. Yet in reality it was like 600 shots later.
LOL...that is is the truth for every good pic. I post there must be another 20 taken too..:P
I totally know what you mean and I only have 3...actually I posted about it last week on my blog. Feel your pain girlie!
I TOTALLY sympathize! I declare sometimes just trying to take a good picture of my TWO boys makes me want to pull my hair out - any more than that, and I don't even try! :P
LOL! This was hilarious!!! Oh my goodness! I LOVE them all...and LOVE how you told a tad bit about each photo....
You crack me up!
you really made me smile...
Oh yes we do. I try not to get frustrated....but sometimes I admit I do. Then I end up laughing about all the crazy ones we get. :)
This just has to be such a great / true and funny post! I was laughing while scrolling down. I think it gets more and more difficult to take a really nice family picture as it gets bigger and bigger!
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