Monday, June 15, 2009


I am linking up with my friend, Mom's The Word to participate in her Monday meme, "Making Your Home Sing Monday." It's a day when we share what we are doing to bless our families in our home. If you would like to join in, click here.

I'm going to be super busy for the next two weeks, and no, we're not going on vacation!

Our church is having two, one week long day camps. The first week starts today, and it is from 9-3! Now, I could be taking a break during this time! I could just easily drop them off, come home, or just basically do what I want for those six hours! But, no, I'm staying, and helping out! I helped last year and it was so much fun! It's alot of work , but so worth it when you see all the kids having a great time! My kids are already excited!

I'm sure I'll have pictures to post this week, and I will be able to explain what they will be doing every day! But, the point of this post is to share how I am going to make my home sing this week!

I'm going make it sing by serving at church!

You may be thinking, "What does that have to do with making her home sing?"

Well, I'll tell ya! When your kids see you at church serving (volunteering your time), and you are doing it for the Lord and not for any recognition, it really blesses them! It makes them happy to see their parents there and it also teaches them to have a servants heart! When you're serving the Lord wholeheartedly, you will find joy in whatever you're doing. Whether it be mopping a floor, passing out snacks, or singing on the worship team!

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. -Colossians 3:23-24


Denise said...

Bless you for serving at your church, that is so awesome.

Susie said...

You set such a good example for your kids! Can you be my mom? Hee, hee, hee.

Stacy said...

That is so true! I am teaching a preschool camp in July too!

Christie said...

that sounds wonderful!!

Darcie said...

What a wonderful example you are being for your kids. We all just need to be more aware of opportunites to serve. Have a great time!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Scripture.

I am sure your children are delighted that you are going to spend so much time seeing what they are doing. It is wonderful how children are delighted by their parent’s attention. You’ll be makes great memories.

Have fun!


Sawatzky family said...

So well said!
I could not agree more with the exxample we set for our kids in our own service and attitudes!
I helped at our VBS in Green Bay and it was a BLAST!
HAVE a FUN week :)

really.truly said...

I bet your kids will love having you there! I have been telling myself be really "present" with my boys. Being there with them is a great thing!

Kelli W said...

I hope you have an awesome time this week! Volunteering your time at church can be a ton of work, but it is so rewarding in the end!

McCrakensx4 said...

That sounds like so much fun! Our VBS only is for a few hours a day. Have fun!

Erin said...

Seeing our children give of ourselves is an important gift we give them. Glad you can get tremendous enjoyment out of it at the same time. Have a great couple of weeks.

Anonymous said...

That is such a beautiful thing to do!!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

have an awesome time!
our VBS is only three hours...I couldn't imagine six lol. I'll be suriving in the nursery ( my second home ) during VBS :)

momstheword said...

It sets an awesome example for the kids. Both my kids serve in the church, and I so appreciate seeing their gift of service to the Lord!

Also, if every mom dropped off their kids and left, there wouldn't be enough moms to help and therefore wouldn't be a day camp, I imagine!

Have fun, I look forward to the pictures, and thank you for linking up today!

Liz Mays said...

Your church is so wonderful with the youth. I think it's fabulous! I'm the same way that you are though. I'd be staying around to help too. :)

CC said...

Our kids started VBS today (at a near-by church since ours isn't doing one). I'm still at work, but glad that they are going to be learning a little more about God every day!! :)

Jennifer said...

Whole heartedly serving the Lord and setting a great example for your children! I love it! Good luck at camp!

Muthering Heights said...

You are such a good's awesome that you're setting such a great example!

Debbie said...

You are so right! They do learn from example.

Unknown said...

Oh, I just love your servant spirit Alicia! You are a good influence on me! I can't wait to hear about your adventures! : )

Joyeful said...

Your kids will definitely see a servant's heart in you!!! Blessings this week and I can't wait to see the pictures!

He & Me + 3 said...

I agree. Serving others will also be serving your family. They will understand the true meaning of having a servant's heart.
Have fun the next 2 weeks. Sounds like a blast.

Mozi Esme said...

So well said! Enjoy the singing...