Wednesday, June 10, 2009



Well, not really, the hill was only about 15 feet up!

If you recall, I took a picture just like this a few weeks ago, but it was with my cell phone. Even though it came out okay, I knew that this shot would be way better with my camera.

This was right after the kids and I had a picnic at the park for my daughter's birthday, and they wanted to climb up the same hill! I told them pose the same way they did the last time! I know..I'm so original!


Be sure to visit 5 Minutes For Mom for more Wordless Wednesday, and 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday.


Pineapple Princess said...

Really, really cute picture!
You should frame it for sure!
Happy WW!

Joyeful said...

This is the cutest family picture, Alicia! Wow--it came out sooo good! I bet this is one of your favorites!

Pilar said...

In every photo you post i always go looking for the faces of your two oldest one because they are always so funny :)

Really good photo, I agree, this one is a keeper :)

Jennifer said...

LOL! I'm all for recreating precious moments! ;-)

Sara Elizabeth said...

What an absolutely fantastic photo of your children!

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Rob said...

Awesome photo, love the poses.

Happy WW!

Alicia W. said...

One of my favorites yet! I would so frame this one. The backdrop is amazing. Great WW

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Great pic! And I love that you even got Mocha to pose!

Susie said...

Yeah...I would frame that one!!

Lana said...

What a great shot! Asking them to pose the same way is so ME! :) Lana

Buckeroomama said...

What a great picture of your children! Definitely one for framing. :)

Hootin Anni said...

Cute kids....looks like they're all having a lot of fun....and the cute doggie too.

My wordful is posted....mine is of the feathered kind. Johnathon Livingston's kin. Stop by if you can.

just another mother said...

wow - that turned out great for a cellphone!!! happy WW!!

I posted my wordful at one blog and wordless at my other blog, hope you can stop by to both of them!!

Lisa said...

I love it, they look on top of the world looking down on creation.....that is a line from a
Your kids are precious and they look like so much fun.

jen@odbt said...

Great shot and perspective. Love how your daughter is striking a pose.

Stephanie said...

That's an awesome need to frame it!

Love how even the dog is standing up there!

Kelli W said...

Too cute! What a great picture! I love how Miranda is standing!!

really.truly said...

That is such a great picture of your kids!! I love it!!! You guys are so much fun. Look how unique each one is!

Anonymous said...

I would so blow this up to a really large size and hang it!

tiki_lady said...

hi my friend! I have missed you too. I have been reading just havent been able to leave some comment love! love the pic!

Anonymous said...

That looks great!

Susan Cook said...

Great shot! Very nice poses. Happy WW!

Momisodes said...

Oh that is such a great photo! I love everyone up there lined the puppy :)

McCrakensx4 said...

But it is such a cute pic and if they wanted to climb up anyways...Happy Wednesday!

Lauren said...

What a beautiful family!! (including puppy of course!!) Thank you for sharing!:)

Be Blessed ~ Lauren

Melissa said...

That's a great family photo. Asking everyone to pose the same way is SO something that I would do, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Love that the dog is even posing...

Sara said...

Such an awesome shot!

Miti said...

Yay!!! You got the shot with your camera. Love all the posing. And look how cute Mocha looks!!! Great photo redo Alicia!!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Very cool! Love the angle you took it from.

tiarastantrums said...

that is one to blow up and put on the wall

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Adorable! I love it! I also love the dog just chillin there! So great!

McClure Family said...

great photo! (and i love the poses!)

my WW:

Five Moms & A Blog said...

So now I am back as the MOM blog! Thanks for your comment on the Garage Sale antics! Oh how I love to shop at them but I am not a fan of setting one up!

Anonymous said...

They are all so very cute!!

Stacy said...

Now that is cute!!! Oh and your little doggie is too cute:)

Anonymous said...

Hello Alicia,

Fun photo of your Five!

My children's ages are 21, 19, 14, 12, & 9...they are all growing up TOO fast...I need a baby around!

My youngest blessed me with loads of hugs and kisses every day...I AM blessed. All of them still like love from their mother.

See you soon.


momstheword said...

aawww, what a cute pix! Even Mocha is posing, lol!

Marrdy said...

What a great picture and such a cute family. Love the dog too!

Daphine said...

GREAT picture, Alicia! I LOVE it!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW...Thanks for following my blog!

♥ Hope

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Very, very cute ma'am! I love the little doggy!

The Mud Bug said...

That is a great picture! You should enlarge it and put it on your wall. Happy WW!

Danielle said...

Such a cute picture! You should frame it! What a treasured memory.

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

cute! it was worth the second shot hehe. <3

Jolene said...

That is a great picture!

R and R Stacy said...

I hope you have printed and framed this picture! It's a great one!!!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Absolutely love it!! Like others have mentioned, you should totally frame it! :)

Happy WW! :)

Lindy said...

What a great shot! Lovin' the dog being in there too!

Staci A said...

What a fun photo! Your kids are so cute!

Brandie said...

and your dog is cute as well :) thanks for visiting my site :)

Darcie said...

If the top of your world is 15ft high...its still the top!

Great picture!!!

Jane In The Jungle said...

I love how they're so big and the puppy is so small!!

debi9kids said...

What a great photo! Love how you can just tell all of their personalities from their poses. CUTE!
Happy WW!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh how cute! Your family sure has personality my friend!

Helene said...

I love it....SO cute!

He & Me + 3 said...

They are great sports to do a repeat and that picture is adorable.

Mocha Momma said...

I'll have to post my kids jumping in the air some day. We tried over & over to get a good picture. I don't know if I got a good one for sure or not.

Enjoying your family.
Take care
Nannette (Nan's friend)
I'm following now.

Muthering Heights said...

That's an awesome would make a great Christmas card!

Serendipityissweet said...

Looks like the dog :D

scrappysue said...

very cool photo! thanks for stopping by

Denise said...

I love this.

amanda said...

ahhh i've missed so much!! i love this picture. it's perfect.

the picture of you and the kiddos is so cute too. i love how you do that every week.

i need to start putting devotions at the top as well. not 'whenever'. thanks for that post.

Kristin said...

fun shot!!

Lorie said...

I love that picture