Have you ever heard of Glamour Shots? You know, those places where they do the total makeover on you and take your pictures? When I went to visit my sister in Hawaii back in 1994, she told me that she wanted us to do this. She made the appointment and paid for everything. I remember it not being cheap either! It was so weird how we had to sit to take this picture. I guess it makes sense because we had to be as close as possible. We had to sit on a bench face to face, wrap our arms around each other, and then turn toward the camera to pose. Then they draped that gold looking thing over our shoulders to make it look "glamorous." I think one of my kids asked why we had to sit in garbage bags...LOL! But, I can't believe they got my hair to go that high! Overall, it was a really fun experience to get fixed up, and I'm so glad that I have this picture of my sister and I!! What a fun memory! Oh, and in case you couldn't figure it out, my sister is on the left, and I am on the right.
Could you BE more gorgeous??
That is so great! I remember those studios...are they still around! love the true 90's look!
they still have a glamor shots in the mall in Springfield ,MO. my sister in law wants her senior pics taken there.. she will be a sr this yr.
Wow! HERMOSA!!!!!!!!!
You are so Beautiful!!!!
Loved the Hair!!!!
Have a Lovely Friday!
I remember Glamour Shots, too. I wanted to go there, but never did! Your picture is gorgeous!!
That is a great photo and soooo glam! You both look like film stars! excellent.
Collette xxx
OK....you were holding out of us...just beautiful!
What a great picture. You really look great!
I showed my dad and he wanted to bring out more photos to put in it...(he's a ham) and my uncle told my aunt (who uses the computer)...that niecy Lorrie is BIG and SILLY! Touche!
You are beyond beautiful.
wow! you're beautiful, gorgeous and more!
I remember Glamour Shots and thankfully, I never had any made. Like somebody else said, "could you be anymore beautiful?" Even in trashbags.....LOL
Both you and your sister are really beautiful! My four oldest grand-daughters all had glamor shots taken as they turned 18.
Nice photo! Both of you are lovely.
woo hooo!! Do you have this up on your wall? I know that My grandmother in love had one done and it was up on her wall. I didn´t think it looked like her, but this one really does look like you! and it´s not too done up. You didn´t get too much makeup and I think that´s the key. Your hair looks so teased but really nice! I loved those teased hair days. ;)
btw. my desk top got ill too! ;( and I don´t have my printer/scanner connected to my lap top. sooo for Friday Photo I will go to my old albums on line if that´s ok. Some may be scanned but I don´t know which ones.
I love that!!! When I was younger I ALWAYS wanted to go there and was so jealous of everyone that got to go. Cool pic!
Sooooooooo beautiful!!!
OH YES! I remember the glamour shots but I never got any done.. I was supposed to for my birthday and then they closed down. :( You look FABULOUS Alicia! I love it.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend with the family.
I totally had my picture taken there once. LOL
You are both beautiful. Garbage bags. LOL
I always wanted to do Glamour Shots but my mom said it was to pricey..lol!!
Great picture!
That is definitely a throw-back from the 80s. You both look Dynasty gorgeous!
you two both look so lovely and beautiful. :))
you are so pretty...
I do remember glamour shots!! Alicia...you are glamorous!! Love it!
What a great picture! I remember Glamour Shots....I always wanted to have them taken when I was little, but it was really expensive and we never did!
I always wanted to have a glamour shot made but never got too.
I am still laughing about your daughter's expression in the previous post. Too cute!
Uh....W-O-W!!! Look at you glamour girls!!!! Absolutely beautiful!!!
Alicia, I love that! Wasn't it fun to be primped and prodded over like that? LOL Well, back in the "day" I did the same thing (must've been about 18 years ago now)...so I thought I'd follow suit and I'm linking up my old Galmour Shot photo too! LOL
What a beautiful photo!
You both actually really do look pretty! But yet, it's funny because it's such a time specific thing to do! Love the memory!
LOL...trashbags! This is really a great "glamour shot" for the time! Some of them were soooo goofy!
You two are soooo beautiful!! And very glamorous :)
hubba hubba total hotness!
What a gorgeous picture. You two look beautiful. I can't wait to catch up on your blog. Have a great weekend!!
Hahahahaha, why are you sitting in garbage bags? That is the funniest thing I have read in awhile! Your kids are too much!
You and your sister are so beautiful. My, my best friend, my brother and her brother got glamour shots done before. Mine did not come out as nice! LOL
You both are gorgeous! Big hair and all. Love it! :D
Hi Alicia,
I could tell which one was you right off. You both look beautiful!
So sad that I was unable to participate this week. I had to work today-unusual for me. I wanted to let you know that I gave you an award. I think you have a lovely blog! You have probably gotten I don't know how many of these, but now you have one from me! Go to my blog to claim it!
wow! celebrities
Great picture! You both look beautiful!
YEAH I am so excited to find that you do a Flashback Friday! I was thinking the same thing. I love your Glamour shots! You look beautiful. I guess I'll have to dig up my Glamour shots - these were my High School Graduation pix. LOL!!
Look forward to Flashin back on Friday's with ya!
Always wanted to do glamour shots...never did get to it, though! But I laugh because the hair and the "garbage bags" look so much like what I remember Glamour shots to be in the 90s!!
great photo :)
I totally remember glamour shots...are they still around? Love the big hair too!!
You are two beautiful Diva's. I should FF the glamor shots Tito and i had....lol
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