Wednesday, July 22, 2009


You may be thinking, "Didn't she just have a Happy Birthday post for one of her other kids?" Well, you're right! Four of my kids birthdays are literally back to back, starting in May!

My youngest son, Daniel (or Danny) is turning 7 today!! Oh my..where do I begin? He's 15 months older than Veronica but they seem closer than that in age! It's true when they say girls mature faster! LOL! Here he is around 2 1/2!!

His personality is so complex! He is independent, fearless, soft spoken, strong willed, extremely sensitive, and just so darn C.U.T.E!!! He's one of those kids who can literally entertain himself. Give him one or two of his favorite action figures and he can literally be in his own world (sound effects and all)!! He's not afraid to try new foods (believe me..I was literally shocked when he tried sardines out of a can), and he loves to help me when he can..well!

He totally looks up to Eli (my 9 year old) and I noticed that he wants to do whatever he's doing, and go wherever he goes. It's such a blessing to see their bond strengthening as they get older.

He has a smile that can light up a room, and he can hold his own with the "big boys." It's so funny because the high school boys and some of our friends get a total kick playing with Danny. And I'm not talking easy play! He's a rough houser, and he can totally take what he dishes out. LOL, everyone says the same thing about him. They say, "Man, Danny's strong!" So, I think that's why they know they can kick it up a notch with him. Of course, they would never hurt him, but I'm sure there would be other parents that would be freaking out! Plus, he has energy galore and he won't stop even if you want to!

So, to you, Danny, I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday! You always make my heart melt with your gentle smile, and your soft voice. You bless me everyday! I would do anything for you! I love you!


Do you see that sweat rolling down his forehead? LOL, we used to call him "sweaty boy" because he sweat so much from being so active!!


Denise said...

Happy Birthday to dear Danny.

The Farmer Files said...

Happy Bday to Danny, and to your parents! You are blessed!

Anonymous said...

danny is so cute, he's a copy cut of yours by the're so blessed to have them specially the lord god that guide you all the time...god bless you sis...

Liz Mays said...

Happy Birthday, Danny! He sounds like a real treasure, Alicia.

Alicia W. said...

Happy Birthday To You Danny!!! Have a wonderful day. :)

~*Michelle*~ said...

Happy Birthday to Danny.....

I see wisdom in his sweet eyes....gorgeous child.

Angela said...

May God be gracious to you Danny and bless you and make His face shine upon you..Happy Birthday...

Stacy said...

Happy Birthday Danny!!!!

He does a beautiful smile:)

Kelli W said...

Happy Birthday Danny! He is such a cutie!! And you just have to love when a kid can entertain himself, especially if all it takes is a few action figures!

jen@odbt said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet boy. They almost look like twins in the baby picture. So cute!

Pilar said...

Happy, happy bday!!!

Love the photos, especially the first one :)!

Stephanie said...

he's so handsome! That's like Lucas and Jacob...they 8 days apart in Oct so I know how you feel!

Happy Birthday Danny!

Lauren said...

YAY! Happy Birthday to Danny -- he's such a handsome little boy!! (and what a cute 2 yr old) Hope the day is fantastic!! :)

Mommy24cs said...

Happy Birthday to your Danny!! He is a cutie :)

tiki_lady said...

ohhh happy birthday! I know it will be a great one!

Susie said...

What a great boy you have there! I hope he has an awesome day:-)

Debra Kaye said...

Happy Birthday to your dear Danny! May his day be filled with blessings!

Pam said...

Happy birthday to Danny. He is darn cute!
My kids birthdays are 6 weeks apart.

Laura said...

Oh, Alicia that first picture is too cute! Happy Birthday, Danny! You have such great kids!!

Leah is the same way as far as playing on her own. We will find her by herself in her room, just playing with her baby dolls! I love it, LOL.

McCrakensx4 said...

Happy Birthday to Danny! Love the second picture although the first one is very cute! My Colin is a sweat ball too! lol

Nina said...

How is it they go from little babies to big boys in no time flat. My son will be 7 in December and I just can't believe it.

I hope he has a great birthday!

Beth in NC said...

Happy Birthday beautiful boy. He really is so cute Alicia!

Mrs. Davison said...

Happy Birthday, Danny! Your whole family is blessed to have you!! Have an AWESOME day.

Chris said...

happy birthday Danny!

by the way, i have another award for you here

Anonymous said...





Darcie said...

Happy Birthday Danny!!

What a sweet post for him Alicia!

Kathy C. said...

Happy Birthday sweet Danny!

God, My Savior Forever! said...

Hope your son Danny has a wonderful birthday:D I find it so interesting how he can be soft spoken and strong willed at the same time...this is awesome..great qualities!

Unknown said...

He is adorable Alicia! All of your kids are. Just the cutest little things on the planet! Love their happy smiles and sweet cheeks : )

Sara said...

I know he's 7 and all, and that means 'big' kid.. but he is so gosh darn cute I just want to pinch those cheeks!!! He's the same age as Logan. I wish you guys lived closer!

Cascia Talbert said...

Happy Birthday Danny! He sounds like a sweet boy.

Kat said...

your Danny is beautiful...I mean handsome...but he is beautiful. Happy birthday little man!

Mel said...

happy happy birthday!!!!!!!!

Helene said...

Awwww, he's SO cute! Happy birthday, Daniel!!

It's my hubby's b-day today too!

Anonymous said...

hi alicia, i was here to grab your badge, thanks for the comment..god bless you...

He & Me + 3 said...

I had to scroll back up to notice the sweat. Great picture! The editing almost hides the sweat:)
Happy Birthday Danny!

Muthering Heights said...

Happy birthday to him!!!

Katy Montgomery said...

Happy Birthday Danny!
P.S. I used to sweat a lot too. I was a really good athlete back then.

BrnEyedGal said...

What a wonderful post Alicia...

Your son is a cutie pie...and your right, his smile would light up any room!! :)

Happiest Bday Wishes!!!

Serendipityissweet said...

He is so handsome! Happy birthday to him :D
My 7 year old boy is always sweaty too, lol.

really.truly said...

Awww, what a cutie he is! Happy 7!

Anonymous said...

Happy B day! Your babies are so cute!

Daphine said...

LOVED this picture of him! Happy Belated Birthday Danny!

louann said...

They look so cute in the picture! Happy birthday Danny!

Casey's trio said...

Happy belated birthday to Danny!