Last week, my kids had VBS at our church. They were so GLAD to sleep in on Saturday! Well, there is a church much closer to our house that has VBS this week, and YES, my kids are going there too!! They have gone there the last two years, and they always have a great time! With my two older kids gone at Jr. High camp this week, I will have the perfect opportunity to get things done within that three hour window!
Want to know my plan? I decided to declutter a room each day! From living room to the kitchen! I have tons of stuff that I can get rid of! I'm going to be Fly Lady this week!
I'm already receiving new curriculum via UPS for this school year, so this is the perfect time to box the old stuff up! I can't wait to start organizing that area!
And this is how I will make my home sing this week!!
I can't join this time in this meme, how I wish I could... we're preparing to go back to the Phil. for quite sometime to be with my family.
Thanks for the prayers!
God bless
good idea! hope you get things done!
I figure if I leave all that unused curriculum alone in the cupboard for long enough, it may procreate and produce an education package that, not only teaches the children but cleans the bathroom as well.
DEcluttering, that sounds good, but... do you mean I´ll hyave to do it? It doesn´t just happend? :) Enjoy! ;)
love the decluttering. I like fly lady! I like her cleaning zones and I'm addicted to check lists!
IT is always nice to declutter. I love that feeling. I hope you get it all done!
Great idea! I hope you are able to get everything done! I really need to declutter my house. I think that will be my winter project this year.
I gave you an award! Please stop by and claim it.
Have a great day!
Enjoy Proverbs 31 Woman!!
I most defiently need to take your advise on this one.. With working and having two small kids at home it sure does add up on the clutter, lol. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. :)
Have fun decluttering....it is so much easier to do when the kids aren't home!!
I love the thought of decluttering!! Doing it is another story!! :)
Hi Alicia
How exciting…new books! I think I can hear you singing.
God bless you in your of cleaning and preparing!
Happy Monday!
oooo - "decluttering" is one of my most favorite things to do!! Have FUN! :) I love the feeling of having an organized, clutter free home!! It sings so much better that way! ;P
TWO VBS weeks??? Your kids are lucky!!! :)
I have heard of Fly Lady...you go girl. We are having a city wide garage sale in August and we are cleaning out my parents house, there are things in there they will never use.
I would like to see pics of your de cluttered rooms, it will inspire me....lol
Great idea! I decluttered last week and it felt good! Hope you get it all done with some time to spare to just relax while you are kid-free!
I hope you get everything on your list done this week.
Enjoy that three hour window each day!
I love those to-do lists, especially when I can conquer them all.
That photo at the top is beautiful!
ooooh, decluttering just feels so good! I love the room a day idea. Take pictures!
Whenever I declutter I lose weight.....rather, my house does but it's MY house so technically I lost the weight too, right? Right?
thank you for linking up today!
What a good idea! I need to declutter too. Stuff, stuff, stuff everywhere!
Happy De-cluttering!! I wish I was as motivated ;p
happy decluttering!! i was on a cleaning spree last week and hope to work on curriculum this week and decluttering next week. :-)
Hi Alicia!
I didn't manage to link up today but I think you are quite right to get on with work while the kids are away. Seize the opportunity!
Collette xxx
What a great idea! Now...for the motivation...
Sounds like a great plan, Alicia! You should have a yard sale after you declutter the house!! =)
Good luck with that project:-)
When you're done, can you swing by my place?? ;)
I'm right there with you...catching up, cleaning up, and just trying to feel like I'm on top of things...
This is why living in an apartment is good. We only have 5 rooms and two bathrooms to keep decluttered. LOL The one room that really needs it is the Study/school room. I have just been letting it procreate as Sande said. I love her idea! wouldn´t it be great if that really happened.
OH I hope you can get it all done. I have been so bad in getting the boys grades done. This week is my deadline. ;)
How great is that that you have two VBS weeks to attend. What a blessing!
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