Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I love this picture! I think it' s because she was being silly (I know, you probably can't tell that). You know how we just know our own kids and their personalities? She's actually sticking her tummy out, but I cropped it so I can get a better close up of her little face!! Oh, and if her lips look a little pink, they are. We had a little "make up and hair day." I let her dab on a little bit of lipstick and I flat ironed her hair! She's such a girl!!!


Be sure to visit 5 Minutes For Mom for more Wordless Wednesday, and 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday.


~Sandy~ said...

what a sweetie! cute smile :) happy ww!!!

Unknown said...

She is gorgeous, what a great photo!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful photo! Happy WW :O)

Rhonda R said...

Of course I don't know her, but that grin does look a bit mischievous. Thanks for sharing it. Come see the picture I chose this week at

just another mother said...

what a lovely photo!!!

Mocha Momma said...

Well, you're welcome! I'm glad I picked you for the True Heart Award.

You and your family are very real and share about serving the Lord.
You are sincere and fun.

You deserve it. Enjoy passing it along.

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

what a cute photo!! Sounds like a fun girlie day to me!!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

She definitely looks a little silly or maybe mischievous. A very cute pic...

Ms. Latina said...

What a cutie! She's a mini you! LOL FYI: She has GORGEOUS hair!

Happy WW!

Genny said...

She looks like such a sweet girl. And you sound like one proud mama. So cute.

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

A very pretty little girl even with out the lipstick and hair iron :) Happy WW

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

I so look forward to girly days with my little girl as she gets older. It is such a nice way to spend time together I am sure. She is lovely!
Collette xxx

Jennifer said...

She's so cute! *sigh* I do hope one day I'll have a girl. Bonding over lipstick and flat irons?! DREAMY! ;-)

Rob said...

Very Beautiful!!!

Happy WW!

Buckeroomama said...

Simply gorgeous hair!!

Theta Mom said...

How much am I jealous of her hair?! She's adorable!

Denise said...

So, so very cute.

Susie said...

She so pretty when she is being goofy...I mean girlie:-) Hee, hee, hee.

Liz Mays said...

She was sure blessed with gorgeous hair! She's a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Alicia, what a little treasure she is!

Darcie said...

How fun for you and her. My youngest loves to sit and comb her hair and get all dolled up.

Your little girl is adorable...great picture.

Debra Kaye said...

She is precious, my friend. And so are you!

Blessings to you!

Stacy said...

Zoe loves when I let her put some lip gloss

That is a very sweet picture:)

jen@odbt said...

She is so cute. My daughter would love to have hair that long...she's growing it out but it's taking forever.

Urban Thought said...

Awww... She is adorable.

Lauren said...

she looks gorgeous!! I used to love playing hair and makeup with my sister and my grandma when I was little!! ((I still love playing hair and makeup...)) :P

Nicole Marie said...

She is absolutely gorgeous! THIS is the face that will get her EVERYTHING she wants lol

Kelli W said...

She is so cute! And her hair is gorgeous!

Five Moms & A Blog said...

So yes, I do get to shop for 2 new computers and a new dryer. I will look at the up side to that for sure!

I love love this picture. She is soo sweet and that gorgeous long hair...just adorable!!!!

Kiki said...

Wow! She is a stunner. You do have beautiful babies. Great picture. It's times like those I wish I had a daughter so I can flat iron her hair and give her lipstick. My son does like nail polish and my heels. Happy WW and take care.

He & Me + 3 said...

She is absolutely gorgeous all the time but this picture is stunning. Love it

Laura said...

You know before I even read what you wrote, I thought that she looked different!! Her hair is getting so long!

tiarastantrums said...

her hair is sooooooo long!!

Kathy C. said...

What a doll! :) It must be such fun having girls. :)

Sara said...

She is such a cutie! Darling photo, I would hang this somewhere

Louise said...

She is so pretty.

Dee said...

She's absolutely adorable!

Chris said...

she is so pretty! :D

i have a tag for you at The Mommy Journey

tiki_lady said...

she is beautiful! I love the off centered shot also, with her to the left of the picture!

momstheword said...

She is so pretty, Alicia! How fun to have a little girl to play "dress up" with!

puna said...

She's so cute! I'm enjoying your blog.

Anonymous said...

"sugar and spice and everything nice"
what a cutie!

Stephanie said...

I love her's beautiful!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Darn lady, you grow some cute kids!!

Carin said...

she is such a doll, love it!

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Gorgeous! She looks like a little model. :)

Pam said...

She's such a cutie!

Unknown said...

That is a great picture! I love it! She is such a cute, cute, cutie!

4 Lettre Words said...

Such a sweet, sweet capture!

Jane In The Jungle said...

Se is absolutly adorable!!

Daphine said...

Oh girl! She is just so BEAUTIFUL!!!

Muthering Heights said...

She looks super cute!

Serendipityissweet said...

She is too stinkin' adorable! What a fabulous photo :D
Happy WW!

Helene said...

Alicia, she is such a beautiful little girl! Her hair is amazing!! Bella's hair is so fine and fluffy I can barely do anything with it!!!

Casey's trio said...

Oh my goodness...she is adorable!!

Kimberly said...

You have some of the most beautiful children I've ever seen. Seriously, she's absolutely precious. You must kiss her sweet little face all the time. :)

GottaLoveMom said...

She's so adorable!

Colette S said...

She is so cute.