Wednesday, August 26, 2009


What can be better than homemade chocolate chip cookies, straight out of the oven?

When you put it in a bowl with mint chocolate chip ice cream, of course!! That's what!

Be sure to visit 5 Minutes For Mom for more Wordless Wednesday, and 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday.


Honey Mommy said...

Mmmm... That looks so delicious! Now I need to go find something sweet to eat!

Kiki said...

You just had to post those pictures. Now I am craving both and have neither in the house. I am making an extra trip to the grocery tomorrow. CC cookies and mint chip ice cream are my absolute favs. Thanks for sharing and happy WW. Take care.

tiarastantrums said...

you forgot the chocolate sauce!!

~Sandy~ said...

you are rotten for posting this!!! it looks so yummy...makes me want to bake some cookies :) i've never used mint choc chip ice cream...very inventive! happy ww!!!

Casey's trio said...

You got that right!! Looks heavenly:)

Jennifer said...

Ooohhh... what a cruel, cruel trick! I'm craving chocolate chip cookies right now and I've been successful in suppressing my craving... until this post! LOL! ;-)

McClure Family said...

you got that right!! yum!

my ww:

The Farmer Files said...

All of a sudden I do not feel I have baked enough!!

Happy said...

Uhm, yeah...I'm done reading WW links for the night...must go find chocolate chip cookies and ice cream!!! That looks heavenly!

Sara said...

Wow.. that's what T and I did today, we made chocolate chip cookies. And, frosted them. And, I am going to throw up now.

debi9kids said...

OMGosh! My mouth is WATERING.....

Happy WW!

Helene said...

Awww, so now I know why we connect so well! I cannot eat a chocolate chip cookie without it being in a bowl of ice cream....seriously, the best thing EVER!

Ms. Candice said...

You are killing me! I'm so hungry now!

@ said...

Huh oh... now I got craving cookies and ice cream :) hehe

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

yum!!! my two kids would love this idea! I will need to try it.
Collette xxxx

MamabearMills said...

now im salivating! aghghghgh.

Anonymous said...

They look delicious!
My daughter loves making chocolate chip cookies, too.

Sara Elizabeth said...

YUM!!!!! Those cookies look so delicious.

Pilar said...

aaahhhhhh, yummy, yummy!!!!

Chris said...

now, can i try one??

PropellerHeadMom said...

Yum! Looks so delicious! I wish I had some right now :-)

Denise said...

Yummy in my tummy.

MadeInCanarias said...

This looks so delicious!

Susie said...

Preaching to the choir:-)

Susan Holt Simpson said...

Oh! I hope the cookies were still warm when you added them to the ice cream...

Kelli W said...

YUM! You are making me hungry...and cookies and ice cream are so not a very healthy breakfast!

Liz Mays said...

You stinker! Now I have to try that!

Staci said...

OMGosh! so yummy!!!!!! I am STARVING now!!!

jen@odbt said...

Yum! Is it wrong that I want to eat that for breakfast?

Veronica Lee said...

OMG!! That looks so yummy!!

Unknown said...

NOW that's what I'm talkin' about!! YUM!

HaB said...

That made me want to eat ice cream for breakfast!!! Yum! We might have to try that tonight at my house.

Alicia W. said...

Can I get that for Breakfast this morning? YUM YUM YUM!

louann said...

Oh my goodness! Mint Choco Chip Ice cream is my all time favorite flavor! I just can't get enough of that!

Carin said...

Oh! Oh! Oh! I'm drooling on the keyboard. Can I just come over to your house!?

Dee said...

I agree! I LOVE warm cookies and ice cream...and brownies...and cake! :)

Alicia The Snowflake said... you're talking!

Anonymous said...

I will be right over! Unless your family already ate them all :)

I think I will make cookies this afternoon now.

Pam said...

I think those cookies would have been better with peanut butter cup ice cream. : )
Love the chocolate!

Lisa said...

Ok, are those from my cookie dough ?
better to have saved me some
Love ya

Darcie said...

Oh Alicia that is just not right!!! Now I am going to have to go make some cookies...make an ice cream run...and forget about the diet.

Looks so YUMMY!!!

Laura said...

Oh my goodness... my 2 favorite things. Chocolate Chip Cookies and Mint Chocolate Chip Icecream!!!!!!! I knew there was a reason I liked you! LOL

Michelle said...

Oh, making a cookie even are a girl after my own heart. :)

I'm Jamie said...

Okay, I think you need a WARNING on this post... because I'm reading it at 9am and can now only think about cookies and ice cream... THANKS! ;)

Lyryn said...

They look awesome! Send me some!!! :)

Staci A said...

Yum! Now I'm really hoping I have the ingredients to whip up some cookies quick!

Anonymous said...

No fair! Now I'm going to have to make some cookies...

Lorrie said...

oh yummyyy!!!! this is the best!

4 Lettre Words said...

He & Me + 3 said...

Girl that is just not right. my favorite ice cream and warm cookies. YUM! I have neither in my house right now. Just for that I should win your contest. Right? lOL

Stephanie said...

OH yes those are wonderful together. I absolutely LOVE mint chocolate chip ice cream!

Marice said...

those are mouth-watering!

Sawatzky family said...

Oh man you are speaking MY language!!!!!!!!

Serendipityissweet said...

A girl after my own heart. Yum!

McCrakensx4 said...

really...really...2 of my most favorite things in the whole wide world...wish I had some now!

Nina said...

Ohhhh.... now that sounds good! I can just smell fresh baked cookies in my mind.

Tara said...

Oh I love cookies fresh from the oven, still warm and not set up. you know I have NEVER had mint chocolate chip ice cream. Everybody talks about it so maybe I should try it. I prefer the boring ice cream (vanilla, butter pecan, strawberry).

Kacey said...

Oh that is good. That is really, really GOOD!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

You officially rock! So yummy!

Everyday Mom Designs said...


Kimberly said...

Sigh... I just had a bowl full of lovely green and brown stuff too. But mine was green beans and chicken. I like yours better! ;-)

Muthering Heights said...

Mmmmmm, can I come over for dessert??

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

You are killing me... I am trying so hard to lose weight.... Oh I want those soooo bad.

Kathy C. said...

Oh my goodness! YUM, YUM and YUM! Mmmmmm. I want to make cookies now!!! :)

Mo said...

looks sinful.

you're blog always makes me drool. eggs rolls. cookie deliciousness on top of ice cream. not fair.

Jolene said...

That first picture was bad enough, but then you had to go and add the cookies to the ice cream and mint chocolate chip is my favorite!!!!

JMBMOMMY said...


Kara said...

Yum! My favorite cookie and my favorite ice cream together Now I need to go eat some myself....