Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I am not confident enough to share my home cooked recipes with the world, but this time, I couldn't resist sharing a picture of my fried chicken that I made recently.

It's one of those times when the flavor was just right on, and the coating was light, yet crispy. Trust me when I say that I don't have any secret seasonings. Just good ole' salt & pepper!

All I use is egg, flour, salt, pepper, and oil for frying.

This was not all the chicken I made. These are the pieces that were left over after everyone ate. I flattened (is that the right word?) the boneless chicken breasts so they would cook alot faster. For the sides, we had white rice & green salad. I also made a potato salad as well.

Fried to perfection! Well, perfect enough for me.
I tried to get all fancy with my rice presentation! I shaped them in a cup and seasoned it with fresh ground pepper. I cut up the chicken and drizzled soy sauce over everything.
I'm happy to say that my family was very pleased, and that makes me happy!

And I have to add that my daughter wants me to prepare her rice like that everyday! LOL


Bina said...

...it looks delicious! Great idea with the rice...I just might try that!

I for one am ALL for braggin' on the cooking when you get a chance!


Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

That chicken looks absolutely scrummy! I love the soy sauce on rice. My two love soy sauce on rice and chicken and noodles. Emma would live on egg noodles if I let her!!!
Love Collette xxx

Catherine Anne said...


Denise said...

Wow, looks really delicious.

Unknown said...

Hi sis, congrats for the perfectly made dinner.. Looks yummy and good that your family was pleased..

Laurencita said...

wow! so yummy. the rice is beautifully done.

Stacy said...

YUmmy looks good! To bad I live so far away or I would come over..lol.

~*Michelle*~ said...

*smacking lips*

I think I just drooled on my keyboard!

Buckeroomama said...

That definitely looked yummy!!

And you know it's really good if your children ask to have that every day! :)

jen@odbt said...

I want that for breakfast - love how you presented the rice. Maybe my kids would eat their rice if it looked like that.

Parsley said...

Guess it just depends on one's background. I'd put some mashed potatoes on the side and some think white gravy. OHH...YUM!

Kimberly Rae said...

have not had fried chicken in forever... and don't know why but never thought of frying boneless skinless breasts.... hhmmm now i"m hungry

Carin said...

Look at you go, that's awesome! I really need to get better at cooking. With sports it's tough. It's even tougher with a husband who is gone. It's rough to know I have to do ALL of it. So glad you are taking care of your family that way!

Kelli W said...

YUM! I don't usually fry at home because it is so messy...but your yummy chicken is making me want to fry some up at home now!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Yummy!!! How do you get the rice in those perfect circles? I would love that. We eat rice like crazy over here and sometimes it gets mixed in with a meal that maybe it shouldn't LOL.

The chicken looks great!

Mo said...

OH yum. You are one fancy chef.

Marice said...

that loooks yummy :) wish I could fry like that ;)

Susie said...

That looks so good!! You should post the recipe:-)

Diane said...

It looks perfect. Now you have to share this recipe and the rice one too! I need meal ideas. :O)

Dandy said...

I have not perfected fried chicken and yours looks sooo good. I'm so hungry now.

Nina said...

That looks so yummy! I have never tried to fry chicken.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Looks yummy! Good job mom! You deserve a pat on the back!

He & Me + 3 said...

It does look so yummy and the presentation of the food was great too. YOu are such a sweet mom and wife.

Pam said...

It looks great. I will come to your house for supper anytime! : )

Happy said...

My pregnant mouth is watering! That looks so delicious! I've only ever made fried chicken once and while I remember it being good, I also remember making a huge mess in my kitchen! I think you should share more of your recipes...c'mon can't you hear everyone chanting, "More, more, more!"

Laura said...

Yum!!! You should share more of your recipes!!

I used to love when my Mom served me rice like that, hehe! :)

Jennifer said...

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yuuuuuum! I want some! I'll be coming over now. ;-)

Angela said...

Looks delicious. can i come over to play next time too??

Anonymous said...

If I ever actually made anything photo or blog worthy I would post it!! Way to go, looks yummy!

Kat said...

Hi, Alicia.

I am at last back home and trying to say hi to all my friends that I have been missing in blog world. Your chicken looks delicious and I wish I had some of that cooking instead of the fish that's in the oven right now!


Liz Mays said...

Fried chicken is really hard to make correctly. I am seriously impressed. I'm not even kidding. I am.

Darcie said...

I was rasied on Sunday fried chicken dinners...brings back so many memories. Looks yummy girl!

Muthering Heights said...

Wow, that looks like some professionally done chicken! Way to go!!

Stephanie said...

I love how you did the rice...that's cool and makes it fun for the kids!

Your chicken looks yummy....love me some fried chicken! I regularly pound out my chicken also...I like them thinner like cutlets.

Maude Lynn said...

Yum! The chicken looks perfect!

Jennifer Bowen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer Bowen said...

I love fried chicken with rice! The pictures make my mouth water. Yummy! =)

joanofalltrades said...

I want rice like that too. Nce presentation! There's nothing like good old home made fried chicken. My husband makes the best!

Sawatzky family said...

That does look beyond YUMMY!!!!!
Love the rice idea~!

Kimberly said...

I'd comment, but I have to stop and wipe the drool up first. :)

tiki_lady said...

oh yumm! it looks wonderful!

Michelle said...

I never make fried chicken....or buy it for that matter. But your chicken looks yummy and there isn't anything better than hitting the mark and making a yummy meal.

Erin said...

Oh, that looks so good...I'm still learning to make fried chicken, so I'm envious of your results!

Lorie said...

MMMMM....I think I might have to make fried chicken tonight.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

MMM...haha it looks like all your commenters are in agreement!

Hmmm... fried chicken sounds so good! And the rice too!

Blessings & Aloha!

Daphine said...

This looks DELICIOUS!!!! Oh my goodness!!