Wednesday, January 27, 2010



My son, Eli started his art classes again, and it inspired him to paint this the other night. I'm not sure why, since he's never painted clowns before.

If you saw this in person, the eyes look very realistic.

Borderline creepy.

If you have a fear of clowns, this would be the LAST thing you'd want staring at you in the face!

Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday


Unknown said...

He is really talented Alicia! All of your children are so fascinating : ) I love seeing what they are up to!

Denise said...

Your son is awesomely talented.

mama's smitten said...

Very cool!Does he get his talent from you? My M is going to try her first art class next month Teacups!

debi9kids said...

I'm glad you said it, because I am absolutely CREEPED out by clowns and his eyes are!
I will say, creepiness aside, it is a FANTASTIC painting.

Bina said...

Very good painting.
Sincerely real looking eyes.
I totally hate clowns...a lot!


Kimberly@PrettyPinkMomma said...

What a great artist! I do agree, borderline creepy - not a huge clown fan. If my son brought home one like this I would totally compliment him on his hard work and talents, then hide that thing because I wouldn't want it watching me when I walk by it every day, lol!

Laurencita said...

yes, you are right, borderline creepy. Your son is talented..

Susie said...

That is creepy! Art is supposed to invoke feelings so, it is really good:-)

Beth in NC said...

Such a talent! Isn't it strange that clowns are creepy when they are supposed to be "fun" for kids?

Hootin Anni said...

No, no....not creepy at all...the boy has talent!!!!

My Wednesday post..."Alligators in the Sewer?" is published...come see if you have a bit of time today. I'd love your visit.

Kiki said...

Your son is very talented and yes, those eyes are creepy. luckily, i'm not afraid of clowns, so that art would hang in a frame on my wall. take care.

Kelli W said...

That is a very good painting. But I'm glad you said borderline creepy, because it kind of weirded me out a little:)

The imPerfect Housewife said...

I bet that smiley flower he's wearing squirts water! You should teach him how to make balloon animals ~ well OK, let's not encourage it too much. HA HA LOVE the picture!! ♥

Anonymous said...

Great job. I agree on the eyes! And I must say it is creep!

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Those eyes are creepy!

Parsley said...

Budding artist!

Kimberly said...

I'm so impressed by his artistic talent that I'm not going to say a word about the creepy clown factor. ;)

Sawatzky family said...

LOL! Good yet kinda creepy!
Really a great job!

Robyn said...

Very talented young man you have there! It's good to try painting something new. I love that clown!

Kathy C. said...

He did a great job! I don't have a problem with clowns, I actually like them, but don't bring Kim over here, she'll have nightmares, LOL...she doesn't like clowns at all. :)

Lauren said...

haha - he did a good job, but I am going with creepy here ... course that's just me and my weirdness! :P

jen@odbt said...

Very cool. I'm not a fan of clowns and have to agree...I don't like the way he's looking at me.

Veronica Lee said...

I see some serious talent here.

Momisodes said...

He is definitely a budding artist! I love all the detail he's incorporated.

Kat said...

Yeah, clowns are creepy... but good drawing. I am lousy at all but stick figures... but my kids make up for my failures in this area.

Michelle said...

That is a great painting. What is it with clowns and being creepy? said...

I am impressed. I noticed the eyes right away, before even reading your comment on them!

Anonymous said...

He is so talented but I gotta tell ya -- I hate clowns. That couldn't stay in my house for too long :)

Marice said...

yeah i agree the eyes looks really real! gosh i couldnt stare it for a long time.

Helene said...

Wow, that's a beautiful drawing! But I do agree that it's borderline creepy...I think it's because the eyes do look realistic!

Darcie said...

Funny what you mentioned about the eyes, because when I first looked at it I thought it was one of those cutouts with eyes looking through it. Amazing!

Brenda said...

Its more interesting than creepy, looks like he might have some talent!

Sara said...

Yep.. I am scared to DEATH of clowns, but I do have to say that he's got talent! Good for him!

Unknown said...

He is very talented! wow! Thats amazing!

Debbie said...

There's some talent there! Great painting.

tiki_lady said...

this should have come with a warning. LOL
me no likey clowns!!!
however, your son is very good! way to go, mom!

Aubrey said...

Before I even read your post, I had to take a second look at those eyes!!

WOW! What a talent! Can't wait to see more of his art!

Upstatemamma said...

The eyes look incredibly real. I wondered if there was a picture behind the eyes or something. I'm impressed.

Muthering Heights said...

Uh oh...did he see the movie "IT?"

Stephanie said...

Wow! I tell ya your kids are awesome-they are all so talented!

I'm back-or at least trying to visit everyone now. Hopefully I'll be able to get it all done and stick around this time. I've missed you!

He & Me + 3 said...

That is very cool, but yes if I were scared of clowns that would freak me out. Very talented though. Great job eli

Kim said...

Very talented. I agree that clowns are either cute or creepy I think this one it on the cute side!

Anonymous said...

No fear of clowns here. I think it's an excellent painting!

Angela said...

Actually the eyes look quite real even from the image. : )

Buckeroomama said...

His clown drawing is pretty good! Actually, it looks a bit like those cut-out clowns where you stand behind them and have your photo taken, except in this case, you only see the eye instead of the whole face. :) You're right, the eyes (especially the right one!) are so real-looking!

Unknown said...

I agree, he is really talented.Yes, I think clowns are really creepy..maybe I shouldn't have watched the movie "it" is that right?

Cathy said...

Very nice. Alicia! Your son is very talented.

Unknown said...

Yikes-I hate clowns! lol

Mamí♥Picture said...

aww iLuv clowns they are so much fun!!!
He has an amazing talent great job, creepy but awesome!

Colette S said...

Wow. He is very talented!