During that time, I also got to reconnect with my sister since she had been living there for ten years already. All our older kids remain close, despite the distance, and the relationship I have with my sister is one that has been rebuilt on the Lord. It's awesome!
So, you can imagine the EMOTION that day when our time was up in Hawaii. It's one of those times when your flesh wants to do one thing, but you know the Lord is calling you somewhere else. Even as I type this, I get teary eyed because I still remember how emotional it was for both of us.
I wore my sunglasses the entire time because when I cry, I get that ugly red face!
This was the day we moved back to California (November 2001), from living in Hawaii for almost ten months. What prompted us to move there in the first place was my husband working for my brother in-laws construction development company. It was a wonderful experience, and I will always be thankful for the opportunity we had to live there. Those ten months felt much longer, and we miss it all the time. We were also baby Christians and that was the perfect time for us to get out of our comfort zones and totally rely on the Lord. Looking back, I can see why God had us move there. At the time we didn't understand, but we just went on faith that we would be fine moving with three small children.
During that time, I also got to reconnect with my sister since she had been living there for ten years already. All our older kids remain close, despite the distance, and the relationship I have with my sister is one that has been rebuilt on the Lord. It's awesome!
So, you can imagine the EMOTION that day when our time was up in Hawaii. It's one of those times when your flesh wants to do one thing, but you know the Lord is calling you somewhere else. Even as I type this, I get teary eyed because I still remember how emotional it was for both of us.
I wore my sunglasses the entire time because when I cry, I get that ugly red face!
Awwww...this picture is SO SAD!!! :( That must have been such a tough moment!!!
Heart breaking picture, bless you.
Oh, your hearts are on your faces...I'm actually snuffling as I type this...it reminds me of how I felt driving away from our California home and leaving my very best friend in the world...she cried, I cried, and I finally told my husband, "Just go, please!" Our path was a good one, but I still miss her so much...I'm not sure I'm glad you shared that picture...tears are running down my face (see what marshmallow I am?)...
Aww, your picture is heartbreaking. A picture truly does say a thousand words. I'm glad you did have that special and precious time while you lived in Hawaii, it obviously had a big impact. Sounds like everything has worked out wonderfully though!
How exciting you got to live in Hawaii!!! I can imagine it would have been very hard to leave. Your picture shows your emotion.
Oh My....bless your heart! Makes me want to cry!!
Awww! That is sad!
Stopping by to say Hi from Friday Follow - I'm already following and hope you have a great weekend!
Although it's obvious that you're crying but I find it nice because you look cute for me, yes I agree it's painful to be apart with our family but we also need to move and keep going and later we will realize that it's the better choice under God's plan for us.
Blessings Alicia, thanks for your prayers.
His Unfailing Love
I can tell from the picture that you both were very sad. It is wonderful that you & your sister and your kids & her kids remain close.
Goodbyes are part of life, but they are never easy! I just ball and ball every time too, and we have had tons of goodbyes. I don´t want to ever get insensitive to goodbyes even though it is part of life.
I just get all choked up looking at you both. =( Bless you all!
Dani Joy
So very sweet even with red faces! I know how tough it is to leave family after visits!
What a wonderful story! And your photo speaks volumes! What a blessing to have that time together!
Blessings & Aloha!
Awww. It's great that your older kids remain close to their cousins in Hawaii. I'm sure all of you have many wonderful memories of Hawaii to look back on. :)
Sometimes, it is hard to make the decision that is right for us:-)
Awww, that is a sad picture. :o(
Oh! it can really be seen in the picture how sad you were at that moment.lol!
aww... its great that you remain close despite the distance...
It was hard to read that sad post. The picture really captures the emotions you were both feeling. I almost teared up thinking about the goodbye.
Awww, y'all look so sad:(
Loved the story too! You and your family are such faithful followers:)
You both look so sad! I get that ugly red face when I cry too...and all gross and snotty! I never did understand how people could cry and still look pretty!
So much emotion. I don't care for goodbyes...so hard on the heart.
can totally see the emotions. and feel them!! i hate good byes!
Aww, this is tugging at my heartstrings in the sweetest way. Parting with loved ones is always so hard.
I have been in that place many times. And I always look back and say... I am so glad I trusted the Lord... look how perfect it all turned out. I look MISERABLE when I cry, too. Good reason to keep a cheerful outlook! Happy Friday, Alicia.
I have been in that place many times. And I always look back and say... I am so glad I trusted the Lord... look how perfect it all turned out. I look MISERABLE when I cry, too. Good reason to keep a cheerful outlook! Happy Friday, Alicia.
I get red face when I cry too... I LOVE reading this... what a testimony to our King!!
Oh Alicia, it is so hard to look at this picture because you can see just how hard it was for you to say goodbye. I just want to reach out right now and hug you!!! However it is a beautiful thing when we trust and take steps of faith.
Have a great weekend.
Got sumpin' for you at my blog!
awe, my heart breaks! you had to leave such a beautiful place and a beautiful sister! Thank you for sharing your faith and willingness to go even though you couldn't see His glorious plan.
This is so sad!
Alicia, you can really see the sadness and emotion in your face. But your trying!
That is so sad, Alicia...:(
What a sweet moment and wonderful story. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Oh my dear what a sad photo :( I can relate to how hard it is to leave behind a sister in a move!
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Hi, happened to find your blog today...I do Time Capsule Tuesday on Tuesdays, so we kinda had the same idea! HAHA Of course, i don't have as many followers ;)
Just wanted to say hi! Love your blog!
I swear I need to start in the Photo Flashback event! It looks like so much fun!I bet that was a very hard day to move! I can't imagne how that would be! Thank you for commenting on two of my recent posts! You are so awesome to support me with your kind words! Have a great Friday!!
A captured memory.
It is best to cry after another with longing than be happy to be rid of them.
You go to cherish that time together which was used to bond you closer.
And it is amazing how God pull us out so we can learn to trust him even more.
Big lump in throat looking at this! Love you!
I can almost feel yalls emotion in the pic and in reading about that moment. Glad yall have a good relationship!
Awww, that's so sad. I'm glad you all renewed your relationship and are so close. : )
Oh, I can imagine how tough that was for you all. I am terrible with saying goodbye.
what a sad picture! thank you for sharing something so personal.
Love Collette xx
aww what a sweet picture!
What a sad picture...I can really feel the emotion. Thanks for being so personal. I can't believe I missed Flashback photo Friday....ughhhh! oh well...next week. You guys look so cool....
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