There are so many jokes that come to mind when I look at this picture!
I don't blame you if you're thinking of some, too.
This is my sister (on the left) and me when we were still living in Moffett Field (Naval Base). She had to be about 5-6 years old, and seriously, I don't know if she just woke up, put on her poncho and walked right out the front door. It does look like she's smiling, so she's happy about something! And I'm assuming that we were meant to be photographed since we are somewhat posing. If I was the one taking the picture, I would have been yelling, "Brush your hair first, and open your eyes!"
As for me, I'm the one that is dressed like a little boy...again.
Well, in my mother's defense, she informed me that I liked to dress myself, and that I refused to wear dresses. So, in all the pictures where I look like this, I have myself to blame.
I don't blame you if you're thinking of some, too.
This is my sister (on the left) and me when we were still living in Moffett Field (Naval Base). She had to be about 5-6 years old, and seriously, I don't know if she just woke up, put on her poncho and walked right out the front door. It does look like she's smiling, so she's happy about something! And I'm assuming that we were meant to be photographed since we are somewhat posing. If I was the one taking the picture, I would have been yelling, "Brush your hair first, and open your eyes!"
As for me, I'm the one that is dressed like a little boy...again.
Well, in my mother's defense, she informed me that I liked to dress myself, and that I refused to wear dresses. So, in all the pictures where I look like this, I have myself to blame.
LOL, you poor thing...I actually thought you WERE a boy in this picture!! {Sorry!}
I had your same haircut! I think every little girl goes through a phase of refusing to wear a particular piece of clothing. Right now, my daughter refuses to wear jeans, only leggings or "soft pants".
This picture is to funny! Thanks for sharing! Cute picture of you and your sister! I'm going to join in again! I just need to think of which picture! Have a GREAT Friday!!
Hahahaha this is so much fun. You know what, my daughter has something like that. My FIL's neighbor love knitting and she made Rylie one.
Hey, that's the year I was born lol.
Fourteen Years Ago
I hated dress too! but I never wore pants until I was 12... =(
CÜTE pic....☺
Wow I think I had the same hair cut!
It's the memories and smiles that counts doesn't it? You will surely laugh at mine hehehe.
Love looking at your family Friday flashback photos...
And you both look too cute...happy smiles :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
(It's after midnight here, so I hope to get my post up tomorrow and join in...)
I think it is so fun reminiscing those years when we were still kids and just smile at the camera no matter what we look like.
That poncho reminds me of the one i got myself in December 2004 and i just wore it once.
Both of you are cute cute girls in here.
Mine is up!
waahh.. soo cute!
I had the same haircut as you did and I had my share of "boy" outfits, too! I was the only girl amongst the cousins for quite a bit, so I went through the tomboyish phase. :)
Cute picture! I just found you and I am joining in...so much fun! Happy Friday!
Aw! Just wondering since you liked dressing yourself, are you wearing a bib? Were you hungry? Ha ha, I couldn't resist! I never liked wearing dresses either- I still don't. My momiform is a pair of yoga pants and a comfy tee shirt. I know, I'm classy like that!
Haha I love it! I have to admit it, you don't look very girly in this photograph!!! I just wanted you to know that Friday Photo Flashback is my favourite posting day, I can't wait for it every week. Hopefully we will be getting our new scanner this week so I will be able to scan my old negatives in more quickly!!!
You still look cute Alicia, I also like to wear pants when I was small...
Friday Photoflashback
Another cute memory!
How cute you two look! I remember a poncho like that I used to wear. My mother actually made mine and I loved it and wore it for years.
Thank you for creating this meme Alicia. I'm having so much fun searching for my old photos.
y'all are both cute either way!
HA! Thanks for the Friday morning giggle.....
Oh, and I had that same poncho! I think that knitting pattern circulated through our whole country in the 70s!
Nothing like momma sitting us straight! It's funny how some kids at such a young age know just what they want to wear. I think you look adorable, my dear!
Oh your sister is rockin' that poncho!!! I had one in yellow/orange. I had that same haircut as you did and I think that's cute that your mom let you dress yourself! Awwwwwe ~ ♥
Lol, that's priceless! We had a poncho like that too... my sister and I used to fight over it.
hahaha!! Awww - but you're so cute!
That's a fun memory. Don't you love the clothes we wore back then?
The first thing I thought of when I saw this pictures was Ugly Betty and her {oh so cute} poncho! Too funny that you wouldn't wear dresses:)
Even dressed like a boy, you were cute, Alicia!
pretty darn cute!!!
that's funny, my kids like to do the same...you'll see it on my blog too.
I have finally managed to find 'a' photo to join in with you this week...took me like 6 months.
Whatever the case may be you both look happy and that is all that matters:) Cute picture.
omgosh..what a cute picture! I've been wanting to join in..but can't seem to find any old pictures..guaranteed when I find one I'm in!
Hah, I love that poncho! Cool picture...
That poncho rocked. I think mine was lime green, pink and white.
awwww love this post! such cute pics!!! Miss ya , LA
Oh I am so laughing at the boy dressing thing because I was that same child. Today I give my mom grief and she tells me it was all my doing. LOL....
OK...this is so funny! You are dressed like a boy each time! And it's so funny 'cause most of them have everyone else dressed up! Once again...I FORGOT Friday Photo Flashback...this is what happens when we have High schoolers using the computer for homework on Thursday nights and then again Friday morning...it's time to get another computer!
I worked at this one daycare until it closed and there was a little girl who looks just like you.
feel free to check out my Friday Phot flash back post! http://gigglingkids.blogspot.com/2010/02/friday-photo-flashback-1.html
I love it.
The memories are just as cute at the picture ;)!
Hey! Just joined your fantastic blog hop! I know I'm a little late (it's just turned midnight - Sunday 21st) here in the UK, but I simply couldn't wait til Friday for the next hop!
You are still the cutest thing ever, regardless of what you are wearing.
You were both adorable and I'm going to assume it was a warm day since it's cold here! :)
Would that capes were in style like that again! :)
I need to dig for old pictures again! I miss participating!!
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