Here's another one out of the ole' archives!
This is hubby (then boyfriend) and I, around 1994. We took a road trip with his mom and his sister to Oregon to visit some of their friends. I can't even recall where this pit stop was, but as you can see, bears are a big deal there!
I still remember how we (me, Gabe, & his mom's friend's son) walked around the neighborhood and people kept staring at Gabe & I. Let's just put it this way. I don't think they've seen people that looked like like us around there before...lol. I was thinking we were going to get jumped at any second! But, we were fine and nothing ever happened!
Wow a great picture. I lived in Oregon for years before we moved to Alaska. I love it there. Where in Oregon did you visit?
Oregon! never been there I bet it was beautiful! I hear they have the coolest weather! Loved your picture! It is AWESOME that you got to travel with your sweetheart! =)
I am glad to be back! I don't like being sick =(
Have a Lovely♥Night my Sweet Friend!
LOL, were you way out in the sticks?
Maybe they just thought you were on your honeymoon! Of course, who honeymoons with their mom, lol!
Love that pic, Alicia.
Looks like I'm the first on Mr. Linky!! That's the advantage of staying in our part of the world; we're more than 12 hours ahead of the US.
I've always loved seeing those bear statues. They are so neat! I've been to Oregon once and loved every minute of it... totally beautiful country. It is always fun to revisit or photos! Linda
Bigfoot and the look of the town sound charmingly rustic, my kind of place to visit.
You guys are way too cute where ever you are:-)
Cool picture! That's funny (your experience in Oregon). Which part of Oregon did you visit? People around where I live are not like that :). Please come back to visit Oregon. We promise we won't stare at you :).
That is too funny about people's reactions. I'm glad nobody "jumped" ya. :o)
Very cute picture. Sweet memories I'm sure (minus the racists). Ha.
love that photo.....cracking up at the sign behind you too "Legend of BigFoot"
thanks for sharing :)
LOVE the picture!! You are both so cute with the bears!
We went on a road trip to Oregon in 2002, it was beautiful, but I was a little creeped out by all the HUGE wooden bears everywhere.
Look at the sign - those people have seen Bigfoot, for Pete's sake, why would they think you were strange looking!!??? I think you all are good-looking! Be honest, do you have a tail or something?? ☺ LOVE the picture ~ have a good weekend ♥
Great pic! That looks like a really cool place!
They had never seen such good looking people before! I know what you mean about being stared out.
So did you ever see Bigfoot? Oregon is a fun state to visit...lots to see. Cute picture!!
love the photo. i was to oregon when the summer before my freshman year of high school. wait. it probably was 94 too! crazy. i just realized that. so we were there at the same time. how fun! lol.
Maybe because your such a good looking couple.
Oh what a great picture! You two look great together!
I've missed playing along. Maybe I can get back to it next week.
Take care my friend!
Cute picture. You two are so cute.
what a fun picture!! Thanks for sharing! I love the flashback photos! :)
Great picture, I sure love seeing all the flashbacks, great meme you started! I need to get mine up =P
Cute bear;) Cuter couple!!
Isn't it crazy when people stare? G and I get it every day(when we are out with our boys). It's interesting and strange :)
Lions and Tigers and BEARS oh My!!!
That was funny about them not seeing people like you before...people are soo strange sometimes aren't they? Their loss...
It was in the Redwoods somewhere going to Brookings, OR.
Do you remember the big Paul Bunyan statue ?
I'm not sure how, but I think the links to #11 and #12 above are backwards. Or maybe it's just me, but who knows? ☺
Because you two have it goin on that's why! LOL
My daughter and her friends get stared at too. Usually it's because they are acting like goofballs. lol
Glad no one got jumped!
haha. Love the picture. Gotta take a picture with the big bears when you come across them!
It was because you were such a cute couple! That's all!
I myself love photography because picutres capture a moment in time that you can always go back to and relieve! They stir so many emotions:D You two were and still are such a cute couple!!! My hubby and I only courted 5 months so our pictures are few but so special!
What?! They couldn't handle a cute couple? Seriously. No, I know...I visited Northern Idaho when I was 14 (in the 70s) and when the parents found out we were from Los Angeles, the kids weren't allowed to play with us anymore. I guess we had cooties!
You aren't in the PNW until you are standing next to a larger-than-life chainsaw carving, that's all I can say!
Ha! Ha! Great photo!
Awwww love the bears!
Well gosh, Alicia, y'all don't look like aliens or anything...lol.
Did you at least see a bear while there? That would have been my sign to head home!
I always enjoy your pictures.
Oh girl, I totally forgot to post yesterday! that hasn´t happened to me since starting the FPF. I want to still post today, anyway. hope you don´t mind it´s a day late. ;)
What do you mean they weren´t use to seeing people like you? you mean ethnically? You look great to me! ;)
well, lets see what I can dig up for my flashback.
Big hugs
This totally looks like a scene in a horror movie I seen once. You know, innocent road trippers get carted off by half crazed mountain people? I'm so glad your trip ended up more pleasantly. ;)
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