Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Till another repeat of the Princess Ball!!

Here are all the girls' dancing & having so much fun from last years ball!!!! I was there because "I was helping." LOL! In the beginning of the video, you'll see my oldest daughter Miranda pushing one of her friends to dance, and you will also see how I focus on Veronica! They are both wearing tiaras and white dresses!

Of course, the dad's and daughters danced together to slow & fast songs, but this was one time when all the girls got on the "dance floor!"

These girls were sooooooooooooooo having a good time!!! Oh, and just ignore the convo between my husband I!!! You know how it is when you record, you totally forget that everything you say is being documented too!

And no worries, I don't expect you to watch all 8 minutes of the video!!

And one more thing, before you watch the video, let me apologize in advance for my totally obnoxious laugh!! That was so random, and I totally do not sound like that!! So, don't be scared!


Theta Mom said...

I'm not scared! LOL
The dance off, I love it! It looks like they had a ball! ;)

Denise said...

How much fun were they having, woo hoo!! lol

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

looks like great fun!
Love Collette xxx

Unknown said...

how super cute was that... :)

Kimberly said...

LOL! I love their frantic dance moves.

Oh, and I found your "obnoxious laugh" VERY funny. ;-)

Jane In The Jungle said...

That is so cute!! Those girls are rockin' the house!

Oh yeah...cute laugh, LOL!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Did I hear me some David Crowder? What a fun time. Your laugh was cracking me up:) They all look so pretty and like they were enjoying themselves. Good for you having some video of the night. How exciting for them.

Serendipityissweet said...

Lol, they are having so much fun, and so are you! Dresses and tiaras? My daughter would be in hog heaven.

Stacy said...

There are a lot of girls!!

It looks so much fun though!

I'm sure they are sooo looking forward to it.

Chris said...

wow! so who organizes this balls?

maybe we should organize something like that here!?

Robyn said...

Looks like a wonderful time. I wish I could have done something like that when I was a kid.

Kelli W said...

That looks like so much fun. I bet the girls can't wait for this year's ball! I hope they have a great time!

Anonymous said...

What a fun night for the girls!! I hope they have just as much fun this year :)

Oh and I remember saying the same thing about my laugh one time when I put a video on my blog :) Why do we worry about stuff like that so much?

Sara said...

Oh my goodness, they are so CUTE! That looks like it was so much fun! They look so pretty too!

Muthering Heights said...

That has to be the sweetest thing EVER!!

(And you do NOT have an obnoxious laugh!)

Darcie said...

What a wonderful time! I bet they can't wait for the next one!!

Stephanie said...

it's gonna be so much fun! I'm excited to see their pictures :)

Susie said...

I can't wait to see this year's event!!

Honey Mommy said...

That sounds like so much fun! Too bad I only have boys!

Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh, how adorable! They look like they're having so much fun!

Kathy C. said...

Totally girly fun! I love it!!! :) They look lovely and the giggles and jumping around, oh my, I wanna join in! :)
Um, and I'm lovin' that picture of your puppy over there on your sidebar - CUTE! :)
Have a beatiful day my friend!

Liz Mays said...

Darling! I always chaperoned things too to get a real peek at everything. It's so magical!

Tara said...

The video isn't showing on your post. Must be some blogger issue because my video from yesterday's post isn't showing either. I'll have to check back again.

really.truly said...

So many girls dancing...so cute!

It was so fun hearing you and your husband's voices. You guys were so cute talking about the girls dancing. Fun video Alicia!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

What a neat idea! I love their pic from last year. Hope they have a great time this year too!

Momisodes said...

Oh they are too cute. I hope they have a blast again this year!!!

Colette S said...

They were definitely having fun!

Ahh where did the time go when we were that young huh? :)

My kids are glued to this video. lol.

Mamí♥Picture said...

Aww that was cute and fun!
I bet they are very excited this year!

Lorrie said...

ok somehow I watched about 5 minutes of this...just sitting here thinking we should do this at our church and it would be so cool!. Anyway....your laugh didn't scare me off...but I am putting you on notice...it's almost as annoying as mine....(just kidding...a little)...boy I'm a little snippy tonight! Love the talking in the video...it sounds like my hubby and I!