Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Just when I thought I was done with diapers!!!

I thought I should add an explanation as to why she is wearing a puppy diaper. I can assure you that this is NOT for the cute factor! Girl pups also get visits from "Aunt Flo." I didn't know that either! Well, thank goodness she is getting "fixed" in a couple of weeks because that will permanently "fix" that problem.

Be sure to visit 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday.


Helene said...

That is too funny! The only time I've ever seen a diaper on a dog was when we visited my MIL's friend and her poodle was wearing a make-shift diaper. I asked her why she had the dog in a diaper and she said, "She doesn't like to poop in the yard". I was like, "Are you serious???" Talk about one spoiled dog!

Happy said...

I just totally laughed out loud! That is priceless! Hilarious! Can I make it my background? So funny...too much! Thanks for that! My favorite tonight!

Veronica Lee said...

What a great start to a Wednesday morning!!

Thanks for the chuckle!!

Anonymous said...

I am just glad that i am not the only person to put a Diaper on a dog. LOL!!!

Jennifer said...

ROTFLMBO! Are those real diapers or did you buy doggie ones?

Just Add Walter said...

haha.. that is too funny... I need some diapers for my fur baby too!!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Now that is FUNNY...Thanks for the laugh....

Love your blog....
Hope you will stop by and visit my new Christmas blog.

Genny said...

My kids would LOVE this! When we had their mice, they would dress them up too. (Hard to do with little pet mice, who rarely stood still.) It was so funny.

Jennifer said...

Oh my! I have never seen a dog in a diaper before. Poor puppy! Happy WW!

Buckeroomama said...

That is SO cute!

I'm clueless, but why would it need a diaper...?

Denise said...

That is funny, lol

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

That is so so cute! But why????
Love Collette xxxx

Casey's trio said...

oh my goodness! That is too funny! Adorable puppy :)

Susie said...

Wow!! I did not know that!! Weird...but that's a cute picture:-)

Stacy said...

Yep even doggies get

That is a cute picture though:)

Liz Mays said...

I heard that but I thought it was just a tiny visit??

He & Me + 3 said...

Hope she is not as cranky as this girl when Aunt flo visits. LOL Something about that Aunt I just don't like. :) she is cute.

Kiki said...

Adorable pciture. We went through that with both our of girl dogs prior to them getting spayed. We used washable diapers. They looked so funny. Happy WW and take care.

Alicia W. said...

I laughed so hard when I saw this picture! hey, you got to do what you have to do right? LOL

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Well, I didn't know that! You learn something new all the time, huh?

Hope you have a great Wednesday my friend!

Kelli W said...

Oh my! I didn't know that either! She looks SUPER cute wearing that diaper!

jen@odbt said...

I laughed out loud at that sight. At first i thought your little girl got a hold of the pup and was playing baby.

Anonymous said...

We did the diaper on the dog thing on Chica for a while. She'd run around the house desperately trying to tear it off...

Kathy C. said...

LOL - oh cute! She looks like she wants to take that thing off. :) I'm glad we got ours fixed before she encountered her "first", oh my.

Kathy C. said...

LOL - oh cute! She looks like she wants to take that thing off. :) I'm glad we got ours fixed before she encountered her "first", oh my.

Lauren said...

hahahahaha -- too funny! I bet you can't wait to get her fixed! I didn't know that aunt flo visited dogs either!!

Lyryn said...

HA! So freaking awesome… I mean… sad. But so funny! Thanks for sharing!

Laura said...

Still laughing about your Facebook status the other day!!! LOL

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Too funny!

Lorrie said...


Pam said...

I am so glad that Sassie never had to wear a diaper! lol

Carin said...

Ahhh! that is too funny! thanks for sharing =)

Mommy24cs said...

LOL, awww so cute, not the Aunt Flo part though. My mom puts a diaper on her dog to keep it from marking his territory all over the house. It's so funny to see!

Unknown said...

Does it maker her extra "b*tchy"? Sorry, I just couldn't resist. Cute picture!!

Nina said...

Oh my goodness... Be thankful for puppy diapers. LOL....

Darcie said...

LOL!!! We found that out the hard way too! But our's was a 50lb dog, and my husband was at home alone(I was back in MT visiting family), he heard about the diapers, but he said there was no way he was going to try and get one of those on our dog. One of many reasons to get your female dog fixed, huh?

Thanks for the laughs.

Anonymous said...

too funny! does she get pms, breakout with zits, crave chocolate?

Brooke said...

She is so cute, but I know that this time for her is not so cute! Ha!

Michelle said...

I have only had female dogs and all were fixed before their first period. No way was I dealing with my dogs period!!!

4 Lettre Words said...

I can't believe she wears it! Great pup!

Colette S said...

Today I learn something new. I had no clue the female pup did that! I would have freaked out thinking my pup was dying!

Ingenious idea the diaper...or is that a normal happening too?

Stephanie said...

Oh my Gosh! When I saw the picture I said and I quote "no she does not have a diaper on that dog" and then I read your post and was shocked. I didn't know that!!!!!!!! Crazy stuff....we learn something new everyday!

Muthering Heights said...

You are such a tease...I thought you were going to announce a pregnancy!!! LOL!

Serendipityissweet said...

Oh my! That's funny. I have been hoping to avoid that visit with out great dane puppy girl. She'll be getting fixed in the next few weeks to. I hope the hormones hold out. I have enough diapers to change around here!

Night Owl Mama said...

OH My that one really shocked me couldn't imagine why I though Surgery before I read it. Glad to her that its totally normal

McCrakensx4 said...

OMGosh...that is the funniest thing ever! Growing up we had a dog, but he was a boy! I never knew they made doggie diapers! Too funny!

Mamí♥Picture said...

she is so cute, looks funny, lol