Could my sweet, little, almost 8 month old puppy be PREGNANT????
She just had her first flow about a month ago. When I made her appointment to get fixed, it was perfect timing because she had just started it, and it would be ending right before going to the vet.
She is an indoor puppy. We only put her in the backyard to go potty and #2. She doesn't even like to stay out there long. She'll start barking a few minutes later so we could let her in.
Anyway, our neighbor has the most annoying Chihuahua that they let roam the streets 24/7. I'm surprised it's even still alive! Well, I noticed that when our pup was in heat, he was always wanting to come over this way when we were in the front yard with her. But, with her being under our careful watch 24/7, there was no way he was getting to her. No way, Jose!
Well, last week, we let her out like normal to do her thing, and when she barked to come in, I opened the back door, and guess who was out there with her?????????????? THE ANNOYING CHIHUAHUA!!
What did he do? Fly over the fence? I had to take a double look because they are the same color and almost the same size. I wanted to be sure that I let the right one in!
That's when it dawned on me that he might of had his way with her. I wanted to cry.
I know..I sound pathetic. They're dogs, for crying out loud. I know this.
And if I don't sound any more psycho, I started googling, "HOW TO KNOW IF YOUR PUPPY IS PREGNANT."
Honestly, I don't even know if that was the first time that dog came over to the backyard without us knowing.
I just hope she's not pregnant. My husband and kids think she is.
Does anyone know how I'll know for sure???? Her little thingamajiggys are starting to stick out more. I read that that was a sign. Or is that normal?
Ooooh nooooooo! :-( No good! What a bad boy! Ugh... not to make light of the situation (but maybe a little bit) - has she peed on a stick yet? ;-) I hope, for your sake, she's not preggers!!!
Yikes! Sorry but I have no idea how to tell. They will able to tell you when you go in for the appointment!
Hopefully she is not. That bad doggie needs to stay in his own yard!
Oh Alicia...I am sorry so I don't have a clue. For your sake...I hope not. Keep us updated.
I have no idea I am afraid to say! I hope she isn't! What a cheeky dog he is!
Love Collette xxx
Oh no Alicia!!! I have no idea, sorry!
P.S. She's so cute!
Just kidding. I hope she's not, for your sake. But, ya know...what a great homeschool lesson that would make. If you had to look on the bright side that is...
Hope it all works out. Hugs :D
Now that's a situation and a half isn't it? They say the only way to know for sure (before puppies show up that is) is to take your pooch to the vet. Poor girl!
Now that's a situation and a half isn't it? They say the only way to know for sure (before puppies show up that is) is to take your pooch to the vet. Poor girl!
A male dog can smell a female dog in heat from far away. If he would have "had his way with her", they would have been "stuck" together (research dog mating) for some unless she was outside for a long period of time, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. But if so, at least the other dog is a chihuahua too!
Oh man! Totally not funny for you but I have to admit to a giggle! That was my worst fear for our little dog rosie so I had her into get fixed at 6 months lol! Hopefully a trip into the vet will be able to put your fears to rest :)
Keep us posted ;b
Oh man! Totally not funny for you but I have to admit to a giggle! That was my worst fear for our little dog rosie so I had her into get fixed at 6 months lol! Hopefully a trip into the vet will be able to put your fears to rest :)
Keep us posted ;b
Poor doggy! After my Penny's back surgery, she had to wear diapers since we had to re-teach her to use the bathroom again. She ended up with UTIs because of it :-(
I don't know the for sure signs but I have seen dogs stuck together like what Brooke is talking about. But you know the signs of a woman being pregnant and things getting bigger so... sorry I can't help!
PS I got the card and gift card. You are sweet! Thanks for the giveaway!
I was going to say what Brooke said, when they get "stuck" together it really takes quite a bit of time. Depends on how long she was outside. Good luck on that one =) Bright side is how adorable puppies would be.
I have a male puppy, so I am clueless. Maybe the vet can test her?
Yea I have no idea how to tell, I say Google it, that is how I learn all I need to know in this world :)
Good luck!!
Oh no!! I wish I could be helpful but I have no idea how to tell!
I have no idea how to tell if she is preggo...but if she is you will have some SUPER cute puppies! I hope you find out soon!
even if she is you can still get her fixed and the vet can take care of the pups.. so no annoying puppies. it is no big deal.. just take her to the vet..
oh and the being stuck together is call dog knotted.. cause the male swells up and cant get loose.. so unless she was out for a while it can take like 30 mins to come un stuck.. you should be ok..
Can't help you on figuring out whether she's pregnant or not; but if she is, I say sue for puppy support!
We always say that if we ever have a dog it would be a boy and it will get fixed right away.... hey maybe you can make sume bucks selling those new puppies.... maybe the neigbour can pay you puppy support.... :)
Ugh...all I know is that they can get pregnant like that and if the boyfriend was hanging around, all things are possible. The vet will definitely be able to tell and then you will know if you need to prepare for puppies.
Oh no. I have no advice. We don't own doggies or pets for that matter. I hope she is not for your sake:)
"Had his way with her." I'm lol-ing.
Then all this business in the comments about them being "stuck together." I'm howling about puppy uh...puppy "love."
I can't wait to hear the results. Have her pee on an EPT. Get the kind where you can find out the results "up to five days before your missed period." :-)
Seriously, hilarious.
But I'm sorry if she is and you have a situation on your hands. Keep us posted!
Alicia, you don't sound psycho, little puppers is my "baby girl" (remember I only have a son - so she's my other kid, lol)...I am all over it if a boy dog comes near her sniffin,...and she's already fixed!
Um, yeah, the swelling nippies are a bit of a sign, but the only way to know for sure is a vet visit.
Hmmm, this could be a neat homeschool project??? Trying to think positive! ;)
I'ms so sorry! I didn't mean to laugh when you said "He had his way with her." It just sounded like a doggy romance novel.
I hope she's not pregnant though.
Oh geez!!!!!!! I have no idea how to tell if they're pregnant or not..that's why I always get boy dogs :)
Can't wait to hear the news though!
the nips getting larger is a sign. also if you lay her on her side and massage her stomach you can feel around and if you can feel any small round golf ball thingys then yep you gots some grandpuppies comin. Otherwise just wait and see what the vet says I guess. :) :) :)
Your little puppy is a hussy, huh?
Good luck!
I stumbled upon your Blog from SITS and I'm so glad that I did! I am a new avid reader, for sure!
Stop by say hello over at my little bliggidy blog.
I've no idea either!! Can't wait for the news!!!
I have no clue sweetie.
Okay, Alicia, we've had many, many dogs. And two certain dogs were always getting pregnant!!! When dogs, uh, mate.. they get stuck. Stuck for quite awhile. And it's not a quiet thing either!!! If you were home, you would have for sure heard it. Hopefully she wasn't out there for too long! Keep us updated!!
Oh no! I have 3 cats...all female, indoor-fixed cats. Then we have a betta fish.
Funny thing is that just yesterday i was thinking about getting a couple of african dwarf frogs..until I googled them and thought, I don't want tadpoles!
Keep us posted!
Do they make ept sticks for dogs? I hope your cute puppy is not preggers.
lol! Girl, I am sooooooooooo sorry! But, this cracked me up, especially at the end. Sorry!
Now, on on serious note... that stupid little Chihuahua!!!! How could he? I dare him! Who does he think he IS? Girl, hopefully she isn't preggars. Keep us posted! I'm sorry girl!
Aww, I hope she's not; but if she turns out to be, think of all the sweet little puppies... Hmmm, or is that too frightening for you?
Oh my, I can't believe I just read all your comments on this one. LOL. Wow, what a conversation! Yea, no clue when it comes to dogs and all they do :)
I hope not! How can you find out for sure?
I am so sorry...but you had me DYING with laughter!!!!
I hope she isn't expecting! Keep us posted!
hahahahaa. Oh you poor thing.
Um, I don't know about the 'stuck' thing...although it makes me want to vomit a bit in my mouth.
BUT copper isn't fixed ["were going to breed her someday" the words of my husband] so i deal with doggie periods all the time and I do know that he nipples get bigger and her thinginamagig also kinda gets bigger [barfing yet?] so that is a pretty normal thing...HOWEVER...she's never been knocked up. So idk what to tell ya :)
I agree with the peeing on the stick thing. haha. JK!
LOL oh my! I wonder if homemade pregnancy test work on dogs too? hmm i wonder??
I guess the vet will answer that one better =)
Well look at the positive side of this, you are going to have cute tiny puppies running around =)LOL
Oh my word girl!! this is so hilarious. I just love how your wrote this! It was so funny! I am laughing. I can´t believe it!
Well, My mom´s big Bouvier got prego when I was away at college and she announced one day.. we have puppies.. I was like did you even know she was prego? She said no. So if you can´t even tell a big dog is prego how can you tell a little one is. LOL.. i would say she will def. show. and she will def. get larger. keep an eye out.
It will def. be an education for the kidos.
I can't believe a dog that little roams around 24/7! Wow, he must be a super dog -- able to leap tall fences in a single bound. Yikes.
I hope he stayed away from your little girl.
I have lot of dog experience and I can tell you there is no way for YOU to tell at such an early stage.
Her 'thingamajiggy' is naturally swollen because of her heat cycle.
If you were already planning on taking her to the vet for spaying, tell them the situation if you have concerns. Maybe they can do a blood test.
If she is PG, they can still do the spaying but that may go against your beliefs because it's like aborting future life.
Also, keep in mind that little dog breeds like Chihuahuas are easier to find homes for and perhaps you can look on the whole birthing process as a learning experience for your watch, to discuss.
Praying all goes well.
Oh no! I bet a follow-up visit to the vet can tell you for sure!! Good luck with that :)
I've heard that is a sign too...the thingamajiggys...nipples, right? LOL!
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