Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This was a much anticipated day! My oldest daughter could hardly sleep the night before! I think I was just as excited for them too. It was going to be an even more special night since our friends daughter was also going with them.

The day started with me taking my girls to the salon and getting their "updo's". I couldn't have been more pleased. She always does such a great job with my kids. They were pressed for time, so as soon as we got home, they had to put on their dresses and go. They had to be at The Cheesecake Factory at a certain time, as they were going to dinner with about ten other people.

Here's the back of Miranda's updo. Isn't it beautiful? The shimmery stuff is glitter.
My plan was to meet them back at church after their dinner so I could snap a few photos of them. This year I didn't stay (part of me wishes I did), so I took what I could get. But, I do have photos that were taken by other people, plus the video of the "Dad dance off."

However, I did have a great night as well. Some of my friends and I went to dinner too! We also went to The Cheesecake Factory, but of course, we went much later than they did. I'll post those pictures soon!

Here's my hubs and my girls! It was still hot at 6pm, so that is why he was not wearing a jacket. And yes, he is wearing a pink shirt to match the girls. Real men wear pink..lol.
Here's Michele & Miranda. She's the other Princess that went with them. Their friendship has really blossomed within the last year. I'm so glad. Her brothers are also friends with Isaiah, and her mom and I are really good friends. We also knew her dad. He was Isaiah's Sunday School teacher one year, and he really took to him. Makes me sad just thinking about him.
Hubby with the Princesses!
The centerpieces that were made for the tables.
"The Stage"
Refreshment Table
A glance of how the foyer was set up. Way in the back was the Dessert Table.
There were lots of pictures of them posing like that. Tweens!
They are all good friends. Bunch of nice girls!I love this picture!
Some of the girls dancing!
There were also professional pictures taken of them that night, so I can't wait to get those! Overall, it was another successful Princess Ball, and from what I hear, it was even better than last years!!


Sara said...

Ok, I want a crown!! You mommies should go out one night and wear your daughters crowns.. HA HA - ok, just kidding. But, seriously? There is nothing better than wearing a crown! That is so cool that you guys do that, is that through Church? How fun. And, yes, real men wear pink. Or real men who have little girls and love them wear pink!

Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh, the girls are all so beautiful! And the decorations at the ball? So, so lovely! Good thing I wasn't there... if I learned anything from my grandma, it's that if it ain't nailed down, it's fair game - and those centerpieces are a little too cute not to come home with me! LOL! ;-)

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

stunning decorations! The girls looked gorgeous as well. Looks like a good night was enjoyed by everyone.
Love Collette xxxx

Denise said...

The girls are all such beautiful princesses.

Unknown said...

You have darling daughters sis.. I love their gowns and their hairs...=)

They are truly princesses with their crowns on..

louann said...

Oh that is just so sweet! I love the pictures.

Veronica Lee said...

OMG!! The girls are gorgeous and so are their crowns, gowns, etc!!

Susie said...

Gosh...I don't know what to say! Everyone and everything looks so great!! What a wonderful way to celebrate the most important man in a girl's life! So cool:-)

Theta Mom said...

You have such a beautiful family and that hair! OMG! Gorgeous!

Stacy said...

I have been waiting for you to post since I saw it on FB..lol!

The girls look gorgeous!And your hubby is right..real men wear pink:)

I did find out our church does this with just the preteen girls but it is not as formal.

Stephanie said...

They are soooo beautiful!!!!!!! I have heard the Cheesecake Factory is amazing though I've never been. Think I'm going to have to look and see where the nearest one is located so I can beg my husband to take me.

By the way I love your husbands shirt...I think it looks very sharp!

Alicia W. said...

Awww, I hope Brea has something like this when she get's older for her and her Daddy to do together. What a sweet sweet dance. LOVE their dresses and sassy crowns.

Robyn said...

Looks and sounds like a beautiful night that I'm sure your girls will always remember! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures with us.

Anonymous said...

Oh, they look so beautiful! What a special day for your husband and daughters...

Kelli W said...

The girls look beautiful! I love the hair! And your hubby looks SUPER handsome in his pink shirt...I always wanted my hubby to wear one, but he doesn't have any girls to match LOL!

Chris said...

what a special and beautiful day!

Happy said...

What a totally sweet night for them! The girls look so beautiful! I love the picture with the hand gestures...my tweens do those ALL the time. So glad it's obviously not just them!

And the Cheesecake Factory...do not even get me started...yum!

Sounds like a truly wonderful night for all!

Darcie said...

Absolutly stunning! Yes, real men wear pink, especially when it is a dad wearing it for his girls!

Laura said...

I love that your hubby matched with your daughters. My husband would NEVER wear pink, LOL.

Beautiful girls and gorgeous dresses! Looks like they had a great time.

Lyryn said...

What a blast! I love her hair!

Tara said...

Make sure that lady does your daughter's hair when she gets married (I know you don't want to think of that) because it is so pretty! Everything looks so nice - well planned out and decorated! Glad they had a great time and I love his pink shirt!

Pam said...

They are beautiful. What a lovely way to spend the evening.
Miranda's hair is so pretty!

Sawatzky family said...

WOW! So beautiful! What a magical evening for all the girls! I agree the hair and dresses are amazing!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

they look beautiful! what a great set up job they did too..very princessy lol. can't wait to see more pics :)

Sharon said...

oh wowwwwwwwww they look absolutely beautiful, loving those smiles!! And decorations were really cool. looking forward to seeing the other pictures.
Great share :)

Sharon said...

oh wowwwwwwwww they look absolutely beautiful, loving those smiles!! And decorations were really cool. looking forward to seeing the other pictures.
Great share :)

Carin said...

Oh WOW Alicia! What an amazing time for all of them! They all look so beautiful! What a wonderfal dad they have!

jen@odbt said...

They look so pretty!!! Looks like so much fun.

Lauren said...

how absolutely wonderful and sweet and precious and oh my goodness I don't have the words!!! Too awesome! :) I wish I could go to a ball that pink and fantastic!! :P

Anonymous said...

Your girls are beautiful!!! I bet that was one proud Daddy!!

Liz Mays said...

That is the most unbelievable event. The girls looked so beautiful and yes, real men can wear pink and they're better men for it. ;)

Kimberly said...

Go Dad! Real men DO wear pink!!! The girls look absolutely beautiful. I'm so glad they all had a good time!

Kathy C. said...

The girls look beautiful, and the dresses...I wanna wear one! I love pink. :) I think it's great your hubby dressed to match his girls - I'm sure they had a wonderful time! ;)

Colette S said...

Wow. Look at your beauties and handsome man.

I see nothing wrong with men wearing any shade of clothing they wish.

The girls are just beautiful! What a lovely thing to experience with dad.

I'm glad it was a successful ball. Wonderful memories to have. And I love the pictures!

Jane In The Jungle said...

I was so excited to see the title of your post!! LOVE the pink dresses, and girl what hair...SNAP!!
I know you are just so proud Alicia!

Muthering Heights said...

They look so beautiful!! Your husband must have been the most proud dad at the ball! :)

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

What a magical night for your daughters (and hopefully their friend too)! Everyone looked great and the centerpieces and stage were fabulous...such a special occasion.

He & Me + 3 said...

What beautiful pictures...her hair is gorgeous. love that they all matched. Just precious!

Unknown said...

This was so beautiful Alicia! I love that the girls could do this very special thing with their Daddy. How wonderful! I am glad you could go have a little girl time! I know you are the funnest girl in any group : )

Unknown said...

PS Did I say that the girls are beautiful? Because they totally are stunning. Just like their Mama : )

Helene said...

Awwww, the girls look stunningly beautiful! And I loved that your hubby wore pink to match them! I'm sure this will be one of the happiest memories that they'll still be talking about years from now!

Ms. Latina said...

Thats such a great idea! I don't know anyone who has actually done one, thought it was a TV thing until I read this post!

Ah bueno, I have boys so I won't have to do that or do they do Mother Son balls? Think it would be a great idea!

Susan said...

Oh how special!! I bet your husband felt a KING with those beautiful girls all around him.

Thanks for sharing.

Love your new makeover, looks GREAT!!

really.truly said...

Gorgeous! It must have been a wonderful and memorable night!

ocmist said...

Your girls were totally beautiful “princesses,” and their hair was gorgeous! What a proud Dad they must have had!

That will be a memory to last a lifetime!

Anonymous said...

totally sorry we missed it, but I think I have a peace about it, it would have been some bad timing now that I am looking back on it all!

Daphine said...

Oh my goodness!!! For some reason, I started crying looking at these photos! What is my deal here lately?!?! Girl, they looked AMAZING! WOW!

Mamí♥Picture said...

That was AMAZING!!!