Thursday, September 3, 2009


I started "Friday Photo Flashback" because I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Don't forget to sign in to MckLinky so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!

Here's a couple of pictures in 1990, when my (not yet) husband, his older brother and a couple of friends went to Yosemite to climb Half Dome. You can see them all on top of the mountain, 3,000 feet high, just hanging out by the edge like it's no big deal! Ugh..that makes my stomach hurt when you see how just one wrong step will send you right over! He just told me that they shouldn't have sat there because the rocks on the edge slip and fall ALL THE TIME!

That's my husband in the white cap!

Here's a close up! Miranda looks so much like him in this picture!


Lorrie said...

WOW!!!! That is so crazy...they really look like they could just SLIP off!...the last one...he looks so stinkin' happy...and the background is so's hilarious!

Lorrie said...

where is Mr. Linky?

Lorrie said...

This is my last comment really...I see Mr. Linky!

Helene said...

Goodness, was he crazy??? That would totally freak me out!! Isn't it crazy the dangerous things we do when we're young...and then looking back you're thinking "What the heck was I doing??"

Muthering Heights said...

Wow, she really does!

Jennifer said...

Nope. Nuh-uh. Not gonna do it. I am scared of heights. Nope. That is WAAAAY too high! LOL!

He & Me + 3 said...

That first picture is crazy high up. I would have lost my lunch. Wow he has changed so much...but yet hasn't aged a bit. How do you two do it?

Kim said...

I see that you comment on Carin's blog a lot so I had to come check out your site. Super cute blog you have and a sweet family!

Mamí♥Picture said...

Wow!!! That is one AMAZING picture! Awesome shot! Your hubby was CRAZY!
Hmm.. Now I want to go to climb a Mountain, may be next summer =)
Have a Lovely♥Friday!!

Denise said...

I LOVE Yosemite, but I've never understood WHY people insist on climbing Half is just a HUGE rock, nothing exciting at the top. I'll stick to climbing up to the falls if I ever make it back to Yosemite.

I have some similiarly scary pictures from our visit to Crater Lake in Oregon, only my Hubby was standing at the edge with our then 4 yr old youngest son....I can't even look at the pictures they still freak me out!

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

A fantastic photo! How wonderful is God's creation?
Love Collette xxx

Denise said...

So amazingly beautiful.

Denise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

wow, amazing photos sis.. Love the mountain top view.. And your hubby he is so handsome in that.. He certainly looks like your daughter Miranda..

LivingforGod said...

My husband likes to do that, too...sitting/standing on the edge when we hike up mountains :).

Beautiful view! I have not been to Yosemite yet.

Have a blessed weekend, Alicia!

Kelli W said...

WOW! What a view! I bet that was an awesome sight to see!

PropellerHeadMom said...

Wow that is beautiful but scary! I would never stand there - I am too afraid of heights and falling!

Stacy said...

That is a beautiful pic but I feel sick just looking at it! Heights are a great fear of mine:(

Sarah A. Galang, Ph.D. said...

Hi, Alicia, I'm back, glad to be here again.

Sarah A. Galang, Ph.D. said...

What a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing this picture.

Beth in NC said...

Yikes!!! Men!

Sharon said...

Wowwwww thats pretty scarey looking, especially seens how I see is nails dug in to that rock he is sitting on. :) Great photo!
Have a Beautiful weekend my friend

jen@odbt said...

Wow! That is an amazing view but I'm having heart palpitations just looking at it...I'm scared of heights.

Jane In The Jungle said...

Oh man I would have barfed!!

Tara said...

Absolutely beautiful! I am sooooo afraid of heights; I would not have been any fun on that trip. Looks like he had a great time!

Happy said...

All I can say is just looking at how high up they were made me feel a little dizzy and made my stomach lurch a bit. I mean, wow....

I never knew about this carnival. I'm glad I found it. I posted a flashback post yesterday (Thurs.) but I linked to it if that's okay. From now on when I do a flashback I'll wait till Friday!

Carin said...

Okay... heights usually don't get to me at all, but looking at that last picture, my stomach is turning. And then he says he really shouldn't have been on the edge... sigh, that's enough to give a person some gray hairs!

Oh, but is sure is PRETTY up there!

Lauren said...

OH MY GOSH!! My hands started to sweat just looking at those pictures!! I am not a big fan of heights, but boy what a beautiful view!!! Thanks for sharing and so glad that your hubby lived to make it down the aisle! :)

Hazel said...

Those were the days when we dared everything :-) I couldn't look at it longer than 2 minutes. My entrails squirmed!

Susie said... be young and indestructable again:-)

Anonymous said...

Umm, that first picture sort of made my stomach do flip flops!!!

tiki_lady said...

you always have some of the best photos

Laine said...

oh my gosh! aren't they afraid with heights? your hubby is adventurous.:)

Unknown said...

My stomach went into knots too. My word, is that allowed? I mean what were they thinking? You could have been husbandless and childless... I mean... you have to just look at this picture and Know that God wanted you to be with him! ;)

Yosemite is my hubby´s favorite spot!

Unknown said...

My stomach went into knots too. My word, is that allowed? I mean what were they thinking? You could have been husbandless and childless... I mean... you have to just look at this picture and Know that God wanted you to be with him! ;)

Yosemite is my hubby´s favorite spot!

really.truly said...

That picture is amazing and scary!!

The imPerfect Housewife said...

I had to come back here and tell you two things ~ first of all, I forgot to comment on your picture this morning and I'm so sorry! That first one gives me butterflies in my stomach - I am so scared of heights because..well...I'm sure I'll fall or slip or something (it does look really cool though!); secondly, your comment on my blog about dressing your son up in your daughter's pj's and putting a scrunchie in his hair not only cracked me up, but my husband as well - HILARIOUS!!!!! Where's THAT picture???? That's just way too funny! You have a great weekend ~ ♥

Momisodes said...

Oh my! My palms are sweaty just looking at those photos!
They are so brave.

Stephanie said...

Oh wow! That's crazy! The rock right below them looks like it's getting ready to fall......I'd be soo glad I wasn't there to witness that :)

Alicia The Snowflake said...

oh wow! That's an amazing place! I can't believe they were just hanging out on the edge. Aahhhh!

Daphine said...

Girl, he's one brave brother! There's no way in the world I would have been up that high! lol!

I have so MISSED you! Can't wait to catch up on your blog over the weekend!

Enjoy yours okay?

Pam said...

There is no way I would have done that! Ugh! Too close for comfort!

Pilar said...

oh my goodness, the one in the red cap is the one that is driving me crazy, I am getting sick just looking at the photo!!!!

Laura said...

So crazy!! I could never do anything like that.

Colette S said...

What an experience! But yes I'd be jelly in the knees too about how close they are to the edge!

Liz Mays said...

That is WAY too scary!

Kimberly said...

I had a crazy day and missed posting this week, but I'll be back this Friday.

That first photo, YIKES! I can't stand seeing people do things like that. I'm a big scaredy cat!