Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My older kids started Art classes again on Monday's (yesterday), so for the hour and a half that they were there, I decided to take my youngest daughter to Build-A-Bear to use her gift cards that she got for Christmas! She was so excited because, well, you know how long ago Christmas was..lol. Besides, I love having these one on one times with my kids!! If you've never been to Build-A-Bear, and are curious to see what goes on in there...well, wonder no more! This is what all the hoopla is about!!

First step..pick a bear! Of course, she picks another pink one!
Then you get to stuff it!!
OPTIONAL: You can put in a sound box. You push down on the paw and it says, "I LOVE YOU!" But, they have other ones you can choose from!
Next, you pick a heart for it! Pink or purple? Then you have to do the same ritual. Rub it on your tummy so it'll never be hungry, rub it on your arms so it will be strong, and then kiss it so it will always feel loved! Isn't that sweet?!When the nice lady is done stitching it up, you get to give them an air bath! You don't want to take home a stinky bear!! I don't have pictures, but after the bath, you make a birth certificate for the bear on the computer (oh, just like that boy in the background)! Veronica named her bear, Sarah!Now comes the HARD PART! Decisions..decisions!! This is just like regular clothes shopping!
YAY..more pink!! She picked this outfit, but she acutally chose another one for her to wear on the way home! It's a cute pink & fuschia dress!
Here's to another great adventure at Build-A-Bear! She was so happy to get the pink armoire, finally! This was the display model that they just put up and it was their last one till they receive a new shipment. We were able to buy that one, and the great thing was that it was already assembled!
Then when you get home, they play with it for about 15 minutes, and then it ends up like this!! Aww..poor Sarah! I hope she doesn't end up having abandonment issues!


Alicia The Snowflake said...

Poor Sarah! Gotta love Build A Bear :o) Looks like Veronica (& Sarah) had a great time!

Lisa said...

What a sweet memory, Veronica is so cute and her bear is adorable. I like the last picture a lot, reminds me of my house...lol

Susie said...

Isn't that what happens to all the toys? They end up playing more with the box:-)

Anonymous said...

You're never too old for Build a bear Love it!

Debra Kaye said...

Oh Alicia,

I just love Build A Bear! My son has one from when he was 8! lol
It's in the bottom of his closet somewhere, I think! I'm sure he has abandonment issues! lol

Sarah is adorable and the one on one time is so great! Happy Tuesday, my sister. May the Lord bless you today! :)

Stacy said...

My kids love going to Build A Bear. Love the outfit she picked out.

joanofalltrades said...

Your daughter looks so happy. Is that underwear in the outfit picture? LOL!

He & Me + 3 said...

How fun...but you are right...in fact, we don't even know where ours are. Yikes. Cute outfit she chose though. She has style!

Kristin said...

It looks like a lot of fun! I have never been there before

Anonymous said...

Build a bear is loads of fun! I even love that place. For a few years my mom would take my girls for thier b-days. We have like 10 of build a bears between them. Most of them look like the last picture :)

Elizabeth said...

How adorable!
And I love the hair bows and striped tights! Way too cute!

Muthering Heights said...

I've never taken Bootsie Baby to Build-A-Bear, but it looks like a lot of fun! What a neat mommy-daughter date!

Denise said...

That is so awesome, I collect bears, love them.

Anonymous said...

Way to go. She got all that with her G.Certs and the dresser. Ya.


Andy said...

That's funny : ) abandonment issues. haha. Colt isn't into toys yet, but Andy and I always say instead of toys were going to bring home a giant card board box and make a tent...

we'll see how that goes : )

R and R Stacy said...


Jane Anne said...

What fun! When my 3rd son was born, I took my oldest to build a bear to make the baby a bear. I treasure that bear more than anything. He added his own voice, which says, "This is your big brother: I love you, Thomas." Big brother Jonathan was 4 at the time.

Anyway, great pictures!

(Oh, and I posted the Blueberry Orange muffin recipe on my blog.)

Angela said...

Don't you just love how they always end up on the floor!! Sadly ours end up eaten by the dogs!

Aubrey said...

That last picture says it all!

That one on one time is always great! Looks like a fun time!

Anonymous said...

What a great time!! We love build a bear at our house and my girls would love the armoire!!

Leslie said...

I love Build A Bear. My favorite one is at Downtown Disney!

Kelly said...

We love Build a Bear!! We save it for special occacions!! Good pictures!

Unknown said...

Ok, my favorite part was when you showed what it looked like when you got home. Kaish always does that! He will be SO excited about something. So excited he can't stand it. And then we get home, and all of his excitement departs and he throws it on the floor! How adorable though. We haven't been yet.

Elisabeth said...

Looks like she enjoyed herself! I hope you have bear therapy insurance just in case Sarah does end up with abandonment issues!

Laura said...

That looks like a lot of fun! You are such a fun Mom, lol. I have never even been in one before. Maybe for Kyle's birthday, I'll take him.

Unknown said...

Love the bear and the cherished memories you made together!

xoxo Jill

mama's smitten said...

Oh we love that place!!! I love Veronicas bows! She is precious!

really.truly said...

Build a bear is a favorite over here too! Our bears end up lost, clothes missing, forgotten within days. Ughh! -LOL . I think all the fun is in the building process :)

Momisodes said...

OMG! My daughter got the SAME bear at Build a bear a few weeks ago :) That is too funny. And yea. Ours is face down somewhere in the house, too.

Beth in NC said...

LOL!! Your daughter is so cute and I love her outfit. Poor little bear ... abandoned at such a young age. :o)

Anonymous said...

Alicia, you really can tell whole stories with very few words! From start to finish this was splendid and even funny how the bear ended up on the floor, lol

Sweet Blessings said...

That's EXACTLY what happens to the bears! LOL!! Oh my goodness, what a cuitie Sarah is!! HER eyes have it all the time!!:) Yes, I wrote the poem. It's something I like to do from time to time-to try and express my thoughts. Thank you for your kind words. Any chance to look further into the network yet? Talk to you soon:) Amanda

McCrakensx4 said...

Too funny...my boys love that store too and most of their animals end up in the same position as Sarah! What fun memeories!

Alicia W. said...

How sweet!! Love her little outfit - so sylish. I have missed your blog and have lot's of catching up to do. :o)

Daphine said...

Hello sweet friend! I love Build-A-Bear! GREAT pictures taken! I loved looking at them all. What precious memories for your Veronica!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

I've got something for you over at my site. Swing by when you get a chance...

Julie said...

I've always wanted to go to Build-A-Bear! I actually wanted to do it when I graduated from college! LOL! I've still never been...we won't discuss how long ago college was. :)

Theresa said...

We've never done build a bear. I bet Andrew would enjoy it though.