Monday, February 2, 2009


We had a potluck at another friends house after church on Sunday. The weather was perfect! Plus, they live in a cul-de-sac so the kids are able to play safely in front of the house! We LOVE the fellowship we have with our friends, plus all our kids are friends, so it's great for all of us! This isn't even everyone! There were about 45 people there! We were able to watch a little bit of the Superbowl but then we had to leave early because my husband had to be at church for worship practice that night.

Yummy bbq & salads!! That's my hubby there on the left!
Great kids! The one in the back is mine! LOL. The boy in the front on the right is Steven. He's one of Isaiah's best friends. He makes us laugh! Can you see why?Danny helping out with the burgers!
Lorena, Mariela, ME, & Christina! Love them! This is also my Facebook profile picture!
Silly girl!
My two younger boys! Gosh they are so awesome!
The hostesses with the mostestest! Ignacio & Lorena! Our kids are really good friends with theirs, so they spend the night there alot! I think they would live there if we let them!
GO ARIZONA!! LOL, I'm not even a football fan!


Susie said...

Hmmmmm...another party...

Looks like great fun. I can't wait until we can get ours out:-)

Laura Lee said...

It's so rare to find a family with whom you, your spouse, and your kids "just click."

A slice of heaven on earth, I say!

Stephanie said...


That's a great pic of you!

Anonymous said...

Ok I never thought I would say this, but Isaiah has longer hair than any of the others.

Yes, Danny and Eli are the CUTEST ever.


Alicia The Snowflake said...

Looks like you guys had fun! It's not freezing here, but it is still too cold to bring out the BBQ. So I'm a little jealous :o)

Kimberly said...

Okay, I'm guessing you live WAY down south, because it looks WARM there! :) Such a blessing to be able to fellowship with friends. Oh, and food? Bonus! :)

McCrakensx4 said...

So much fun! We actually did not host anything yesterday and I was kinda sad cuz I usually am the hostess with the mostess! Too bad my team lost in the last seconds of the game!! :( Oh well there is always next season!

He & Me + 3 said...

Fun! and your weather looks so nice. Snow everywhere still here. ugh. Great pics of all the happenings.

Denise said...

Sounds so nice.

Debra Kaye said...


Your pics are awesome! You can see how much fun you guys have together! :)

Hope you had a blessed Monday, my friend.

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun, it's great to have good family friends huh ;)

Laura said...

Yummm!! I love a good BBQ especially with good friends. I was rooting for the Cardinals, but had no reason why. LOL. I always hear about the Steelers, so I thought I'd go for the other team. And they lost and made me disappointed! Oh, well! :)

Anonymous said...

A BBQ outside!!! I am so jealous!!! Looks like a good time with good friends.

Sara said...

Is it spring yet?? That looks like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you all had a really good time! I was rooting for the Cardinals too and I really don't even like pro college football is another story..Roll Tide!!

amanda said...

how envious am i of a bbq. VERY!! i want summer...

joanofalltrades said...

Looks like the BBQ was fun. It was a little to chilly here for BBQ, but me and the hubby pigged out anyway.

Momisodes said...

A BARBEQUE! Oh how I miss the days where it's warm enough to grill :)

Looks like it was a great time!

Beth in NC said...

That does look like you had a great time with some sweet friends. Poor Cardinals. :o(

R and R Stacy said...

Yay, party time! Looks like you all had a great time. Great pictures!

Unknown said...

I am glad you had such a fun time. I am SO jealous that you can wear shorts. LOVE your facebook profile picture. You are a beauty.

Mel said...

The five F's were in attendence
