Thursday, February 19, 2009


I have a busy weekend coming up (starting tomorrow night). I'm so excited because I'm really looking forward to a couple of things! Earlier my girlfriend called me up and the conversation went something like this.

Jyl: "Hey Alicia, you have home fellowship on Friday's, huh?"

Me: "Yah, but it's at the Davallous' tomorrow and not our house."

Jyl: "Oh, I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere tomorrow night. I'm going for sure, but I have an extra ticket."

Me: (Still listening)

Jyl: "Would you be interested in CELINE DION?"

Me: "Oh, heck yes I would! What time?"

Jyl: "It's at 8 o'clock, at the HP Pavilion."


Jyl: "And we'll be in the suite with other people from my firm."

Me: "Okay..let me talk to Gabe and I'll call you RIGHT BACK because I'm in the bathroom right now. (Yah, I know, TMI)!

Me: "Honey..(I repeat verbatim)."

He didn't even get to respond because he could tell how excited I was!!!

Me: "Jyl...I'm in!!!!!"

"Just pick me up in front of my building and we can drive from there, plus, I have a parking pass."

So, for all you Celine Dion fans, I'll be seeing her tomorrow night!! I've always heard her concerts were awesome! Her voice is amazing, so I'm really looking forward to hearing her sing live!


Jane In The Jungle said...

Girl you are LUCKY!!! Have a great time!

Kimberly said...

Wow! Talk about a score! Have fun!!!

momstheword said...

Oh wow. She has such a lovely voice! I hope you have lots and lots of fun! Tell her I said "hi," hehehe!

Susie said...

Awesome!! I can't wait to hear about it!!

Mel said...

Have a blast!!! And please post pictures if you can

R and R Stacy said...

I've heard she is amazing!! Have a great time. I can't wait to hear all about it.

R and R Stacy said...
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Stephanie said...

Oh how lucky are you!!! I can't wait to hear all about it..take pics :)

Anonymous said...

Have a great time and be sure to tell us all about it. (Like you weren't going to anyway!!)

Laura said...

Ooh have fun! Take lots of pictures!

Stacy said...

Have lots of fun!!!

Mo said...

"Cause I'm your LADDDDY and you are my MAAANN..."

That's Celine right?

Concerts are awesome. Have fun!

Lisa said...

Have a good time, I love the song Have You Ever Been In Love.

JMBMOMMY said...

Oh, not a fan..but happy for you!! Have fun!!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

I don't own any of her music but I would jump at the chance to see her live. (But don't tell my DH...I think he'd disown me!)
Have a great time!

Casey's trio said...

Lucky you! Have a fantastic time!

L2L said...

Soooo jealous!!! The year after we moved overseas, she started her show in Vegas, well I'm still overseas and never got to see it. I loooove Celine Dion. Give a shout out for me, will ya!!! And take some pictures!!!!!!!

Denise said...

Woo Hoo, that is awesome my friend.

really.truly said...

I've heard she puts on an amazing show. Have fun!!!

Kelli W said...

Concerts are so much fun!! I hope you have a great time!

Anonymous said...

How lucky are you right now!!!!! I can't wait to hear all about it I know it will be an amazing concert adn to be in a suite COME ON!!!!!
Take LOTS of pictures!!

Melissa said...

you're so lucky!!! that's awesome!