Friday, February 6, 2009


This is one of my favorite memes! I look forward to this on Friday's! If you want to join in on the fun, click here!!

1. Have your children corrected you somehow this week? LOL, when have they not??

2. Are you waiting for a particular something to happen? Something particular? Hmmm..I'll tell you after three months! And no, I'm not pregnant!

3. Do you chat online? No! I used to when I first discovered IM, but now it feels like I'm obligated to stay online if I do.

4. What is the oldest thing you own? My husband. Just kidding! Um...probably our Suburban! It's a '96!

5. What's for dinner tonight? Well, we have home fellowship at our friends house so it is a potluck!

6. Are you artistic? No..not at all!! I'm surprised I even have a blog.

7. Are you getting an income tax refund? Plans for it? Yes! Plans? I know our vehicles need some maintenance work, and I would love to take a family vacation, Lord willing!

8. Do you use 'zero payments/zero interest for XX months' to buy things? only!


He & Me + 3 said...

Great list. Good for you cash only. That is us too these days. No more credit. Got us in too much trouble.

Mel said...

Super list...i was laughing at the oldest thing you own!! also stupendous on the cash only!!

Tina said...

2. Hmmm

4. Bwahahahha

7. It would be great to have a three months??? :)

8. Great job!

Thanks for playing, my friend!

McFurr said...

7. We used our refund last year for a vacation, but no such luck this year as we are almost debt free and want to be done with that.
8. Us too, sometimes people look at you crazy when you pay with cash, its absurd.

Anonymous said...

I just read like your four most recent posts! How fun. Your son is so sweet! And I love the pic of your daughter and son's shoes together! ((hugs))

Sweet Blessings said...

Your husband..silly:)LOL! I've seen your pictures you have an eye for art-apparently it's through a lens if not through your hands!! Blessings to you my friend!!! Amanda:)

Julie said...

So curious about the 3 month thing... :)

Elisabeth said...

Great answers!

Anonymous said...

I played too! I love Tina'a meme's. I answered # 4 the same way :)

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Great list! I'm with you on the cash only. Can't wait to hear about the 3 month thing :o)

Laura said...

Hahaha, loved you answer to #4!!

Denise said...

Wonderful list sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Ok, What's with the 3 months

Love ya,

Susie said...

What a great list. I can't wait to hear about the 3-month thing:-)

Anonymous said...

Cash only over here too!

Daphine said...

Great meme! Loved reading it. We're making our way to cash only purchases too. We've done well!!!

I've missed you friend!

joanofalltrades said...

I always like reading your Grilling Goodness because I get to see what we have in common. LOL @ #4!