Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Yes, you are in the right place! This is still me, Alicia @ More Than Words! I know, my place looks different, and I owe it all to Danielle at The Design Girl Studio Blogs (formerly Blogs By Danielle). I've had my eye on her for a long, long time (that sounds kinda creepy, I know), and I've always imagined a blog makeover from her. I am guilty of being very fickle considering I just had one done in October. I loved that blog makeover too, but I just felt like I needed a "change." Danielle is super friendly, and very easy to work with! I'm telling you, she is on it when it comes to emails also! I'm just so in awe with her work and how she literally came up with the layout on her own! I just had to pick the kit and the rest was all her! Thank you so much, Danielle!!!! Like I told you before, you are definitely blessed with a gift!!

Now, with that said, Danielle is offering a special! Now through Valentines Day, all blog makeovers are $15 off!! If I were you, and you really are considering getting one done...go!...go right now..before V-Day is over!!

And don't forget to grab my new button!!!


Melissa said...

Looks great!

Kudos to Danielle!

Jennifer Bowen said...

I love it! Your new blog is gorgeous. Tell Danielle she did a fantastic job. :)

Beth in NC said...

It does look really cute. I like the frames around your pictures -- nice touch!


Denise said...

Beautiful sweetie, love it.

Stacy said...

I love it!!! I like that you now have a picture in the header.

Susie said...

It looks great!

L2L said...

Doesn't she do an awesome job with buttons too!!!!! Gotta go change yours out now!!!!!!

Debra Kaye said...


Your blog looks great, my friend. I just won a blog makeover from Beth and I'm so excited to see what it is finally going to looks like!

Blessings to you!

Mel said...

I love it love it!! Danielle did mine as well, she is mega talented...it suits you to a T!!

Sharon said...

Yes your blog is beautiful, she did a great job, and I can feel your bubblyness that you like it as well.
Have a blessed day

Stephanie said...

That's awesome. Love the new look!

Christie said...

Beautiful blog!!

really.truly said...

Looks great!! I really like it :)

Sara said...

Love it! So cute!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

I love it my friend! Danielle did a great job!

R and R Stacy said...

I'm digging it! Looks great!

Anonymous said...

I love it, looks great!! I am like you I like to change mine up a lot. Next time I change I will check her out!

Anonymous said...

I really like this one. Love the new pics of Miranda and Danny


Anonymous said...

oh nicee ....
LOVE the new blog look!!! :D


Julie said...

LOVE it!! But I told you I would. I don't think Danielle has ever done one that looks bad! LOL! I'm suprised you went down to 2 columns though! Big change!

Laura said...

It looks so pretty!!! I have to change your button now :P

Jane In The Jungle said...

Oh it looks GREAT!!! She did a great job! I'll go check her out and take your button!!

Anonymous said...

Very Cute!!

Shoebee said...

Love it!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Neat...you switched to 2 column. I will have to check Danielle out.

Alicia W. said...

LOVE the new look!!!!

momstheword said...

Love the new look! Why did you switch from three columns to two columns? I'm going from two to three so I was wondering why you switched?

Momisodes said...

I love the new look here :) Danielle did a great job!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Love the new look...so clean!

McFurr said...

Looking good!

Daphine said...

LOOKS A-W-E-S-O-M-E-!! For a sec...I did think that I was at the wrong place. lol!

Kimberly said...

I had to do a double take. Love it!

Elizabeth said...

Just beautiful and I love it!

Anonymous said...

OMGOODNESS!!!! I am totally not as good at this as Danielle!!~ I wish!!!

I did Mary's - I hope she likes it - I know what I do would totally not be enough for you, I am afraid Mary will see yours and be all like "Can you do that instead?" LOL

Elisabeth said...

I love the new look!