Friday, February 13, 2009


I say this every week, but I love this meme! It's so easy and I enjoy answering Tina's questions. To join in on the fun, click here!

1. How long has your longest friendship been? 25 years!

2. What made you happy this week? In N' Out Burger. Double double with cheese/protein style!

3. Are you planning any kind of event right now? Well, I don't think you'd consider it an event, but for Valentine's Day we're going to dinner with two other couples here.

4. Do you wear your wedding ring? What is it made of? A girls best friend, of course! Gold & Diamonds!

5. Do you shave your legs in the winter? LOL..I just barely started doing that again!

6. What time do your kids go to bed? Haha..probably later than anyone elses!

7. Right this minute, is your laundry caught up? Never!

8. Do you want flowers for Valentine's Day? Honestly, I can do without flowers. I already told my hubby what I want. Gosh..don't I sound like such a hopeless romantic???


Mel said...

Alicia I love your Grillin Goodness answers every week they always make me smile.

I can relate to #7 in lots of ways!!

Sandra said...

I LOOOVE In'Out Burger. Gawsh I miss their burgers sooooo much. Mmmmmmmhmmmmm now you made me hungry haha.

McFurr said...

Anyone who ever says their laundry IS caught up probably fibs. :) I too love this meme!

Tina said...

1. Wow!

3. Dinner out is always fun, enjoy!

8. Ha...not sure I've ever requested what I want for V-Day, you go!

Must say, your blog is adorable.

Thanks for playing!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great dinner tonight and I am never caught up on my laundry either. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

Now I really need and in-and-out burger!! They only have one in Utha and it is like 4 hours away. I better start driving now for lunch :)

Susie said...

Great answers:-)

Kelli W said...

I love your answer to #7!! That would be my answer too!! Or I might just have to laugh at the fact that anyone ever has the laundry caught up!!

mama's smitten said...

Oh love this meme that you do! Your answers are always so fun! Hey stop by my blog today. I have something you deserve!

momstheword said...

I have never been to In'Out Burger. I keep thinking I should go but just never have. I guess I'm missing out!

Anonymous said...

Cute ! The fact that you put a link to House Of Prime Rib......

We were taliking last night that you wanted to change the header picture. I had my pictures backwards. The one of all of you guys at your friends I was thinking was up on top. That's the one I like.

Love ya, Lisa

joanofalltrades said...

Great list. I don't like flowers. I'd rather go somewhere than get presents of any kind.

The Blonde Duck said...

I really want to try In' Out burger. I've heard it's great!

He & Me + 3 said...

Love this. I don't care about the flowers either...they die.

Unknown said...

I hope you get everything you want for Valentines Day Alicia : ). You are the sweetest!

Laura said...

Im so jealous! I want an In and Out Burger! My kids stay up late, well, mainly Kyle, but it's really late for his age! Have a great weekend!

Julie said...

That is a great meme! What a great way to get to know you!

Denise said...

I enjoyed this, have a great valentines day.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

I'm sitting here wondering what is for dinner...all of a sudden In 'n Out is on my mind...wonder why? I get the grilled cheese with grilled onions, no tomatoes, though.

Anonymous said...

Well I have never even heard of an In 'n Out burger but is sounds yummy!
With as many children as we have laundry being caught up is just a dream.
Hope you have a great Valentine's Day!!

Momisodes said...

I love reading these lists about bloggers :)

Although, you're killing me with the In N' Out. It's the one thing I miss the most about California. I puffy heart their shakes with a double, double animal style....


Shauna said...

I am new here! What a great blog :)

Suzi said... and the fam had IN N OUT for dinner tonight. Have a great Valentine's Dinner with hubby and friends.

Daphine said...

You crack me up! Sweetie...people don't come any more honest than you friend! Referring to your response to 5,6,7,& 8! LOL! That's what I love about you!

Have a terrific weekend, Alicia!

tiki_lady said...

when, i think I couldn't like you more, I do!