Monday, May 25, 2009


The key word being "THEY"...

Do you recall my post last Monday when I said that we were going camping that Friday?

Do you remember how I wasn't that thrilled about going, but I was going to suck it up and go with a great attitude?

Well, it turns out that I didn't have to...

My youngest son Daniel still had a phlegmy cough, so we decided it was best that he stay home and get better before he gets worst (picture me with a big smile on my face, fist in the air, and saying, "YESSS!")

He was a little bummed out that he couldn't go, so I had to make sure he had a good time with me! Remember, he is my "BOYS BOY" and he would love nothing more than to be in dirt all weekend!

Of course, I had to take a picture of all of them before they left. And I don't know what's up with my oldest sons I don't know if he's still half asleep or if the sun's in his eyes?
"Peace out!"
Saying his goodbye to Mocha! Can you see her through the holes?
All packed up and ready to go!
Bikes on!
"Please...can I just go???" Just kidding, he wasn't doing that. He was just being silly!
So long, farewell...until we meet again!! In other words..."C-YA!!"
Of course, I wanted to make the most of mine and Daniel's alone time together, so we had this to look forward to later on!
And the next day, we did this! We saw #12 (Night At The Museum) with my mom. The movie was really cute! Better than the first one, in my opinion! Alot more action!
Danny & my mom before the movie. He was saying, "No more more pictures!" LOL
So, overall, it was a QUIET, RELAXING weekend!


Sarah A. Galang, Ph.D. said...

Hello, thanks for the visit again.
My sweetie loves camping with my sons too.
God bless

Denise said...

Sounds like a great time my friend.

Alicia W. said...

What a great weekend you guys had! You and you mom look so much alike. :o)

Have a great day!

Beth in NC said...

LOL! I know you were SO SAD to see them go. Girl, I don't think two more people would have fit in your truck. ha. Just as well.

I'm glad YOU had a great weekend. hee hee

jen@odbt said...

I think you and Daniel had the better weekend ;) I'm not much of a camper either. Hope he's feeling better. I think we're headed to see Night at the Museum today.

He & Me + 3 said...

I would be pumping my fist too about avoiding the whole camping trip. LOL
What fun he had with is always nice to have some one on one time.
Wow you look like your mother:) Gorgeous of course.

Daphine said...

This post had me totally cracking up! You are a trip! But, I would have been jumping up and down this one time that my kid was still sick! lol! I know it sounds awful, huh? lol!

We were going to go see this movie last night, but just ran out of time!

Love the picture of your Mom and son. Cute picture! Your mom looks GREAT!

I hope you're enjoying your holiday today!

Stacy said...

Now you know you are gonna have to go camping one! I want to go see that movie too. Well it looks like you ended you have a great weekend inside without any

Susie said...

Sounds like a GREAT weekend:-)

Pam said...

LOL! Sorry your son swick, but I think you got the best end of the camping deal!

Pam said...

I meant sick. : )

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

You lucky girl! Looks like Daniel had a relaxing but fun weekend with you...hope he's feeling better!

really.truly said...

You did not go! Looks like you had a fun weekend. And your "boys boy" still had fun! Poor thing.

We didn't visit our friends camping either...darn(LOL)Ross got sick, crazy huh.

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Oh, well. I guess that sometimes things work out for mommies after all! Movies sounds good!!! ;)

McCrakensx4 said...

Hope that he is feeling better and so glad that you were able to enjoy some time with him! And I wanna be sick at your house with all that fun stuff to do! We are taking the boys on tuesday to see Night at the Museum! Happy Memorial Day!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

looks like you had a lot of fun! I want to see Mall Cop and the kids can't wait to see Night at the Museum 2...they love the first one. In fact we watched it this weekend.

Unknown said...

How did they all manage camping without you? I mean I don´t know if mine could do it. without the cook they would be lost! LOL

Anonymous said...

So happy for you that your son is sick :) We saw that movie too, LOVED IT!!

amanda said...

camping for us is a big ole camper. and not a tent or anything. plus it has a bathroom shower etc. love it. my parents anyways. so we just visit them. but what fun to have a nice time with your son. and mommy of course!

Five Moms & A Blog said...

Well, it does sound like you all had a great weekend! That picture of him clinging to the car is sad though. Poor little guy! Makes me wanna take him camping! ha ha ha

Actually, we JUST GOT BACK from camping yesterday. Oh what an adventure THAT was. If you haven't read, go on over to my personal blog and check THAT out. It's a hoot.

Thanks for stopping by!


Mamí♥Picture said...

I am glad you got to spend a wonderful time with your son. You are such a Good COOL Mom!!! Hope Daniel is feeling better by Now. sending you love from Texas!!
Have a Blessing Monday!

Kristin said...

Isn't it great how something just work out! I love movies that sounds like the perfect weekend!

momstheword said...

I haven't camped in years and I am o.k. with that. It always gets my allergies going being in all those trees, etc. Glad you had fun!

Love the picture of Mocha in the sidebar. She's a cutie. To bad we don't live closer.

We could have a puppy playday!

Pilar said...

Sounds like you had a great time!

You gave me two ideas for movies to watch :)

So sorry you didn´t get your camping trip ... heheh ;)

Kelli W said...

It sounds like your "camping trip" turned out pretty good after all!! I guess this is one time when your kiddos being sick turned out good!! I'm glad you got to have fun with Daniel even though he wasn't feel the best!

Unknown said...

I am so glad you had a wonderful relaxing one on one weekend with Daniel! It sounds like a good time! Gary is dying to see mall cop! Did you laugh a lot? Hope your week is wonderful!

Shoebee said...

wow, better than the 1st night at the museum? I loved the 1st one.
Glad to see that you had some alone time with your little man

The Farmer Files said...

LOL and I was looking forward to your post on camping and surviving!

Helene said...

You know, it looks like it all worked out! And you got to have some one-on-one time with your son, which I'm sure he just loved! My kids love one-on-one time and it doesn't happen often!!

Darcie said...

Smiling about your luck over here! :o) Sorry your little guy had to be sick and miss it, but what I weekend the two of you had. Good for you.

Had to laugh at the back picture of your car...did they forget anything?

Stephanie said...

Can I just say that I think you planned that :) HaHa!!!! I hope everyone is feeling better around your house. My boys went to see Night at the Museum over the weekend too and they thought the first was better also.

Debbie said...

That sounds like a perfect time! I'm also glad you liked that movie. I loved the first one but had read bad reviews of this one.

Muthering Heights said...

It sounds like you two had a nice time special to a have one-on-one weekend!

Lisa said...

Alicia, I can't believe you did not want to go. I am sad that the family is going early this year and it will be the weekend of Emily's dance recital so we will be missing out. Girl, it is really fun I am serious.... Your kids are so cute, beautiful...I am glad you were happy and had a good time with Daniel although I hope you get another chance..honestly we love I should post some pics from then...the tents you can get are like little is a blast.

Serendipityissweet said...

Sounds great! Happy bday to your 12 year old!!!

Jane In The Jungle said...

Girl that would so be me also, WooHoo gotta stay home!! Looks like he enjoyed it!

Laura said...

hehehehe, yay! You didn't have to go camping!!! ;)

Neisha said...

So, I'm laughing at this post because I too, hate camping. There is no way you could get me to go. I would probably beg my son to say he was sick to get me out of it. Glad you had a great time with your mom and son in a movie theater with air conditioning and coming home to an actual shower. LOL