Monday, May 11, 2009


I thought I would give you guys a little update on our puppy, Mocha! She is about 14 weeks now, and has grown so much in the last few weeks! She totally has Chihuahua ears, but also resembles a Rat Terrier.

Oh my gosh..we are all just so in love with her! If she's not running around being a little rascal, one of the kids is carrying her! We have taught her to stop nipping/biting, and have learned so much from our Dog Whisperer DVD's..LOL!! She is still sleeping in my oldest daughters bed every night, and is getting good at the potty training (sometimes)!! So, here she is now! Isn't she super cute??



Susie said...

Totally super cute!

Kelli W said...

Ohmygoodness!! She is SUPER cute!! I love her ears!!

Stacy said...

Yes super cute! Zoe always calls them the Taco Bell dogs:)

really.truly said...

Super cute! I'm glad you all are having fun with her.

Denise said...

So cute, I really want a puppy.

jen@odbt said...

That is a cute dog - will she stay that little forever?

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!! What a cutie! Her ears are as big as her entire head!! :)

Lisa said...

Very Cute and looks so loved : )

Serendipityissweet said...

So so cute!!! And much smaller than our great dane puppy who's only a few weeks older. They'd be cute to watch together, lol.

Jane Anne said...

That is such a sweet puppy! I bet she gets lots of love at your house.

It is Food Allergy Awareness Week. Read my latest allergy post: Kindergarten Orientation was Exciting

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

awww she's adorable! I love how she has those big ole ears and little legs :P love her!

guess what? we just put a deposit down on a puppy today..squeeeee :) he's only two weeks right now so we wont' be able to bring him home for awhile but he is exactly what we've been looking for so we jumped at the chance! I can't wait to get some pics of him to share.

McCrakensx4 said...

What a cutie! She reminds me a little of the Taco Bell dog from once upon a time!

Melissa said...

Awww, she IS super cute! Can't believe she's already 14 weeks old!!!

Joyeful said...

She's just adorable, Alicia!
And I love your blog design! I had noticed you too on Danielle's site and I thought it was so fun to find you again in the MYHS meme! I love your Photo Flashback Idea, too! I've gotta have some fun with that one : )

momstheword said...

Oh she is adorable! I love puppies. Mine is getting so big. Well, not really as she only wears four pounds but that's bigger than when she weighed a pound and a half.

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

She is precious!!!

Unknown said...

What a great name! I love her. I can´t wait to show her to my youngest. He loves Chihuahuas!
We love dogs! We have one her name is Emmi. She is a bad missionary dog and a very good feminist. Maybe I will do a post about her someday. jeje
I am sure your puppy will turn out just great! she is adorable!

Daphine said...

She is sooooooooooo cute and sooooooooooo CLEAN looking! LOL! I am sure I am the only one who noticed, huh? lol!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

That face! Too adorable!

BrnEyedGal said...

As I told you before...that dog is just the cutest!

And if you lived next door to me, Id have to sneak out and grab her up! (LOVE the ears)

Muthering Heights said...

What a face! I just want to squeeze her!