Monday, May 18, 2009


I am linking up with my friend, Mom's The Word to participate in her Monday meme, "Making Your Home Sing Monday." It's a day when we share what we are doing to bless our families in our home. If you would like to join in, click here.

This Friday we're going camping with a bunch of our friends!

Approximately 10 adults and 22 kids!!!!!!!!!!

Some of you are probably thinking, "Wow, how fun!!"

I'm thinking, "Not!"

And it's not because I'm some kind of priss or girly girl.

I'm just not an outdoorsy, campy type person. Put me up in a hotel and I'll be a "happy camper." Heck, (is that a bad word?) I'll even take a motor home!

The friends we're going with all love camping and they have assured me that I will have fun! Not that I don't believe them...I'm sure I will share many a laugh while I'm there. It's just imagining myself sleeping in a tent, waking up feeling gross, looking gross, and then taking a shower in a stall (okay, yes, there are showers, but it's still outdoors)! Plus, my kids are constantly reminding me about camping, as if I have forgotten! My husband, on the other hand, is all excited because this is right up his alley. I actually feel somewhat responsible as to why we all have not gone camping before!

Anyway, with all that said, I will bless my family by being enthusiastic about going! I will have fun, and I will not be a martyr on this trip! I will just suck it up and "go with the flow." Who knows, I may end up having the time of my life! Yup, that's the attitude I'm going for!

But, I do know one thing.....

You will NOT see any pictures of ME!!!


Mamí♥Picture said...

Oh my goodness! that sound like fun, NOT!!! for a girly girly girl, lol I know what you mean, been there done that...
good luck my friend and stay away from the BUGS...

Pilar said...

I know how you feel, I rather be outdoors all day and then coming back to sleep at home but hey! at least you don´t have to go all weekend getting clean in a creak, they have showers, and I imagine then toilets.... it could be so much worse girl.... trying to give you some possitive thoughts :)

Becky said...

I learned a long time ago that camping is not necessarily a vacation, especially for a mom with little kids. And while I don't necessarily enjoy the dirt and primitive conditions, I do enjoy the scenery and creating family memories. Thinking of it as a change of scenery instead of a vacation really helped. And I'm sure your friends will do all they can to make it an enjoyable experience for you. Have a great time!

Susie said...

I used to love camping! Now, I don't know if I could get up after sleeping on the ground all night.

Stacy said...

As long as the weather is not too hot I'm fine. Our SS class is going camping( about 25 adults and 45 kids)and that is going to a fun time I'm sure. Do take pictures so we can see your trip. Hey we have even camped at Disney before! Have a great time:)

Beth in NC said...

Girl, I'm with you! I'd much rather be in the air conditioning and not sweat the second I take a shower. That is a horrible feeling.

But on another note, you're right -- you will have a lot of laughs.

Just take a hat girl.


Lisa said...

You will have the time of your life. Fellow camper here with the compound Filipino gang...but we were not outnumbered by children...yikes.
anyway you will have a good time, setting up the tent is the biggest pain but some tents are really neat like ours has a sunroom. Might I suggest air mattresses and a little heater in case it is cold because it may also be damp. Lots of change of clothes and the showers are not bad either, are you going to have electricity? If you do take a heater and prepare to have lots of fun, you sound like I used to and now we go every year.

Lisa said...

I forgot you are in california, take a

really.truly said...

I'm not a camper either...the whole bathroom thought scares me. We are supposed to visit some friends camping near us...I like that word "visit" instead of "join overnight". I will be in my own bed. Though, I'm excited to see how you like it. Maybe it will be our new favorite thing :)

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

We are camping this weekend too! There will be about 50 of us, but I must say, I HAVE to have my camper! Any other camping is NOT for me, so I feel your pain!

Kelli W said...

I hope you have a good time!! Camping always SEEMS like a good idea before you get started!! It is a lot of work...and I have little tip that we learned the hard way last year! DON'T leave any food in your tent or EVIL squirrels will attack you and really ruin your trip!! Good Luck!

DarcyLee said...

It's been so long since we've gone camping that I'm not sure if I still like it anymore. The whole idea of showering in a stall doesn't appeal to me as much now as it did when I was younger. All I can say is, have as much fun as you can! ;)

tiki_lady said...

camping pictures are the best! You will really like camping. jUst make sure you are prepared.
Pack fresh water if there isn't fresh water at your campsite.
Buy your self a double decker air mattress. Not the single air mattress a double decker! You will love it and it won't be so bad. Pack your pillow. Flashlights,

Your kids can play flashlight tag. pack cards, we like to play cards with a group of people. no we don't gamble. and NO strip poker either. LOL

be sure you are prepared if it rains, a tarp, rain ponchos.

depending how long you are gone, pack special treats that you can bring out each night, rice krispies for everyone, brownies or smores. OOHHH get jiffy pop popcorn. That is the best to watch it pop over the campfire.
we had an electric outlet at our campsite. So, I packed a rice cooker, a crock pot, curling iron and fan and an electric skillet.
NO, I did not short circuit our campsite. I used it one at a time.
We had chillie one night with rice, mmmmm good.
We also made honey bears on sticks.
YOu get pillsbury crescent rolls. Put a marshmellow on your stick and then wrap the crescent around your stick. Roast until bread is cooked. You could put honey or butter on it, but it is good to eat it just as is.

Can you tell I love camping. I can only camp if they have flushing toilets. I am looking forward to you coming back to telling us how your adventure went.

Anonymous said...

I am not a super girly girl but I can think of about 135 ways other than camping I could spend a weekend :)

Way to have a good attitude!! I am very impressed.

Lorrie said...

You stop that stinkin' thinkin' missy! You're just like my hubby! We're camping this weekend as well...with the youth group on the church grounds. I get totally excited and ready for tents and he's like...ugghhh...but he has to go...he's the youth minister.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Great attitude!

I love camping...but it is a lot of work with kids. We are going in a couple of weeks (and you won't be seeing any photos of me either!).

Sweet Blessings said...

just pretend you are an israelite:) hope you have a blast! my girls have been talking about camping for a couple of years now-planning on going sounds exciting-actually doing it-not so much:) what terrific memories you'll make!!

mama's smitten said...

Right there with ya! I am taking M camping next month for girl scouts! Can't wait to hear about your adventures!

momstheword said...

We camped in a tent one rainy weekend after we first got married. I refused to go again unless we bought a portapotty, which we did.

Then the next weekend it rained even harder and we had puddles in our tent so we bought a fairly cheap tent trailer.

In your case you're going in May in Cali and you'll be fine. Have fun and yes, take pictures!

You can always use baby powder to take the grease out of your hair in case you can't get to the shower that day.

momstheword said...

oooops! Forgot to say thank you for joining in today!!!!

Sara said...

Camping is fun when you are a kid and don't care about being dirty. Not so much when you are a grown up. You have fun with that.

HHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAA... sorry, I didn't mean to be so negative. Have a great time, i'm sure you'll LOVE it!!

Erin said...

As long as there are flush toilets and coin-op showers I'm good, otherwise, I'm not so good. (Wait, maybe I shouldn't have said you have flush toilets and coin-op showers?) I didn't mind the tent too much (except it would drive me crazy that people would leave their clothes on the ground and then track dirt it). Okay, I guess I'm prissy...I admit to really liking camping with our trailer. You know what, I'm just going to be quiet now...hugs...

Darcie said...

Alicia~I am right there with you. I feel bad that I don't like to camp, not that our family has much chance to go(thankgoodness). You are having a beautiful spirit about it though.

Can't wait to see all the pictures of your adventure. ;o)

Alicia The Snowflake said...

You are too funny my friend! I hope you have a good time! Just remember this good attitude when you are trying to get packed to go. That is always quite a job!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I have yet to try camping with my child in tow, but I can't imagine it would be that much fun.

Helene said...

I honestly would have the same reaction as you had! I just can't even imagine sleeping on the ground in a tent and having to use the potty outdoors. YUCK, sooo not my thang!!!

But I love that you are willing to be uncomfortable with your surroundings to enable your children and hubby to have a good time. And you know what, you may end up really enjoying it, just seeing how much they're enjoying it!! Sometimes I dread going places with my kids (um, like Chuck E Cheese) but then I'm glad I went because I love watching them have fun!

Five Moms & A Blog said...

Hey! Just wanted to stop by, say hi and "meet you" after following your link over from our new blog! Welcome!!! Good to meet new bloggers through this fun new little adventure of ours!


Lorie said...

In a Tent?

Denise said...

I have never been camping.

He & Me + 3 said...

you are so sweet. Not sure I could get excited about camping...even for my kids. LOL

Stephanie said...

Oh my we have to see pictures of you :) I triple dog dare you to post at least one picture of you while there...and I just know that you can't pass up a dare now,can you? :) Camping outdoors in a tent is not me either..growing up we had a camper and it was fun but in a tent never! My kids really want to go and I'm sure when the babies get older we'll tackle it but for now I'll just count myself lucky and live through you :)

McCrakensx4 said...

I hope you have not so much of a camper, but Brendan loved church camp last year! Too bad that will be the only time he gets to go...with church that is, not me!!

Muthering Heights said...

LOLOLOL, I'm the same idea of "camping" is taking a nap in a hammock!

Momisodes said...

LOL! I am definitely like you. I rather enjoy my bed...and flushing :)

You are such a good sport :)

Sawatzky family said...

I have a love/hate relationship with camping myself! lol
Hope it goes great for you!
Jsut watch out for the YUCKY bugs that hang around the "bathrooms" at night! GROSS!!!!!!!!! ;b

Leslie said...

I'm feeling your pain! We did a lot of camping when our daughter was little. My husband and her both LOVE to camp. I always tried to be a good sport and my husband was actually very sweet about it. He did ALL THE WORK! Setting up the tent, cooking, cleaning up. It was hard to complain. But still...

Daphine said...

LOL! Come have to take a pic of of when you first of arrive and of course a pic of you on the last day now......LOL!
Girl, you're better than me! No camping for this city girl. lol!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

LOL! I'm so with you on this one. I am not a prissy kind of gal but camping is not my forte'! LOL!