Wednesday, May 13, 2009


"Come on...I double dog dare ya!"
Doesn't it look like he's really thinking This is my almost 7 year old, Daniel (or Danny)!He is so funny!! We like to consider him our "boys boy" of the group! This kid has no fear, he's not a pushover, he's determined, yet he's the most soft spoken and sensitive of the bunch!! Go figure!!

Be sure to visit 5 Minutes For Mom for more Wordless Wednesday, and 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday.


Pilar said...

Love the photo!!! A boys boy and sweet... I don´t think he will ever have a problems getting girlfriends :)

Sara Elizabeth said...

Oh now he looks tough. hehe

This is a great shot. It made me giggle.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Americanising Desi said...

whaoo what a classy WW
Happy WW

Denise said...

Woo Hoo, love it.

Stacy said...

Great photo and the caption is great

One Mom said...

he just can't help being cool! gotta protect that sweet side!

Susie said...

Perfect for Wordless Wednesday. He is way too cool for words:-)

April said...

Hi Alicia!
I tell you, he is one COOL dude! Happy WW!

Alicia W. said...

Now that is way too cool! He is rockin out in his leathers and shades. love it! Great WW Alicia

Staci said...

lol! Too funny!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i love it! soooo cute!!!

Susan Cook said...

Cool dude! Looks like he's quite the character - lol

Happy WW - TFS

jen@odbt said...

Tough guy - I was thinking he was imitating Dog the Bounty Hunter. I loved your description of him.

Sherry said...

LOL.. love the picture!

Kelly said...

Right out of greece!! (the movie that is!) Happy WW!

Shoebee said...

How cute.
Your description of Danny sounds like my Danny (who is 6yrs also)-must be something about that name and age.

Pam said...

He looks very tough, but adorably cute!

tiarastantrums said...

cracks me up - my son would totally do that!

Darcie said...

Seriously too cute for words! Don't you just love how all our kids are so much alike, but yet So different! Makes for a great family.

really.truly said...

He is just too cool....and too cute!

Sandra said...

And so handsome too! Love that bad boy look with out the bad boy attitude!!!

Kelli W said...

He looks like one tough little dude!! SUPER cute though!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

awesome pic! what a tough dude!!!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

He looks like the ultimate tough kid! LOL! Great pic!

Claremont First Ward said...

Tres cool! :)

Cecily R said...

He's adorable!

Lisa said...

He is a cute little tough guy. The girls are going to love his

I am pre posted for Friday.....have I told you how much I love that I even got a scanner, gotta love my bil.

Laura said...

He looks like he could be the Terminator!! LOL

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh too cute! He definitely looks like he has attitude!

just another mother said...

Rock On!

momstheword said...

oh, a double-dog dare.....he is breaking out the big guns!!!!

Cute picture! He'll love looking back on that in a few years, lol!

AP Mommy said...

Too cute. :) Or he would prefer I say, too tough! :)

Ms. Latina said...

He is adorable, looks like quite the charmer! Isn't it always the ones with the toughest exterior that have the softest heart? I see that with my own too=) FYI:
All five of your children are adorable- now THATS a blessing! Happy WW!

MamaJoss said...

That's a tough cookie there! Boys are so funny :)

BrnEyedGal said...

So cute...I love boys!

Alicia...stop by my blog for the "One Lovely Blog" Award.
If anyone deserves it, you do my friend!!! :)

A Family Completed... said...

I love the tough dude look!

Staci A said...

Great photo! I wouldn't want to get in his way!

Together We Save said...

Love the picture. He sure looks tough. Enjoyed reading your blog. Looks like you have a very happy family. :-)

joanofalltrades said...

All he needs is a motorcycle and a hot chick.....LOL! Too cute!

Contreras Boys said...

Hilarious! I think I have a picture of my boys with sunglasses and buckets on their heads. I will have to dig that one out! LOL
Boys will be boys!

the time diff. btw Cali and Spain is 9 hours. Did you know my hubby is also from Cali? Not only is he Filipino but also from Cali. ;)

Unknown said...

ooops I was signed in as my boys. Talk about missing identity. :)

He & Me + 3 said...

That is so cute. He does look tough.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! He does look like he is saying that.

Amy said...

Cute pic! He looks tough! Thanks for stopping and in and leaving such a wonderful comment.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

So, don't tell him I said so though. Tell him I said he looks tough!

Mozi Esme said...

Looks like a tough kid! I love it...

Aunt Julie said...

Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing...

Stephanie said...

Whoo he looks dangerous :)

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

What a tough guy! Looks like he's saying, "Bring it!"

ChefDruck said...

What a great picture! He looks like Elvis!

~Sandy~ said...

awesome pic! so cool too :O) happy ww!!

Daphine said...

Oh girl!!!! lol! This photo is ADORABLE!!! He is such a cutie!

Krisha said...

He is sooo cute!

scrappysue said...

he looks like he has such personality! love your blog design too -= thanks for stopping by!

debi9kids said...

OMGosh! What a cool dude!!!!

Melissa said...

he looks like a "cool dude"! :o)

Miti said...

Bad to the Bone
Ba Ba Ba Ba Bad
Bad to the Bone!

Made me think of that song. So funny!

Muthering Heights said...

LOLOL, that is such a funny, cute photo!