Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Mother's Day was a blessing! It started off with a wonderful service at church! The message really spoke to my mom, so she was really blessed.

I got lots of goodies that my kids made in class, my sister in law gave me the Love Dare book, and my sweet friend Marlene gave me a prayer journal!

After service, we went to lunch with my mom. We love Macaroni Grill! Totally kid friendly with affordable prices! Yah..my kind of place! After lunch, we came home and watched The Case Of Benjamin Button, and then went back to church for the evening service!

Me, my mom, & my kiddos before we left church.
I love this picture of them! They all look naturally happy..lol.
Me & my mom! Everyone at church kept telling her she looked more like my sister. I know that's a compliment for her, but what does that say about me..lol?? She's lookin' pretty darn good for 63!
Preparing the olive oil for the bread! Yum!
Veronica and her self portrait!
My fave dish from there. Fettucini Alfredo with shrimp!
My mom's lasagna looked yummy too!
Isaiah's pizza...mmm..mmm!
I would have taken pictures of everyone elses food but my husband started to get annoyed. He was like, "Let them eat now." Hehe.


Pilar said...

Macarroni Grill.... my favorite place to eat in the world..... That will be the first restaurant I will go to when I go back to the States. Chicken scampi and penne rustica..... wow..... I am hungry! :)

Denise said...

Your family is so lovely.

Susie said...

It looks like you had an awesome Mother's Day!! That's great:-)

Stacy said...

Looks like your Maother's Day was great! Yeah my hubby says everyone is looking at me while I am taking pics of our food...lol.

Lisa said...

it worked Alicia, thank you.

Looks like you had a wonderful mother's day. don't worry you don't look older than your mother all of my Filipino in laws look way young, I think it is just natural in your skin...of course Mary Kay products will help keep your skin even younger looking....lol
The food looks wonderful...now do you guys strip the shrimp, my in laws don't and I can't eat that way...loo
Your kids are just doll babies, I love them like my own.

jen@odbt said...

It's been a long time since I've been to Macaroni Grill - good to know it's kid friendly. Glad you had a wonderful day surrounded by your loved ones. I agree - your mom looks fantastic. Filipinos know how to age well :) At least I hope I do too.

Stephanie said...

Don't you love how you can draw on the table there :)

really.truly said...

Yum! I love bread dipped in olive oil. What a great day! Food, family and fun....awesome.

Alicia W. said...

What a great mothers day you had Alicia! Your whole family looked so great all dolled up too. How was the movie? I have been wanting to see that. Have a great day sweetie.

L2L said...

something funny I never ate at Macaroni Grill until I came to Okinawa and I love it!!!!! Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day. I decided that I wanted to eat somewhere that I knew there wouldn't be a crowd so we went to a 50's burger joint. Had a chili cheese burger, man was it good!!!!

Kelli W said...

What a great picture of you, your mom, and your kids! All that food looks so yummy!!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

Sounds like it was great! I must admit I am jealous! I wanted Macaroni Grill so BAD, but we don't have one here!

Sara said...

Yum! Love Mac Grill, and yours is my fave dish too! Your mom is beautiful, and looks very young, but so do you. I have a family like that too, no one looks their real age. You will love it in about 20 years! LOL! I'm glad you had a good mothers day! You deserve it !

Laura said...

I've never been to Macaroni Grill! Your food looks awesome. LOL. I love that you take pictures of all the food, hehe!

momstheword said...

I have never heard of Macaroni Grill but I think my kids would have loved it when they were little. Maybe they would even now.

Awesome pictures, y'all look so pretty/handsome. Your mom looks awesome!

Lisa said...

I'm glad you had a good day.
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Ummmm! Macaroni Grill!!! that is one of our favorite places to eat. You look just like your Mom. I'm glad you had a Great Mother's Day.

He & Me + 3 said...

Seriously, those food pictures that you post always make me wish I was part of your family going out to eat. LOL YUM
Glad you had a nice MOther's Day. You deserved it!

Marja said...

Sounds like a great mother's day! your mom does look so young...but you gotta think you look so young too. (I almost said "for your age" LOL!) I think it's hereditary. I love Macarooni Grill too. That's my dad's favorite restaraunt. MMMM. I have a recipe for bread just about like theirs. Maybe I'll make it tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a great Mother's Day!! Your mom does look great!!

amanda said...

you've officially made me hungry with that pizza picture. i've been craving pizza. macaroni grill is not something we have around here. it sounds super. and olive oil and bread. what can get better than that!! :0)

Kelly said...

Mmmm, my favorite!! Good think I ate dinner before reading this! Happy Mother's day!

Leslie said...

What a wonderful Mother's Day you had! I've never been to Macaroni Grill, but we have one around us. Your pics look delish, I'm thinking I need to try them out!

Aubrey said...

Your mother looks GREAT! Hooray for good genes!!

LOVE the Macaroni Grill. Yum!

I'm so glad you had a wonderful day!

Daphine said...

Great pictures as usual! Love the one of you and your mom! She looks awesome to be 63 years old! WOW! I hope I look that good when I am that age! Glad you had a great Mother's Day!

McCrakensx4 said...

What a great picture of the 3 generations! And the food looks so yummy!

Darcie said...

What a lovely looking Mothers Day! I believe you will look just as young as your momma when you get to her age, you both are so pretty!

Beth in NC said...

Your mother is beautiful and so are you!

Girl, that food looks GREAT!

tiki_lady said...

what a great day you had!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Mother's Day! :)

BrnEyedGal said...

Im glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day...
Your mother is just beautiful too!
(Fettucini...yummmmm, LOL)

Muthering Heights said...

Yummm, this post is making me drool!

The Farmer Files said...

Happy Mother's Day! My favorite was your daughter's self portrait, and that you took a picture! So often i don't feel like I save enough and I wish I took more pictures!

Kristin said...

What a beautiful Mother's Day photo - and you and your Mom are both so pretty! Looks like you had a special day...that's great!